Source code for pygrass.modules.grid.grid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import,
                        with_statement, print_function, unicode_literals)
import contextlib
import os
import sys
import multiprocessing as mltp
import subprocess as sub
import shutil as sht

from grass.script.setup import write_gisrc

from grass.pygrass.gis import Mapset, Location
from grass.pygrass.gis.region import Region
from grass.pygrass.modules import Module
from grass.pygrass.utils import get_mapset_raster, findmaps

from grass.pygrass.modules.grid.split import split_region_tiles
from grass.pygrass.modules.grid.patch import rpatch_map

[docs]def select(parms, ptype): """Select only a certain type of parameters. :param parms: a DictType parameter with inputs or outputs of a Module class :type parms: DictType parameters :param ptype: String define the type of parameter that we want to select, valid ptype are: 'raster', 'vector', 'group' :type ptype: str :returns: An iterator with the value of the parameter. >>> slp = Module('r.slope.aspect', ... elevation='ele', slope='slp', aspect='asp', ... run_=False) >>> for rast in select(slp.outputs, 'raster'): ... print(rast) ... slp asp """ for k in parms: par = parms[k] if par.type == ptype or par.typedesc == ptype and par.value: if par.multiple: for val in par.value: yield val else: yield par.value
[docs]def copy_special_mapset_files(path_src, path_dst): """Copy all the special GRASS files that are contained in a mapset to another mapset :param path_src: the path to the original mapset :type path_src: str :param path_dst: the path to the new mapset :type path_dst: str """ for fil in (fi for fi in os.listdir(path_src) if fi.isupper()): sht.copy(os.path.join(path_src, fil), path_dst)
[docs]def copy_mapset(mapset, path): """Copy mapset to another place without copying raster and vector data. :param mapset: a Mapset instance to copy :type mapset: Mapset object :param path: path where the new mapset must be copied :type path: str :returns: the instance of the new Mapset. >>> from grass.script.core import gisenv >>> mname = gisenv()['MAPSET'] >>> mset = Mapset() >>> == mname True >>> import tempfile as tmp >>> import os >>> path = os.path.join(tmp.gettempdir(), 'my_loc', 'my_mset') >>> copy_mapset(mset, path) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Mapset(...) >>> sorted(os.listdir(path)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [...'PERMANENT'...] >>> sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(path, 'PERMANENT'))) ['DEFAULT_WIND', 'PROJ_INFO', 'PROJ_UNITS', 'VAR', 'WIND'] >>> sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(path, mname))) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [...'WIND'...] >>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(path) """ per_old = os.path.join(mapset.gisdbase, mapset.location, 'PERMANENT') per_new = os.path.join(path, 'PERMANENT') map_old = mapset.path() map_new = os.path.join(path, if not os.path.isdir(per_new): os.makedirs(per_new) if not os.path.isdir(map_new): os.mkdir(map_new) copy_special_mapset_files(per_old, per_new) copy_special_mapset_files(map_old, map_new) gisdbase, location = os.path.split(path) return Mapset(, location, gisdbase)
[docs]def read_gisrc(gisrc): """Read a GISRC file and return a tuple with the mapset, location and gisdbase. :param gisrc: the path to GISRC file :type gisrc: str :returns: a tuple with the mapset, location and gisdbase >>> import os >>> from grass.script.core import gisenv >>> genv = gisenv() >>> (read_gisrc(os.environ['GISRC']) == (genv['MAPSET'], ... genv['LOCATION_NAME'], ... genv['GISDBASE'])) True """ with open(gisrc, 'r') as gfile: gis = dict([(k.strip(), v.strip()) for k, v in [row.split(':', 1) for row in gfile]]) return gis['MAPSET'], gis['LOCATION_NAME'], gis['GISDBASE']
[docs]def get_mapset(gisrc_src, gisrc_dst): """Get mapset from a GISRC source to a GISRC destination. :param gisrc_src: path to the GISRC source :type gisrc_src: str :param gisrc_dst: path to the GISRC destination :type gisrc_dst: str :returns: a tuple with Mapset(src), Mapset(dst) """ msrc, lsrc, gsrc = read_gisrc(gisrc_src) mdst, ldst, gdst = read_gisrc(gisrc_dst) path_src = os.path.join(gsrc, lsrc, msrc) path_dst = os.path.join(gdst, ldst, mdst) if not os.path.isdir(path_dst): os.makedirs(path_dst) copy_special_mapset_files(path_src, path_dst) src = Mapset(msrc, lsrc, gsrc) dst = Mapset(mdst, ldst, gdst) visible = [m for m in src.visible] if not in visible: visible.append( dst.visible.extend(visible) return src, dst
[docs]def copy_groups(groups, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, region=None): """Copy group from one mapset to another, crop the raster to the region :param groups: a list of strings with the group that must be copied from a master to another. :type groups: list of strings :param gisrc_src: path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups :type gisrc_src: str :param gisrc_dst: path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created :type gisrc_dst: str :param region: a region like object or a dictionary with the region parameters that will be used to crop the rasters of the groups :type region: Region object or dictionary :returns: None """ env = os.environ.copy() # instantiate modules get_grp = Module('', flags='lg', stdout_=sub.PIPE, run_=False) set_grp = Module('') get_grp.run_ = True rmloc = lambda r: r.split('@')[0] if '@' in r else r src = read_gisrc(gisrc_src) dst = read_gisrc(gisrc_dst) rm = True if src[2] != dst[2] else False all_rasts = [r[0] for r in findmaps('raster', location=dst[1], gisdbase=dst[2])] for grp in groups: # change gisdbase to src env['GISRC'] = gisrc_src get_grp(group=grp, env_=env) rasts = [r for r in get_grp.outputs.stdout.split()] # change gisdbase to dst env['GISRC'] = gisrc_dst rast2cp = [r for r in rasts if rmloc(r) not in all_rasts] if rast2cp: copy_rasters(rast2cp, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, region=region) set_grp(group=grp, input=[rmloc(r) for r in rasts] if rast2cp or rm else rasts, env_=env)
[docs]def set_region(region, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, env): """Set a region into two different mapsets. :param region: a region like object or a dictionary with the region parameters that will be used to crop the rasters of the groups :type region: Region object or dictionary :param gisrc_src: path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups :type gisrc_src: str :param gisrc_dst: path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created :type gisrc_dst: str :param env: :type env: :returns: None """ reg_str = "g.region n=%(north)r s=%(south)r " \ "e=%(east)r w=%(west)r " \ "nsres=%(nsres)r ewres=%(ewres)r" reg_cmd = reg_str % dict(region.items()) env['GISRC'] = gisrc_src sub.Popen(reg_cmd, shell=True, env=env) env['GISRC'] = gisrc_dst sub.Popen(reg_cmd, shell=True, env=env)
[docs]def copy_rasters(rasters, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, region=None): """Copy rasters from one mapset to another, crop the raster to the region. :param rasters: a list of strings with the raster map that must be copied from a master to another. :type rasters: list :param gisrc_src: path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups :type gisrc_src: str :param gisrc_dst: path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created :type gisrc_dst: str :param region: a region like object or a dictionary with the region parameters that will be used to crop the rasters of the groups :type region: Region object or dictionary :returns: None """ env = os.environ.copy() if region: set_region(region, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, env) path_dst = os.path.join(*read_gisrc(gisrc_dst)[::-1]) nam = "copy%d__%s" % (id(gisrc_dst), '%s') # instantiate modules mpclc = Module('r.mapcalc') rpck = Module('r.pack') rupck = Module('r.unpack') remove = Module('g.remove') for rast in rasters: rast_clean = rast.split('@')[0] if '@' in rast else rast # change gisdbase to src env['GISRC'] = gisrc_src name = nam % rast_clean mpclc(expression="%s=%s" % (name, rast), overwrite=True, env_=env) file_dst = "%s.pack" % os.path.join(path_dst, name) rpck(input=name, output=file_dst, overwrite=True, env_=env) remove(flags='f', type='raster', name=name, env_=env) # change gisdbase to dst env['GISRC'] = gisrc_dst rupck(input=file_dst, output=rast_clean, overwrite=True, env_=env) os.remove(file_dst)
[docs]def copy_vectors(vectors, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst): """Copy vectors from one mapset to another, crop the raster to the region. :param vectors: a list of strings with the vector map that must be copied from a master to another. :type vectors: list :param gisrc_src: path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups :type gisrc_src: str :param gisrc_dst: path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created :type gisrc_dst: str :returns: None """ env = os.environ.copy() path_dst = os.path.join(*read_gisrc(gisrc_dst)) nam = "copy%d__%s" % (id(gisrc_dst), '%s') # instantiate modules vpck = Module('v.pack') vupck = Module('v.unpack') remove = Module('g.remove') for vect in vectors: # change gisdbase to src env['GISRC'] = gisrc_src name = nam % vect file_dst = "%s.pack" % os.path.join(path_dst, name) vpck(input=name, output=file_dst, overwrite=True, env_=env) remove(flags='f', type='vector', name=name, env_=env) # change gisdbase to dst env['GISRC'] = gisrc_dst vupck(input=file_dst, output=vect, overwrite=True, env_=env) os.remove(file_dst)
[docs]def get_cmd(cmdd): """Transform a cmd dictionary to a list of parameters. It is useful to pickle a Module class and cnvert into a string that can be used with `Popen(get_cmd(cmdd), shell=True)`. :param cmdd: a module dictionary with all the parameters :type cmdd: dict >>> slp = Module('r.slope.aspect', ... elevation='ele', slope='slp', aspect='asp', ... overwrite=True, run_=False) >>> get_cmd(slp.get_dict()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ['r.slope.aspect', 'elevation=ele', 'format=degrees', ..., '--o'] """ cmd = [cmdd['name'], ] cmd.extend(("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in cmdd['inputs'] if not isinstance(v, list))) cmd.extend(("%s=%s" % (k, ','.join(vals if isinstance(vals[0], str) else [repr(v) for v in vals])) for k, vals in cmdd['inputs'] if isinstance(vals, list))) cmd.extend(("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in cmdd['outputs'] if not isinstance(v, list))) cmd.extend(("%s=%s" % (k, ','.join([repr(v) for v in vals])) for k, vals in cmdd['outputs'] if isinstance(vals, list))) cmd.extend(("-%s" % (flg) for flg in cmdd['flags'] if len(flg) == 1)) cmd.extend(("--%s" % (flg[0]) for flg in cmdd['flags'] if len(flg) > 1)) return cmd
[docs]def cmd_exe(args): """Create a mapset, and execute a cmd inside. :param args: is a tuple that contains several information see below :type args: tuple :returns: None The puple has to contain: - bbox (dict): a dict with the region parameters (n, s, e, w, etc.) that we want to set before to apply the command. - mapnames (dict): a dictionary to substitute the input if the domain has been split in several tiles. - gisrc_src (str): path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups. - gisrc_dst (str): path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created. - cmd (dict): a dictionary with all the parameter of a GRASS module. - groups (list): a list of strings with the groups that we want to copy in the mapset. """ bbox, mapnames, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, cmd, groups = args src, dst = get_mapset(gisrc_src, gisrc_dst) env = os.environ.copy() env['GISRC'] = gisrc_dst shell = True if sys.platform == 'win32' else False if mapnames: inputs = dict(cmd['inputs']) # reset the inputs to for key in mapnames: inputs[key] = mapnames[key] cmd['inputs'] = inputs.items() # set the region to the tile sub.Popen(['g.region', 'raster=%s' % key], shell=shell, env=env).wait() else: # set the computational region lcmd = ['g.region', ] lcmd.extend(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in bbox.items()]) sub.Popen(lcmd, shell=shell, env=env).wait() if groups: copy_groups(groups, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst) # run the grass command sub.Popen(get_cmd(cmd), shell=shell, env=env).wait() # remove temp GISRC os.remove(gisrc_dst)
[docs]class GridModule(object): # TODO maybe also i.* could be supported easily """Run GRASS raster commands in a multiprocessing mode. :param cmd: raster GRASS command, only command staring with r.* are valid. :type cmd: str :param width: width of the tile, in pixel :type width: int :param height: height of the tile, in pixel. :type height: int :param overlap: overlap between tiles, in pixel. :type overlap: int :param processes: number of threads, default value is equal to the number of processor available. :param split: if True use r.tile to split all the inputs. :type split: bool :param mapset_prefix: if specified created mapsets start with this prefix :type mapset_prefix: str :param run_: if False only instantiate the object :type run_: bool :param args: give all the parameters to the command :param kargs: give all the parameters to the command >>> grd = GridModule('r.slope.aspect', ... width=500, height=500, overlap=2, ... processes=None, split=False, ... elevation='elevation', ... slope='slope', aspect='aspect', overwrite=True) >>> """ def __init__(self, cmd, width=None, height=None, overlap=0, processes=None, split=False, debug=False, region=None, move=None, log=False, start_row=0, start_col=0, out_prefix='', mapset_prefix=None, *args, **kargs): kargs['run_'] = False self.mset = Mapset() self.module = Module(cmd, *args, **kargs) self.width = width self.height = height self.overlap = overlap self.processes = processes self.region = region if region else Region() self.start_row = start_row self.start_col = start_col self.out_prefix = out_prefix self.log = log self.move = move self.gisrc_src = os.environ['GISRC'] self.n_mset, self.gisrc_dst = None, None if self.move: self.n_mset = copy_mapset(self.mset, self.move) self.gisrc_dst = write_gisrc(self.n_mset.gisdbase, self.n_mset.location, rasters = [r for r in select(self.module.inputs, 'raster')] if rasters: copy_rasters(rasters, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst, region=self.region) vectors = [v for v in select(self.module.inputs, 'vector')] if vectors: copy_vectors(vectors, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst) groups = [g for g in select(self.module.inputs, 'group')] if groups: copy_groups(groups, self.gisrc_src, self.gisrc_dst, region=self.region) self.bboxes = split_region_tiles(region=region, width=width, height=height, overlap=overlap) if mapset_prefix: self.msetstr = mapset_prefix + "_%03d_%03d" else: self.msetstr = cmd.replace('.', '') + "_%03d_%03d" self.inlist = None if split: self.split() self.debug = debug def __del__(self): if self.gisrc_dst: # remove GISRC file os.remove(self.gisrc_dst)
[docs] def clean_location(self, location=None): """Remove all created mapsets. :param location: a Location instance where we are running the analysis :type location: Location object """ if location is None: if self.n_mset: self.n_mset.current() location = Location() mapsets = location.mapsets(self.msetstr.split('_')[0] + '_*') for mset in mapsets: Mapset(mset).delete() if self.n_mset and self.n_mset.is_current(): self.mset.current()
[docs] def split(self): """Split all the raster inputs using r.tile""" rtile = Module('r.tile') inlist = {} for inm in select(self.module.inputs, 'raster'): rtile(input=inm.value, output=inm.value, width=self.width, height=self.height, overlap=self.overlap) patt = '%s-*' % inm.value inlist[inm.value] = sorted(self.mset.glist(type='raster', pattern=patt)) self.inlist = inlist
[docs] def get_works(self): """Return a list of tuble with the parameters for cmd_exe function""" works = [] reg = Region() if self.move: mdst, ldst, gdst = read_gisrc(self.gisrc_dst) else: ldst, gdst = self.mset.location, self.mset.gisdbase cmd = self.module.get_dict() groups = [g for g in select(self.module.inputs, 'group')] for row, box_row in enumerate(self.bboxes): for col, box in enumerate(box_row): inms = None if self.inlist: inms = {} cols = len(box_row) for key in self.inlist: indx = row * cols + col inms[key] = "%s@%s" % (self.inlist[key][indx], # set the computational region, prepare the region parameters bbox = dict([(k[0], str(v)) for k, v in box.items()[:-2]]) bbox['nsres'] = '%f' % reg.nsres bbox['ewres'] = '%f' % reg.ewres new_mset = self.msetstr % (self.start_row + row, self.start_col + col), works.append((bbox, inms, self.gisrc_src, write_gisrc(gdst, ldst, new_mset), cmd, groups)) return works
[docs] def define_mapset_inputs(self): """Add the mapset information to the input maps """ for inmap in self.module.inputs: inm = self.module.inputs[inmap] if inm.type in ('raster', 'vector') and inm.value: if '@' not in inm.value: mset = get_mapset_raster(inm.value) inm.value = inm.value + '@%s' % mset
[docs] def run(self, patch=True, clean=True): """Run the GRASS command :param patch: set False if you does not want to patch the results :type patch: bool :param clean: set False if you does not want to remove all the stuff created by GridModule :type clean: bool """ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: if clean: stack.callback(self._clean) self._actual_run(patch=patch)
def _actual_run(self, patch): """Run the GRASS command :param patch: set False if you does not want to patch the results """ self.module.flags.overwrite = True self.define_mapset_inputs() if self.debug: for wrk in self.get_works(): cmd_exe(wrk) else: pool = mltp.Pool(processes=self.processes) result = pool.map_async(cmd_exe, self.get_works()) result.wait() pool.close() pool.join() if not result.successful(): raise RuntimeError(_("Execution of subprocesses was not successful")) if patch: if self.move: os.environ['GISRC'] = self.gisrc_dst self.n_mset.current() self.patch() os.environ['GISRC'] = self.gisrc_src self.mset.current() # copy the outputs from dst => src routputs = [self.out_prefix + o for o in select(self.module.outputs, 'raster')] copy_rasters(routputs, self.gisrc_dst, self.gisrc_src) else: self.patch() if self.log: # record in the temp directory from grass.lib.gis import G_tempfile tmp, dummy = os.path.split(G_tempfile()) tmpdir = os.path.join(tmp, for k in self.module.outputs: par = self.module.outputs[k] if par.typedesc == 'raster' and par.value: dirpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) fil = open(os.path.join(dirpath, self.out_prefix + par.value), 'w+') fil.close() def _clean(self): """Cleanup temporary data""" self.clean_location() self.rm_tiles() if self.n_mset: gisdbase, location = os.path.split(self.move) self.clean_location(Location(location, gisdbase)) # rm temporary gis_rc os.remove(self.gisrc_dst) self.gisrc_dst = None sht.rmtree(os.path.join(self.move, "PERMANENT")) sht.rmtree(os.path.join(self.move,
[docs] def patch(self): """Patch the final results.""" bboxes = split_region_tiles(width=self.width, height=self.height) noutputs = 0 for otmap in self.module.outputs: otm = self.module.outputs[otmap] if otm.typedesc == 'raster' and otm.value: rpatch_map(otm.value,, self.msetstr, bboxes, self.module.flags.overwrite, self.start_row, self.start_col, self.out_prefix) noutputs += 1 if noutputs < 1: msg = 'No raster output option defined for <{}>'.format( if == 'r.mapcalc': msg += '. Use <{}.simple> instead'.format( raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def rm_tiles(self): """Remove all the tiles.""" # if split, remove tiles if self.inlist: grm = Module('g.remove') for key in self.inlist: grm(flags='f', type='raster', name=self.inlist[key])