Source code for
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Jun 23 13:40:19 2013
@author: pietro
dcont = """ <tr>
[docs]def dict2html(dic, keys=None, border='',
kfmt='%s', kdec='', kfun=None,
vfmt='%s', vdec='', vfun=None):
"""Return a html repr of a dictionary.
:param dict dic: dictionary or object with `keys` and `items` methods
:param keys: iterable objectwith only the keys that we want to display
:param str border: could be: "0", "1", etc.
:param str kfmt: string to format the key string (i.e. "%r", etc.)
:param str kdec: string to decorate the key (i.e. "b", "i", etc.)
:param str vfmt: string to format the value string (i.e. "%r", etc.)
:param str vdec: string to decorate the value (i.e. "b", "i", etc.)
>>> dic = {'key 0': 0, 'key 1': 1}
>>> print (dict2html(dic))
<td>key 0</td>
<td>key 1</td>
>>> print (dict2html(dic, border="1"))
<table border='1'>
<td>key 0</td>
<td>key 1</td>
>>> print (dict2html(dic, kdec='b', vfmt='%05d', vdec='i'))
<td><b>key 0</b></td>
<td><b>key 1</b></td>
>>> dic = {'key 0': (2, 3), 'key 1': (10, 5)}
>>> print (dict2html(dic, kdec='b', vdec='i',
... vfun=lambda x: "%d<sup>%.1f</sup>" % x))
<td><b>key 0</b></td>
<td><b>key 1</b></td>
def fun(x):
return x
keys = keys if keys else sorted(dic.keys())
header = "<table border=%r>" % border if border else "<table>"
kd = "<%s>%s</%s>" % (kdec, kfmt, kdec) if kdec else kfmt
vd = "<%s>%s</%s>" % (vdec, vfmt, vdec) if vdec else vfmt
kfun = kfun if kfun else fun
vfun = vfun if vfun else fun
content = [dcont.format(key=kd % kfun(k), value=vd % vfun(dic[k]))
for k in keys]
return '\n'.join([header, ] + content + ['</table>', ])