Source code for pygrass.tests.benchmark

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jun 16 20:24:56 2012

@author: soeren
from __future__ import (nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import,
                        with_statement, print_function, unicode_literals)

import optparse
#import numpy as np
import time
import collections
import copy
import cProfile
import sys, os
from jinja2 import Template

import grass.lib.gis as libgis
import grass.lib.raster as libraster
import grass.script as core
import grass.pygrass
import ctypes

[docs]def test__RasterSegment_value_access__if(): test_a = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_a")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_c")"w", mtype="CELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) for col in range(test_a.cols): test_c.put(row, col, buff_a[col] > 50) test_a.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__RasterSegment_value_access__add(): test_a = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_a")"r") test_b = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_b")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_c")"w", mtype="DCELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) buff_b = pygrass.Buffer(test_b.cols, test_b.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) test_b.get_row(row,buff_b) for col in range(test_a.cols): test_c.put(row, col, buff_a[col] + buff_b[col]) test_a.close() test_b.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__RasterSegment_row_access__if(): test_a = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_a")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_c")"w", mtype="CELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) test_c.put_row(row, buff_a > 50) test_a.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__RasterSegment_row_access__add(): test_a = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_a")"r") test_b = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_b")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterSegment(name="test_c")"w", mtype="DCELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) buff_b = pygrass.Buffer(test_b.cols, test_b.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) test_b.get_row(row,buff_b) test_c.put_row(row, buff_a + buff_b) test_a.close() test_b.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__RasterRow_value_access__add(): test_a = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_a")"r") test_b = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_b")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_c")"w", mtype="FCELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) buff_b = pygrass.Buffer(test_b.cols, test_b.mtype) buff_c = pygrass.Buffer(test_b.cols, test_b.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) test_b.get_row(row,buff_b) for col in range(test_a.cols): buff_c[col] = buff_a[col] + buff_b[col] test_c.put_row(buff_c) test_a.close() test_b.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__RasterRow_value_access__if(): test_a = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_a")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_c")"w", mtype="CELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) buff_c = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) for col in range(test_a.cols): buff_c[col] = buff_a[col] > 50 test_c.put_row(buff_c) test_a.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__RasterRowIO_row_access__add(): test_a = pygrass.RasterRowIO(name="test_a")"r") test_b = pygrass.RasterRowIO(name="test_b")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterRowIO(name="test_c")"w", mtype="FCELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) buff_b = pygrass.Buffer(test_b.cols, test_b.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) test_b.get_row(row,buff_b) test_c.put_row(buff_a + buff_b) test_a.close() test_b.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__RasterRowIO_row_access__if(): test_a = pygrass.RasterRowIO(name="test_a")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterRowIO(name="test_c")"w", mtype="CELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) test_c.put_row(buff_a > 50) test_a.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__RasterRow_row_access__add(): test_a = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_a")"r") test_b = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_b")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_c")"w", mtype="FCELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) buff_b = pygrass.Buffer(test_b.cols, test_b.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) test_b.get_row(row,buff_b) test_c.put_row(buff_a + buff_b) test_a.close() test_b.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__RasterRow_row_access__if(): test_a = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_a")"r") test_c = pygrass.RasterRow(name="test_c")"w", mtype="CELL", overwrite=True) buff_a = pygrass.Buffer(test_a.cols, test_a.mtype) for row in range(test_a.rows): test_a.get_row(row, buff_a) test_c.put_row(buff_a > 50) test_a.close() test_c.close()
[docs]def test__mapcalc__add(): core.mapcalc("test_c = test_a + test_b", quite=True, overwrite=True)
[docs]def test__mapcalc__if(): core.mapcalc("test_c = if(test_a > 50, 1, 0)", quite=True, overwrite=True)
[docs]def mytimer(func, runs=1): times = [] t = 0.0 for _ in range(runs): start = time.time() func() end = time.time() times.append(end - start) t = t + end - start return t/runs, times
[docs]def run_benchmark(resolution_list, runs, testdict, profile): regions = [] for resolution in resolution_list: core.use_temp_region() core.run_command('g.region', e=50, w=-50, n=50, s=-50, res=resolution, flags='p') # Adjust the computational region for this process region = libgis.Cell_head() libraster.Rast_get_window(ctypes.byref(region)) region.e = 50 region.w = -50 region.n = 50 region.s = -50 region.ew_res = resolution region.ns_res = resolution libgis.G_adjust_Cell_head(ctypes.byref(region), 0, 0) libraster.Rast_set_window(ctypes.byref(region)) libgis.G_set_window(ctypes.byref(region)) # Create two raster maps with random numbers core.mapcalc("test_a = rand(0, 100)", quite=True, overwrite=True) core.mapcalc("test_b = rand(0.0, 1.0)", quite=True, overwrite=True) result = collections.OrderedDict() result['res'] = resolution result['cols'] = region.cols result['rows'] = region.rows result['cells'] = region.rows * region.cols result['results'] = copy.deepcopy(testdict) for execmode, operation in result['results'].items(): print(execmode) for oper, operdict in operation.items(): operdict['time'], operdict['times'] = mytimer(operdict['func'],runs) if profile: filename = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(execmode, oper, profile) cProfile.runctx(operdict['func'].__name__ + '()', globals(), locals(), filename = filename) print((' {0}: {1: 40.6f}s'.format(oper, operdict['time']))) del(operdict['func']) regions.append(result) core.del_temp_region() return regions
[docs]def get_testlist(loc): testlist = [test for test in list(loc.keys()) if 'test' in test[:5]] testlist.sort() return testlist
[docs]def get_testdict(testlist): testdict = collections.OrderedDict() for testfunc in testlist: #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() dummy, execmode, operation = testfunc.split('__') if execmode in list(testdict.keys()): testdict[execmode][operation] = collections.OrderedDict() testdict[execmode][operation]['func'] = loc[testfunc] else: testdict[execmode] = collections.OrderedDict() testdict[execmode][operation] = collections.OrderedDict() testdict[execmode][operation]['func'] = loc[testfunc] return testdict
TXT = """ {% for region in regions %} {{ '#'*60 }} ### Benchmark cols = {{ region.cols }} rows = {{ region.rows}} cells = {{ region.cells }} {{ '#'*60 }} # equation: c = a + b {% for execmode, operation in region.results.iteritems() %} {{ "%-30s - %5s % 12.6fs"|format(execmode, 'add', operation.add.time) }} {%- endfor %} # equation: c = if a > 50 then 1 else 0 {% for execmode, operation in region.results.iteritems() %} {{ "%-30s - %5s % 12.6fs"|format(execmode, 'if', operation.if.time) }} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} """ CSV = """Class; Mode; Operation; """ RST = """ """ #>>> txt = Template(TxT) #>>> txt.render(name='John Doe')
[docs]def get_txt(results): txt = Template(TXT) return txt.render(regions = results)
#classes for required options strREQUIRED = 'required'
[docs]class OptionWithDefault(optparse.Option): ATTRS = optparse.Option.ATTRS + [strREQUIRED] def __init__(self, *opts, **attrs): if attrs.get(strREQUIRED, False): attrs['help'] = '(Required) ' + attrs.get('help', "") optparse.Option.__init__(self, *opts, **attrs)
[docs]class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['option_class'] = OptionWithDefault optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_values(self, values, args): for option in self.option_list: if hasattr(option, strREQUIRED) and option.required: if not getattr(values, option.dest): self.error("option {} is required".format(str(option))) return optparse.OptionParser.check_values(self, values, args)
[docs]def main(testdict): """Main function""" #usage usage = "usage: %prog [options] raster_map" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) # ntime parser.add_option("-n", "--ntimes", dest="ntime",default=5, type="int", help="Number of run for each test.") # res parser.add_option("-r", "--resolution", action="store", type="string", dest="res", default = '1,0.25', help="Resolution list separate by comma.") # fmt parser.add_option("-f", "--fmt", action="store", type="string", dest="fmt", default = 'txt', help="Choose the output format: 'txt', 'csv', 'rst'.") # output parser.add_option("-o", "--output", action="store", type="string", dest="output", help="The output filename.") # store parser.add_option("-s", "--store", action="store", type="string", dest="store", help="The filename of pickle obj.") # profile parser.add_option("-p", "--profile", action="store", type="string", dest="profile", help="The filename of the profile results.") #return options and argument options, args = parser.parse_args() res = [float(r) for r in options.res.split(',')] #res = [1, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05] results = run_benchmark(res, options.ntime, testdict, options.profile) if import pickle output = open(, 'wb') pickle.dump(results, output) output.close() #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() print(get_txt(results))
#add options if __name__ == "__main__": #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() loc = locals() testlist = get_testlist(loc) testdict = get_testdict(testlist) #print_test(testdict) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() main(testdict)