Source code for temporal.register

Functions to register map layer in space time datasets and the temporal database


.. code-block:: python

    import grass.temporal as tgis

    tgis.register_maps_in_space_time_dataset(type, name, maps)

(C) 2012-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

:authors: Soeren Gebbert
from datetime import datetime
import grass.script as gscript
from .core import get_tgis_message_interface, init_dbif, get_current_mapset
from .open_stds import open_old_stds
from .abstract_map_dataset import AbstractMapDataset
from .factory import dataset_factory
from .datetime_math import check_datetime_string, increment_datetime_by_string, string_to_datetime


[docs]def register_maps_in_space_time_dataset( type, name, maps=None, file=None, start=None, end=None, unit=None, increment=None, dbif=None, interval=False, fs="|", update_cmd_list=True): """Use this method to register maps in space time datasets. Additionally a start time string and an increment string can be specified to assign a time interval automatically to the maps. It takes care of the correct update of the space time datasets from all registered maps. :param type: The type of the maps raster, raster_3d or vector :param name: The name of the space time dataset. Maps will be registered in the temporal database if the name was set to None :param maps: A comma separated list of map names :param file: Input file, one map per line map with start and optional end time :param start: The start date and time of the first map (format absolute: "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" or "yyyy-mm-dd", format relative is integer 5) :param end: The end date and time of the first map (format absolute: "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" or "yyyy-mm-dd", format relative is integer 5) :param unit: The unit of the relative time: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds :param increment: Time increment between maps for time stamp creation (format absolute: NNN seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years; format relative: 1.0) :param dbif: The database interface to be used :param interval: If True, time intervals are created in case the start time and an increment is provided :param fs: Field separator used in input file :param update_cmd_list: If is True, the command that was invoking this process will be written to the process history """ start_time_in_file = False end_time_in_file = False msgr = get_tgis_message_interface() # Make sure the arguments are of type string if start != "" and start is not None: start = str(start) if end != "" and end is not None: end = str(end) if increment != "" and increment is not None: increment = str(increment) if maps and file: msgr.fatal(_("%s= and %s= are mutually exclusive") % ("maps", "file")) if end and increment: msgr.fatal(_("%s= and %s= are mutually exclusive") % ("end", "increment")) if end and interval: msgr.fatal(_("%s= and the %s flag are mutually exclusive") % ("end", "interval")) if increment and not start: msgr.fatal(_("The increment option requires the start option")) if interval and not start: msgr.fatal(_("The interval flag requires the start option")) if end and not start: msgr.fatal(_("Please specify %s= and %s=") % ("start_time", "end_time")) if not maps and not file: msgr.fatal(_("Please specify %s= or %s=") % ("maps", "file")) # We may need the mapset mapset = get_current_mapset() dbif, connected = init_dbif(None) # The name of the space time dataset is optional if name: sp = open_old_stds(name, type, dbif) if sp.is_time_relative() and (start or end) and not unit: dbif.close() msgr.fatal(_("Space time %(sp)s dataset <%(name)s> with relative" " time found, but no relative unit set for %(sp)s " "maps") % {'name': name, 'sp': sp.get_new_map_instance(None).get_type()}) maplist = [] # Map names as comma separated string if maps: if maps.find(",") < 0: maplist = [maps, ] else: maplist = maps.split(",") # Build the map list again with the ids for count in range(len(maplist)): row = {} mapid = AbstractMapDataset.build_id(maplist[count], mapset, None) row["id"] = mapid maplist[count] = row # Read the map list from file if file: fd = open(file, "r") line = True while True: line = fd.readline().strip() if not line: break line_list = line.split(fs) # Detect start and end time if len(line_list) == 2: start_time_in_file = True end_time_in_file = False elif len(line_list) == 3: start_time_in_file = True end_time_in_file = True else: start_time_in_file = False end_time_in_file = False mapname = line_list[0].strip() row = {} if start_time_in_file and end_time_in_file: row["start"] = line_list[1].strip() row["end"] = line_list[2].strip() if start_time_in_file and not end_time_in_file: row["start"] = line_list[1].strip() row["id"] = AbstractMapDataset.build_id(mapname, mapset) maplist.append(row) if start_time_in_file is True and increment: increment = None msgr.warning(_("The increment option will be ignored because of time stamps in input file")) if start_time_in_file is True and interval: increment = None msgr.warning(_("The interval flag will be ignored because of time stamps in input file")) num_maps = len(maplist) map_object_list = [] statement = "" # Store the ids of datasets that must be updated datatsets_to_modify = {} msgr.message(_("Gathering map information...")) for count in range(len(maplist)): if count % 50 == 0: msgr.percent(count, num_maps, 1) # Get a new instance of the map type map = dataset_factory(type, maplist[count]["id"]) if map.map_exists() is not True: msgr.fatal(_("Unable to update %(t)s map <%(id)s>. " "The map does not exist.") % {'t': map.get_type(), 'id': map.get_map_id()}) # Use the time data from file if "start" in maplist[count]: start = maplist[count]["start"] if "end" in maplist[count]: end = maplist[count]["end"] is_in_db = False # Put the map into the database if not map.is_in_db(dbif): # Break in case no valid time is provided if (start == "" or start is None) and not map.has_grass_timestamp(): dbif.close() if map.get_layer(): msgr.fatal(_("Unable to register %(t)s map <%(id)s> with " "layer %(l)s. The map has timestamp and " "the start time is not set.") % { 't': map.get_type(), 'id': map.get_map_id(), 'l': map.get_layer()}) else: msgr.fatal(_("Unable to register %(t)s map <%(id)s>. The" " map has no timestamp and the start time " "is not set.") % {'t': map.get_type(), 'id': map.get_map_id()}) if start != "" and start is not None: # We need to check if the time is absolute and the unit was specified time_object = check_datetime_string(start) if isinstance(time_object, datetime) and unit: msgr.fatal(_("%(u)s= can only be set for relative time") % {'u': "unit"}) if not isinstance(time_object, datetime) and not unit: msgr.fatal(_("%(u)s= must be set in case of relative time" " stamps") % {'u': "unit"}) if unit: map.set_time_to_relative() else: map.set_time_to_absolute() else: is_in_db = True # Check the overwrite flag if not gscript.overwrite(): if map.get_layer(): msgr.warning(_("Map is already registered in temporal " "database. Unable to update %(t)s map " "<%(id)s> with layer %(l)s. Overwrite flag" " is not set.") % {'t': map.get_type(), 'id': map.get_map_id(), 'l': str(map.get_layer())}) else: msgr.warning(_("Map is already registered in temporal " "database. Unable to update %(t)s map " "<%(id)s>. Overwrite flag is not set.") % {'t': map.get_type(), 'id': map.get_map_id()}) # Simple registration is allowed if name: map_object_list.append(map) # Jump to next map continue # Select information from temporal database # Save the datasets that must be updated datasets = map.get_registered_stds(dbif) if datasets is not None: for dataset in datasets: if dataset != "": datatsets_to_modify[dataset] = dataset if name and map.get_temporal_type() != sp.get_temporal_type(): dbif.close() if map.get_layer(): msgr.fatal(_("Unable to update %(t)s map <%(id)s> " "with layer %(l)s. The temporal types " "are different.") % {'t': map.get_type(), 'id': map.get_map_id(), 'l': map.get_layer()}) else: msgr.fatal(_("Unable to update %(t)s map <%(id)s>. " "The temporal types are different.") % {'t': map.get_type(), 'id': map.get_map_id()}) # Load the data from the grass file database map.load() # Try to read an existing time stamp from the grass spatial database # in case this map wasn't already registered in the temporal database # Read the spatial database time stamp only, if no time stamp was provided for this map # as method argument or in the input file if not is_in_db and not start: map.read_timestamp_from_grass() # Set the valid time if start: # In case the time is in the input file we ignore the increment # counter if start_time_in_file: count = 1 assign_valid_time_to_map(ttype=map.get_temporal_type(), map=map, start=start, end=end, unit=unit, increment=increment, mult=count, interval=interval) if is_in_db: # Gather the SQL update statement statement += map.update_all(dbif=dbif, execute=False) else: # Gather the SQL insert statement statement += map.insert(dbif=dbif, execute=False) # Sqlite3 performance is better for huge datasets when committing in # small chunks if dbif.get_dbmi().__name__ == "sqlite3": if count % 100 == 0: if statement is not None and statement != "": dbif.execute_transaction(statement) statement = "" # Store the maps in a list to register in a space time dataset if name: map_object_list.append(map) msgr.percent(num_maps, num_maps, 1) if statement is not None and statement != "": msgr.message(_("Registering maps in the temporal database...")) dbif.execute_transaction(statement) # Finally Register the maps in the space time dataset if name and map_object_list: count = 0 num_maps = len(map_object_list) msgr.message(_("Registering maps in the space time dataset...")) for map in map_object_list: if count % 50 == 0: msgr.percent(count, num_maps, 1) sp.register_map(map=map, dbif=dbif) count += 1 # Update the space time tables if name and map_object_list: msgr.message(_("Updating space time dataset...")) sp.update_from_registered_maps(dbif) if update_cmd_list is True: sp.update_command_string(dbif=dbif) # Update affected datasets if datatsets_to_modify: for dataset in datatsets_to_modify: if type == "rast" or type == "raster": ds = dataset_factory("strds", dataset) elif type == "raster_3d" or type == "rast3d" or type == "raster3d": ds = dataset_factory("str3ds", dataset) elif type == "vect" or type == "vector": ds = dataset_factory("stvds", dataset) ds.update_from_registered_maps(dbif) if connected is True: dbif.close() msgr.percent(num_maps, num_maps, 1)
[docs]def assign_valid_time_to_map(ttype, map, start, end, unit, increment=None, mult=1, interval=False): """Assign the valid time to a map dataset :param ttype: The temporal type which should be assigned and which the time format is of :param map: A map dataset object derived from abstract_map_dataset :param start: The start date and time of the first map (format absolute: "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" or "yyyy-mm-dd", format relative is integer 5) :param end: The end date and time of the first map (format absolute: "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" or "yyyy-mm-dd", format relative is integer 5) :param unit: The unit of the relative time: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds :param increment: Time increment between maps for time stamp creation (format absolute: NNN seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years; format relative is integer 1) :param mult: A multiplier for the increment :param interval: If True, time intervals are created in case the start time and an increment is provided """ msgr = get_tgis_message_interface() if ttype == "absolute": start_time = string_to_datetime(start) if start_time is None: msgr.fatal(_("Unable to convert string \"%s\"into a " "datetime object") % (start)) end_time = None if end: end_time = string_to_datetime(end) if end_time is None: msgr.fatal(_("Unable to convert string \"%s\"into a " "datetime object") % (end)) # Add the increment if increment: start_time = increment_datetime_by_string( start_time, increment, mult) if start_time is None: msgr.fatal(_("Error occurred in increment computation")) if interval: end_time = increment_datetime_by_string( start_time, increment, 1) if end_time is None: msgr.fatal(_("Error occurred in increment computation")) if map.get_layer(): msgr.debug(1, _("Set absolute valid time for map <%(id)s> with " "layer %(layer)s to %(start)s - %(end)s") % {'id': map.get_map_id(), 'layer': map.get_layer(), 'start': str(start_time), 'end': str(end_time)}) else: msgr.debug(1, _("Set absolute valid time for map <%s> to %s - %s") % (map.get_map_id(), str(start_time), str(end_time))) map.set_absolute_time(start_time, end_time) else: start_time = int(start) end_time = None if end: end_time = int(end) if increment: start_time = start_time + mult * int(increment) if interval: end_time = start_time + int(increment) if map.get_layer(): msgr.debug(1, _("Set relative valid time for map <%s> with layer" " %s to %i - %s with unit %s") % (map.get_map_id(), map.get_layer(), start_time, str(end_time), unit)) else: msgr.debug(1, _("Set relative valid time for map <%s> to %i - %s " "with unit %s") % (map.get_map_id(), start_time, str(end_time), unit)) map.set_relative_time(start_time, end_time, unit)
[docs]def register_map_object_list(type, map_list, output_stds, delete_empty=False, unit=None, dbif=None): """Register a list of AbstractMapDataset objects in the temporal database and optional in a space time dataset. :param type: The type of the map layer (raster, raster_3d, vector) :param map_list: List of AbstractMapDataset objects :param output_stds: The output stds :param delete_empty: Set True to delete empty map layer found in the map_list :param unit: The temporal unit of the space time dataset :param dbif: The database interface to be used """ import grass.pygrass.modules as pymod import copy dbif, connected = init_dbif(dbif) filename = gscript.tempfile(True) file = open(filename, 'w') empty_maps = [] for map_layer in map_list: # Read the map data map_layer.load() # In case of a empty map continue, do not register empty maps if delete_empty: if type in ["raster", "raster_3d", "rast", "rast3d"]: if map_layer.metadata.get_min() is None and \ map_layer.metadata.get_max() is None: empty_maps.append(map_layer) continue if type == "vector": if map_layer.metadata.get_number_of_primitives() == 0: empty_maps.append(map_layer) continue start, end = map_layer.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() id = map_layer.get_id() if not end: end = start string = "%s|%s|%s\n" % (id, str(start), str(end)) file.write(string) file.close() if output_stds: output_stds_id = output_stds.get_id() else: output_stds_id = None register_maps_in_space_time_dataset(type, output_stds_id, unit=unit, file=filename, dbif=dbif) g_remove = pymod.Module("g.remove", flags='f', quiet=True, run_=False, finish_=True) # Remove empty maps and unregister them from the temporal database if len(empty_maps) > 0: for map in empty_maps: mod = copy.deepcopy(g_remove) if map.get_name(): if map.get_type() == "raster": mod(type='raster', name=map.get_name()) if map.get_type() == "raster3d": mod(type='raster_3d', name=map.get_name()) if map.get_type() == "vector": mod(type='vector', name=map.get_name()) if map.is_in_db(dbif): map.delete(dbif) if connected: dbif.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()