Univariate statistic function for space time datasets
.. code-block:: python
import grass.temporal as tgis
tgis.print_gridded_dataset_univar_statistics(type, input, output, where, extended, no_header, fs, rast_region)
(C) 2012-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.
:authors: Soeren Gebbert
from __future__ import print_function
from .core import SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection, get_current_mapset
from .factory import dataset_factory
from .open_stds import open_old_stds
import grass.script as gscript
[docs]def print_gridded_dataset_univar_statistics(type, input, output, where, extended,
no_header=False, fs="|",
"""Print univariate statistics for a space time raster or raster3d dataset
:param type: Must be "strds" or "str3ds"
:param input: The name of the space time dataset
:param output: Name of the optional output file, if None stdout is used
:param where: A temporal database where statement
:param extended: If True compute extended statistics
:param no_header: Suppress the printing of column names
:param fs: Field separator
:param rast_region: If set True ignore the current region settings
and use the raster map regions for univar statistical calculation.
Only available for strds.
# We need a database interface
dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection()
sp = open_old_stds(input, type, dbif)
if output is not None:
out_file = open(output, "w")
rows = sp.get_registered_maps(
"id,start_time,end_time", where, "start_time", dbif)
if not rows:
err = "Space time %(sp)s dataset <%(i)s> is empty"
if where:
err += " or where condition is wrong"
gscript.fatal(_(err) % {'sp': sp.get_new_map_instance(None).get_type(),
'i': sp.get_id()})
if no_header is False:
string = ""
string += "id" + fs + "start" + fs + "end" + fs + "mean" + fs
string += "min" + fs + "max" + fs
string += "mean_of_abs" + fs + "stddev" + fs + "variance" + fs
string += "coeff_var" + fs + "sum" + fs + "null_cells" + fs + "cells"
string += fs + "non_null_cells"
if extended is True:
string += fs + "first_quartile" + fs + "median" + fs
string += "third_quartile" + fs + "percentile_90"
if output is None:
out_file.write(string + "\n")
for row in rows:
string = ""
id = row["id"]
start = row["start_time"]
end = row["end_time"]
flag = "g"
if extended is True:
flag += "e"
if type == "strds" and rast_region is True:
flag += "r"
if type == "strds":
stats = gscript.parse_command("r.univar", map=id, flags=flag)
elif type == "str3ds":
stats = gscript.parse_command("r3.univar", map=id, flags=flag)
if not stats:
if type == "strds":
gscript.warning(_("Unable to get statistics for raster map "
"<%s>") % id)
elif type == "str3ds":
gscript.warning(_("Unable to get statistics for 3d raster map"
" <%s>") % id)
string += str(id) + fs + str(start) + fs + str(end)
string += fs + str(stats["mean"]) + fs + str(stats["min"])
string += fs + str(stats["max"]) + fs + str(stats["mean_of_abs"])
string += fs + str(stats["stddev"]) + fs + str(stats["variance"])
string += fs + str(stats["coeff_var"]) + fs + str(stats["sum"])
string += fs + str(stats["null_cells"]) + fs + str(stats["cells"])
string += fs + str(int(stats["cells"]) - int(stats["null_cells"]))
if extended is True:
string += fs + str(stats["first_quartile"]) + fs + str(stats["median"])
string += fs + str(stats["third_quartile"]) + fs + str(stats["percentile_90"])
if output is None:
out_file.write(string + "\n")
if output is not None:
[docs]def print_vector_dataset_univar_statistics(input, output, twhere, layer, type, column,
where, extended, no_header=False,
"""Print univariate statistics for a space time vector dataset
:param input: The name of the space time dataset
:param output: Name of the optional output file, if None stdout is used
:param twhere: A temporal database where statement
:param layer: The layer number used in case no layer is present
in the temporal dataset
:param type: options: point,line,boundary,centroid,area
:param column: The name of the attribute column
:param where: A temporal database where statement
:param extended: If True compute extended statistics
:param no_header: Suppress the printing of column names
:param fs: Field separator
# We need a database interface
dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection()
if output is not None:
out_file = open(output, "w")
mapset = get_current_mapset()
if input.find("@") >= 0:
id = input
id = input + "@" + mapset
sp = dataset_factory("stvds", id)
if sp.is_in_db(dbif) is False:
gscript.fatal(_("Space time %(sp)s dataset <%(i)s> not found") % {
'sp': sp.get_new_map_instance(None).get_type(), 'i': id})
rows = sp.get_registered_maps("id,name,mapset,start_time,end_time,layer",
twhere, "start_time", dbif)
if not rows:
gscript.fatal(_("Space time %(sp)s dataset <%(i)s> is empty") % {
'sp': sp.get_new_map_instance(None).get_type(), 'i': id})
string = ""
if no_header is False:
string += "id" + fs + "start" + fs + "end" + fs + "n" + \
fs + "nmissing" + fs + "nnull" + fs
string += "min" + fs + "max" + fs + "range"
if type == "point" or type == "centroid":
string += fs + "mean" + fs + "mean_abs" + fs + "population_stddev" +\
fs + "population_variance" + fs
string += "population_coeff_variation" + fs + \
"sample_stddev" + fs + "sample_variance" + fs
string += "kurtosis" + fs + "skewness"
if extended is True:
string += fs + "first_quartile" + fs + "median" + fs + \
"third_quartile" + fs + "percentile_90"
if output is None:
out_file.write(string + "\n")
for row in rows:
id = row["name"] + "@" + row["mapset"]
start = row["start_time"]
end = row["end_time"]
mylayer = row["layer"]
flags = "g"
if extended is True:
flags += "e"
if not mylayer:
mylayer = layer
stats = gscript.parse_command("v.univar", map=id, where=where,
column=column, layer=mylayer,
type=type, flags=flags)
string = ""
if not stats:
gscript.warning(_("Unable to get statistics for vector map <%s>")
% id)
string += str(id) + fs + str(start) + fs + str(end)
string += fs + str(stats["n"]) + fs + str(stats[
"nmissing"]) + fs + str(stats["nnull"])
if "min" in stats:
string += fs + str(stats["min"]) + fs + str(
stats["max"]) + fs + str(stats["range"])
string += fs + fs + fs
if type == "point" or type == "centroid":
if "mean" in stats:
string += fs + str(stats["mean"]) + fs + \
str(stats["mean_abs"]) + fs + \
str(stats["population_stddev"]) + fs + \
string += fs + str(stats["population_coeff_variation"]) + \
fs + str(stats["sample_stddev"]) + fs + \
string += fs + str(stats["kurtosis"]) + fs + \
string += fs + fs + fs + fs + fs + fs + fs + fs + fs
if extended is True:
if "first_quartile" in stats:
string += fs + str(stats["first_quartile"]) + fs + \
str(stats["median"]) + fs + \
str(stats["third_quartile"]) + fs + \
string += fs + fs + fs + fs
if output is None:
out_file.write(string + "\n")
if output is not None: