Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current addon manual page.

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r.recode.attr - Recode raster using attribute table (csv file) as input.


raster, recode


r.recode.attr --help
r.recode.attr [-a] input=name output=name rules=name [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Align the current region to the input raster map
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


input=name [required]
Input map
output=name [required]
name(s) output layer(s)
rules=name [required]
Full path to rules file
Name of input file

Table of contents


The r.reclass.attr plugin let you reclass/recode a raster layer based on values in a csv table. The csv file should include at least two columns. The first column should correspond to (part of) the raster values. The other columns should hold the reclassification values.

For each column in the csv (comma separated text) file (except the first one) a new map will be created, replacing the raster values corresponding to the first column with those in the second (3rd, 4th, etc) column.

The user can define the names of the output map(s). If only one output name is provided and the rules file contains more than two columns, the function will create output names by appending for each recode layer the corresponding column name to the output name provided by the user.


The script uses r.recode to allow the user to reclass integer values to floating point values. However, like r.reclass you can only convert number one to one (and not like r.recode ranges of values to one value or a new range of values)



See this blog post for an example.


r.reclass, r.recode


Paulo van Breugel, paulo at


Available at: r.recode.attr source code (history)

Latest change: Thu Feb 3 09:32:35 2022 in commit: f17c792f5de56c64ecfbe63ec315307872cf9d5c

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