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t.stac - GRASS GIS Reference Manual

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The t.stac toolset allows the user to explore metadata and ingest SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) items, collections, and catalogs. The toolset is based on the PySTAC library and provides a set of modules for working with STAC APIs. STAC is a specification for organizing geospatial information in a way that is interoperable across software and data services. The pystac-client is used to interact with STAC APIs.

t.stac.catalog t.stac.collection t.stac.item (WIP) t.stac.export


After dependencies are fulfilled, the toolset can be installed using the g.extension tool:

g.extension extension=t.stac


t.stac.catalog.html t.stac.collection.html t.stac.item.html


Corey White This work was funded by OpenPlains Inc. and the Center for Geospatial Analytics at North Carolina State University.


Available at: t.stac source code (history)

Latest change: Monday Aug 19 13:13:37 2024 in commit: 7bbd8051a38689885a89f25fd804ca9af125d837

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