Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach Markus Neteler, Helena Mitasova 3. Edition 2008, 406 pages ISBN: 978-0-387-35767-6 Springer, New York Book Series: The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science: Volume 773
We developed a completely new free geospatial dataset and
substituted all Spearfish (SD) examples in the previous editions
with this new, much richer North Carolina (NC, USA) data set.
This data set is a comprehensive collection of raster, vector
and imagery data covering parts of North Carolina (NC), USA,
prepared from public data sources provided by the North Carolina
state and local government agencies and Global Land Cover
Facility (GLCF).
In this directory supplementary data sets are available:
North Carolina data in GRASS data format:
EPSG code: 3358 NAD83(HARN)
GRASS LOCATION nc_spm (142MB), rich North Carolina (NC) State Plane
data set in metric coordinates. See also description.
GRASS LOCATION nc_basic_spm (49MB), small subset of North Carolina (NC)
State Plane data set in metric coordinates.
GRASS LOCATION nc_ll in geographic coordinates (53MB) with
selected data imported from USGS.
GRASS LOCATION nc_spf in State Plane coordinates, units feet (8.0MB)
selected data imported from Wake County GIS.
GRASS addon Mapset modis2002lst (276MB, for nc_spm LOCATION) MODIS Land
Surface Temperature time series and US National Atlas vector data.
North Carolina data in common GIS format:
All NC data set vector maps in SHAPE format (50MB)
All NC data set raster maps in GeoTIFF format (48MB)
All NC data set raster maps in ArcGRID format (48MB)
Selected NC data set vector maps in kml format (1.7MB)
Note: the original Geotiff is here - it is in state plane feet, two image tiles: