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GRASS GIS for Docker

[ GRASS GIS 8.3 (current) | GRASS 7.8 (legacy) | GRASS 8.4 (preview) ]

For a list of GRASS GIS versions, see the docker tag list.

GRASS GIS 8.3.2 (current)

The following Docker images are generated from the GRASS GIS releasebranch 8.3
  • (233 MB, with Python 3 and PDAL)

    docker pull osgeo/grass-gis:releasebranch_8_3-alpine
  • (1.2 GB, with Python 3 and PDAL)

    docker pull osgeo/grass-gis:releasebranch_8_3-debian
  • (1.2 GB, with Python 3 and PDAL)

    docker pull osgeo/grass-gis:releasebranch_8_3-ubuntu
  • (1.3 GB, with wxPython, Python 3 and PDAL)

    docker pull osgeo/grass-gis:releasebranch_8_3-ubuntu_wxgui

GRASS GIS 7.8.8 (legacy)

The following Docker images are generated from the GRASS GIS releasebranch_7_8 (GRASS GIS 7.8 new features)
  • (184 MB, with Python 3 and PDAL)

    docker pull mundialis/grass-py3-pdal:7.8.8-alpine
  • (1.2 GB, with Python 3 and PDAL)

    docker pull mundialis/grass-py3-pdal:7.8.8-debian
  • (1.2 GB, with Python 3 and PDAL)

    docker pull mundialis/grass-py3-pdal:7.8.8-ubuntu

GRASS GIS 8.4.0 (preview)

The following Docker images are generated from the GRASS GIS main branch