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GRASS GIS manual: i.modis

Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

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i.modis - Toolset for download and processing of MODIS products using pyModis.


raster, import, MODIS keyword


The i.modis suite is a toolset to import MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, flown on the two NASA spacecrafts Terra and Aqua) satellite data into GRASS GIS. It uses the pyModis library and additionally either the GDAL library or the MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT) software to convert, mosaic and process MODIS data.

The i.modis suite requires the pyModis library and either the GDAL or MRT software to be installed.

The i.modis suite offers two modules as interface to MODIS data. Each module is dedicated to a specific operation. The module is used to download MODIS HDF products from NASA servers. These files can then be imported with i.modis.import which supports import of Level 3 MODIS products as a single image or as a mosaic into GRASS GIS.

Subsequently, the user can create a temporal dataset using t.create and, register the maps with t.register. NOTE: In order to work with the temporal framework of GRASS GIS the flag w must be set during the import with i.modis.import.

The user can choose from several MODIS products, distributed as single or multiple tiles and also ranges of observation days retrieving data from the related NASA servers. The suite imports Level 3 (georeferenced) products either as single images or as mosaics for each date.

Supported MODIS products

These products are currently supported:

MODIS Surface Reflectance

MODIS LST - Land Surface Temperature

MODIS VI - Vegetation Indices

MODIS AOD - Aerosol Optical Depth


MODIS Land Water Mask


The i.modis modules need the pyModis library. Please install it beforehand.

SEE ALSO, i.modis.import, i.modis.qc


Luca Delucchi, Initial version: Google Summer of Code 2011; subsequently updated by further authors


Available at: i.modis source code (history)

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