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r.mask.status - Reports presence or absence of a raster mask
Provides information about the presence of a 2D raster mask as text output or return code


raster, mask, reclassification


r.mask.status --help
r.mask.status [-t] [format=string] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Return code 0 when mask present, 1 otherwise
Behave like the test utility, 0 for true, 1 for false, no output
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


Format for reporting
Options: plain, json, shell, yaml
Default: plain
plain: Plain text output
json: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
shell: Shell script style output
yaml: YAML (human-friendly data serialization language)

Table of contents


The r.mask.status reports information about the 2D raster mask and its status. The tool reports whether the mask is present or not. For both active and inactive mask, the tool reports a full name of the raster (name including the mapset) which represents or would represent the mask. It can also report full name of the underlying raster if the mask is reclassified from another raster. The tool can be used to check if the mask is currently set (present boolean in JSON), what is raster name used to represent the mask (name string in JSON), and whether the raster is reclassifed from another (is_reclass_of string or null in JSON). YAML and shell script style outputs are following the JSON output if possible. The plain text format outputs multi-line human-readable information in natural language.

With the -t flag, no output is printed, instead a return code is used to indicate presence or absence. The convention is the same same the POSIX test utility, so r.mask.status returns 0 when the mask is present and 1 otherwise.


Generate JSON output

To generate JSON output in Bash, use the format option:
r.mask.status format=json
In Python, use:
import grass.script as gs
gs.parse_command("r.mask.status", format="json")
This returns a dictionary with keys present, full_name, and is_reclass_of.

Use as the test utility

The POSIX test utility uses return code 0 to indicate presence and 1 to indicate absence of a file, so testing existence of a file with test -f gives return code 0 when the file exists. r.mask.status can be used in the same with the the -t flag:
r.mask.status -t
In a Bash script:
# Bash
if r.mask.status -t; then
    echo "Masking is active"
    echo "Masking is not active"


r.mask, g.region


Vaclav Petras, NC State University, Center for Geospatial Analytics


Available at: r.mask.status source code (history)

Latest change: Thursday Oct 31 12:49:36 2024 in commit: ba0a4951958b20b0c1fca339c4fa92714095bacc

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