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GRASS 4.2.1 Information Page

GRASS 4.2.1 Information Page

Released in 1999

GRASS 4.2.1 (developed 1998-1999 by University of Hannover) has been superceeded by GRASS 4.3 (a derivitave of GRASS 4.2.1). Please refer to GRASS 4.2.1 or GRASS 4.3 for information.

Download GRASS 4.3 (latest 4.x release)

  • GRASS 4.2.1 HISTORY file with authors
    • Version 1 (7.1.98)
    • Version 2 (8.1.98)
    • Version 3 (11.1.98)
    • Version 4 (19.1.98)
    • Version 5 (27.1.98)
    • Version 6 (29.1.98)
    • Version 7 (4. Feb. 98)
    • Version 8 (5. Feb. 98)
    • Version 9 (3. March 98)
    • Version 10 (11. March 98)
    • Version 11a (21. March 98)
    • Version 12 (1. April 98)
    • Version 13 (15. April 98)
    • Version 14 (19. April 98)
    • Version 15 (30. April 98)
    • Version 16 (23. May 98)
    • Version 16a (29. May 98)
    • Version 17 (12. June 98)
    • Version 18b (22. July 98)
    • Version 19 (22. September 98)
    • Version 20 (7. December 98)
    • Version 21 (9. March 1999)
    • Version 22 released 1st November 1999

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