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GRASS GIS PSC election 2016 results

GRASS GIS PSC election 2016 results

List of new GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee (PSC) published!

The new GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee (PSC) is composed of the following nine members (ranking, name, votes):

  • 1 Markus Neteler 62
  • 2 Helena Mitasova 53
  • 3 Martin Landa 52
  • 4 Anna Petrasova 45
  • 5 Moritz Lennert 41
  • 6 Margherita Di Leo 39
  • 7 Michael Barton 35
  • 8 Peter Löwe 33
  • 9 Vaclav Petras 31

More details in earlier announcement sent to the "grass-psc" mailing list:

For completeness, all relevant candidacy communications, as well as details about the voting process, are published at


Cited from the original announcement email: