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Ongoing Google-Code-In contest

Ongoing Google Code-in contest

High-school students contributing to GRASS GIS through the Google Code-in contest

From November 28 last year, high-school students between 13 and 17 years old are participating in the Google Code-in contest. The contest aims at introducing teenagers to the world of open source and students from all over the world take part of it. Currently, 17 high-school students are working on GRASS GIS tasks that go from beginner level such as "Installing GRASS GIS and display a map" to documentation and coding such as "Adding examples and screenshots to manual pages" and "Developing tests for different modules". Moreover, some of them have contributed videos, designs for the next code sprint t-shirt and splash screens for wxGUI startup.

Some of the contributions can be seen in the dedicated wiki page: https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_GCI_Ideas_2017#Results. Meanwhile, there are still two more weeks to go... so keep tuned and welcome this great students to our community!