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R package rgrass7 to be retired in October, 2023

Users are encouraged to migrate to the succesor rgrass package

The R package rgrass7 interfacing R and GRASS GIS will be removed from active availability on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) during October 2023; it will be archived on CRAN. This is because the successor rgrass package has been available since mid-2022, and because the rgdal package on which rgrass7 depends for exchanging files between R and GRASS GIS will also be archived in October 2023, as described in R-spatial evolution project reports (latest providing links to earlier). The main change between rgrass7 and rgrass is that terra is used in place of rgdal for file transfer between R and GRASS. rgrass7 functions have been marked as deprecated for almost a year now, and maintainers of packages using rgrass7 have been notified. Please also refer to https://rsbivand.github.io/foss4g_2022/modernizing_220822.html for more details.

GRASS 8 and RStudio with rgrass

Roger Bivand and the GRASS Development Team, June 2023