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2024 GRASS GIS Community meeting in Prague!

The GRASS GIS team announces the annual Community Meeting!!

The GRASS GIS Community Meeting will take place from June 14 to 19, 2024, at the NC State European Center in Prague, Czech Republic.

Community meetings are great opportunities to support the development of GRASS GIS!

Prague 2023 Community Meeting

Join us

  • Write code
  • Write documentation
  • Translation
  • Website design and content
  • Integrations with other software (QGIS, GDAL, R, etc.)

Plan for the future

The community meeting is a get-together where supporters, contributors, power users and developers make decisions and tackle larger problems related to the project, discuss and fix bugs, draw the project roadmap and work on new features.

Let’s celebrate!

Join us in celebrating the 41st anniversary of GRASS GIS and the community’s ongoing dedication and achievements over the past year.

Support us

To support as many attendants as possible we welcome sponsorship and financial support via OpenCollective. Your contribution makes a difference!!

Keep an eye on the wiki page for updates and agenda details: https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_Community_Meeting_Prague_2024. You are all welcome to participate and support the GRASS GIS project!!

Veronica Andreo and the GRASS Dev Team