def | utils.normalize_whitespace |
| Remove redundant whitespace from a string. More...
def | utils.split |
| Platform spefic shlex.split. More...
def | utils.GetTempfile |
| Creates GRASS temporary file using defined prefix. More...
def | utils.GetLayerNameFromCmd |
| Get map name from GRASS command. More...
def | utils.GetValidLayerName |
| Make layer name SQL compliant, based on G_str_to_sql() More...
def | utils.ListOfCatsToRange |
| Convert list of category number to range(s) More...
def | utils.ListOfMapsets |
| Get list of available/accessible mapsets. More...
def | utils.ListSortLower |
| Sort list items (not case-sensitive) More...
def | utils.GetVectorNumberOfLayers |
| Get list of vector layers. More...
def | utils.GetAllVectorLayers |
| Returns list of all vector layers as strings. More...
def | utils.Deg2DMS |
| Convert deg value to dms string. More...
def | utils.DMS2Deg |
| Convert dms value to deg. More...
def | utils.GetCmdString |
def | utils.CmdToTuple |
| Convert command list to tuple for gcmd.RunCommand() More...
def | utils.PathJoin |
| Check path created by os.path.join. More...
def | utils.ReadEpsgCodes |
| Read EPSG code from the file. More...
def | utils.ReprojectCoordinates |
| Reproject coordinates. More...
def | utils.GetListOfLocations |
| Get list of GRASS locations in given dbase. More...
def | utils.GetListOfMapsets |
| Get list of mapsets in given GRASS location. More...
def | utils.GetColorTables |
| Get list of color tables. More...
def | utils.DecodeString |
| Decode string using system encoding. More...
def | utils.EncodeString |
| Return encoded string using system locales. More...
def | utils.GetFormats |
| Get GDAL/OGR formats. More...
def | utils.GetSettingsPath |
| Get full path to the settings directory. More...
def | utils.StoreEnvVariable |
| Store environmental variable. More...
def | utils.SetAddOnPath |
| Set default AddOn path. More...