def | dialogs.OnApply |
| parent.font['colorLabel'] = wx.StaticText(parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = _("Color:")) colorChoices = [ 'aqua', 'black', 'blue', 'brown', 'cyan', 'gray', 'green', 'indigo', 'magenta',\ 'orange', 'purple', 'red', 'violet', 'white', 'yellow'] parent.colorCtrl = wx.Choice(parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, choices = colorChoices) parent.colorCtrl.SetStringSelection(parent.rLegendDict['color']) parent.font['colorCtrl'] = wx.ColourPickerCtrl(parent, id = wx.ID_ANY) parent.font['colorCtrl'].SetColour(dialogDict['color']) More...
def | dialogs.OnOK |
| Apply changes, close dialog. More...
def | dialogs.OnCancel |
| Close dialog. More...
def | dialogs.OnClose |
| Destroy dialog and delete it from open dialogs. More...
def | dialogs.OnLayer |
| Change columns on layer change. More...
def | dialogs.OnOutline |
def | dialogs.OnFill |
def | dialogs.OnColor |
def | dialogs.OnSize |
def | dialogs.OnRotation |
def | dialogs.OnRotationType |
def | dialogs.OnPattern |
def | dialogs.OnSymbology |
def | dialogs.OnSymbolSelection |
def | dialogs.EnableLayerSelection |
def | dialogs.getColsChoice |
| Returns a wx.Choice with table columns. More...
def | dialogs.update |
def | dialogs.sizePositionFont |
| Insert widgets for size, position and font control. More...
def | dialogs.OnIsLegend |
| Enables and disables controls, it depends if raster or vector legend is checked. More...
def | dialogs.OnRaster |
def | dialogs.OnDiscrete |
| Change control according to the type of legend. More...
def | dialogs.OnRange |
def | dialogs.OnUp |
| Moves selected map up, changes order in vector legend. More...
def | dialogs.OnDown |
| Moves selected map down, changes order in vector legend. More...
def | dialogs.OnEditLabel |
| Change legend label of vector map. More...
def | dialogs.OnSpan |
def | dialogs.OnFont |
| Changes default width according to fontsize, width [inch] = fontsize[pt]/24. More...
def | dialogs.OnBorder |
| Enables/disables colorPickerCtrl for border. More...
def | dialogs.updateRasterLegend |
| Save information from raster legend dialog to dictionary. More...
def | dialogs.updateVectorLegend |
| Save information from vector legend dialog to dictionary. More...
def | dialogs.updateDialog |
| Update legend coordinates after moving. More...
| dialogs.fs = None |
list | dialogs.PSMAP_COLORS |
list | dialogs.fontChoices |
| parent.font['fontLabel'] = wx.StaticText(parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = _("Choose font:")) parent.font['fontCtrl'] = wx.FontPickerCtrl(parent, id = wx.ID_ANY) More...
tuple | dialogs.linecapText = wx.StaticText(panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = _("Choose linecap:")) |
| self.styleCombo = wx.ComboBox(panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, choices = ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dashdotted"], validator = TCValidator(flag = 'ZERO_AND_ONE_ONLY')) self.styleCombo.SetToolTipString(_("It's possible to enter a series of 0's and 1's too. "\ "The first block of repeated zeros or ones represents 'draw', "\ "the second block represents 'blank'. An even number of blocks "\ "will repeat the pattern, an odd number of blocks will alternate the pattern.")) More...
tuple | dialogs.h = self.unitConv.convert(value = float(legendDict['height']), fromUnit = 'inch', toUnit = legendDict['unit']) |
| panel.defaultSize = wx.CheckBox(panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = _("Use default size")) panel.defaultSize.SetValue(legendDict['defaultSize']) More...
int | dialogs.minVect = 1 |
| self.rSizeGBSizer.Add(panel.defaultSize, pos = (0,0), span = (1,2), flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, border = 0) More...
tuple | dialogs.maxVect = min(10, len(self.instruction[self.vectorId]['list'])) |
tuple | dialogs.cols = wx.StaticText(panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = _("Columns:")) |
list | dialogs.min = legendDict['cols'] |
tuple | dialogs.s = self.unitConv.convert(value = float(legendDict['span']), fromUnit = 'inch', toUnit = legendDict['unit']) |
tuple | dialogs.box = wx.StaticBox(parent = panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = " %s " % _("Font settings")) |
tuple | dialogs.fontSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(box, wx.VERTICAL) |
tuple | dialogs.flexSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols = 2, hgap = 5, vgap = 5) |
list | dialogs.fontsize = self.panelVector.font['fontSizeCtrl'] |
| fontsize = self.panelVector.font['fontCtrl'].GetSelectedFont().GetPointSize() More...
tuple | dialogs.unit = self.unitConv.findUnit(self.panelVector.units['unitsCtrl'].GetStringSelection()) |
int | dialogs.w = fontsize/24 |
tuple | dialogs.width = self.unitConv.convert(value = w, fromUnit = 'inch', toUnit = unit) |
| dialogs.patternCheck |
| dialogs.patFileCtrl |
| dialogs.patWidthText |
| dialogs.patWidthSpin |
| dialogs.patScaleText |
| dialogs.patScaleSpin |
| dialogs.currLayer |
| dialogs.type |
| dialogs.isVLegend |
| dialogs.vectorListCtrl |
| dialogs.btnUp |
| dialogs.btnDown |
| dialogs.btnLabel |
| dialogs.borderCheck |
| dialogs.borderColorCtrl |
| dialogs.vectorId |
| dialogs.rasterId |