GRASS Programmer's Manual  6.5.svn(2014)-r66266
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shapefil.h File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
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Data Structures

struct  SAHooks
struct  SHPInfo
struct  SHPObject
struct  shape_tree_node
struct  SHPTree


#define SHP_CVSID(string)
#define SHPT_NULL   0
#define SHPT_POINT   1
#define SHPT_ARC   3
#define SHPT_POLYGON   5
#define SHPT_POINTZ   11
#define SHPT_ARCZ   13
#define SHPT_POLYGONZ   15
#define SHPT_POINTM   21
#define SHPT_ARCM   23
#define SHPT_POLYGONM   25
#define SHPT_MULTIPATCH   31
#define SHPP_TRISTRIP   0
#define SHPP_TRIFAN   1
#define SHPP_OUTERRING   2
#define SHPP_INNERRING   3
#define SHPP_FIRSTRING   4
#define SHPP_RING   5
#define MAX_SUBNODE   4
#define XBASE_FLDHDR_SZ   32


typedef intSAFile
typedef unsigned long SAOffset
typedef SHPInfoSHPHandle
typedef struct shape_tree_node SHPTreeNode


void SHPAPI_CALL SASetupDefaultHooks (SAHooks *psHooks)
SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPOpen (const char *pszShapeFile, const char *pszAccess)
SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPOpenLL (const char *pszShapeFile, const char *pszAccess, SAHooks *psHooks)
SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPCreate (const char *pszShapeFile, int nShapeType)
SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPCreateLL (const char *pszShapeFile, int nShapeType, SAHooks *psHooks)
void SHPAPI_CALL SHPGetInfo (SHPHandle hSHP, int *pnEntities, int *pnShapeType, double *padfMinBound, double *padfMaxBound)
SHPObject SHPAPI_CALL1SHPReadObject (SHPHandle hSHP, int iShape);int SHPAPI_CALLSHPWriteObject(SHPHandle hSHP, int iShape, SHPObject *psObject
void SHPAPI_CALL SHPDestroyObject (SHPObject *psObject)
void SHPAPI_CALL SHPComputeExtents (SHPObject *psObject)
SHPObject SHPAPI_CALL1SHPCreateObject (int nSHPType, int nShapeId, int nParts, const int *panPartStart, const int *panPartType, int nVertices, const double *padfX, const double *padfY, const double *padfZ, const double *padfM);SHPObject SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPCreateSimpleObject(int nSHPType, int nVertices, const double *padfX, const double *padfY, const double *padfZ
int SHPAPI_CALL SHPRewindObject (SHPHandle hSHP, SHPObject *psObject)
void SHPAPI_CALL SHPClose (SHPHandle hSHP)
void SHPAPI_CALL SHPWriteHeader (SHPHandle hSHP)
const char SHPAPI_CALL1SHPTypeName (int nSHPType);const char SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPPartTypeName(int nPartType
SHPTree SHPAPI_CALL1SHPCreateTree (SHPHandle hSHP, int nDimension, int nMaxDepth, double *padfBoundsMin, double *padfBoundsMax);voidSHPAPI_CALLSHPDestroyTree(SHPTree *hTree
int SHPAPI_CALL SHPWriteTree (SHPTree *hTree, const char *pszFilename)
SHPTree SHPAPI_CALL SHPReadTree (const char *pszFilename)
int SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeAddObject (SHPTree *hTree, SHPObject *psObject)
int SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeAddShapeId (SHPTree *hTree, SHPObject *psObject)
int SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeRemoveShapeId (SHPTree *hTree, int nShapeId)
void SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeTrimExtraNodes (SHPTree *hTree)
int SHPAPI_CALL1SHPTreeFindLikelyShapes (SHPTree *hTree, double *padfBoundsMin, double *padfBoundsMax, int *);intSHPAPI_CALLSHPCheckBoundsOverlap(double *, double *, double *, double *, int
int SHPAPI_CALL1SHPSearchDiskTree (FILE *fp, double *padfBoundsMin, double *padfBoundsMax, int *pnShapeCount);typedef struct{SAHooks sHooks;SAFile fp;intnRecords;intnRecordLength;intnHeaderLength;intnFields;int *panFieldOffset;int *panFieldSize;int *panFieldDecimals;char *pachFieldType;char *pszHeader;intnCurrentRecord;intbCurrentRecordModified;char *pszCurrentRecord;intnWorkFieldLength;char *pszWorkField;intbNoHeader;intbUpdated;doubledfDoubleField;}DBFInfo;typedef DBFInfo *DBFHandle;typedef enum{FTString, FTInteger, FTDouble, FTLogical, FTInvalid}DBFFieldType;#define XBASE_FLDHDR_SZDBFHandle SHPAPI_CALLDBFOpen(const char *pszDBFFile, const char *pszAccess
DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFOpenLL (const char *pszDBFFile, const char *pszAccess, SAHooks *psHooks)
DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCreate (const char *pszDBFFile)
DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCreateLL (const char *pszDBFFile, SAHooks *psHooks)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetFieldCount (DBFHandle psDBF)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetRecordCount (DBFHandle psDBF)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFAddField (DBFHandle hDBF, const char *pszFieldName, DBFFieldType eType, int nWidth, int nDecimals)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFAddNativeFieldType (DBFHandle hDBF, const char *pszFieldName, char chType, int nWidth, int nDecimals)
DBFFieldType SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetFieldInfo (DBFHandle psDBF, int iField, char *pszFieldName, int *pnWidth, int *pnDecimals)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetFieldIndex (DBFHandle psDBF, const char *pszFieldName)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFReadIntegerAttribute (DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField)
double SHPAPI_CALL DBFReadDoubleAttribute (DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField)
const char SHPAPI_CALL1DBFReadStringAttribute (DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField);const char SHPAPI_CALL1(*) DBFReadLogicalAttribute(DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFIsAttributeNULL (DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteIntegerAttribute (DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField, int nFieldValue)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteDoubleAttribute (DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField, double dFieldValue)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteStringAttribute (DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField, const char *pszFieldValue)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteNULLAttribute (DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteLogicalAttribute (DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField, const char lFieldValue)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteAttributeDirectly (DBFHandle psDBF, int hEntity, int iField, void *pValue)
const char SHPAPI_CALL1DBFReadTuple (DBFHandle psDBF, int hEntity);int SHPAPI_CALLDBFWriteTuple(DBFHandle psDBF, int hEntity, void *pRawTuple
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFIsRecordDeleted (DBFHandle psDBF, int iShape)
int SHPAPI_CALL DBFMarkRecordDeleted (DBFHandle psDBF, int iShape, int bIsDeleted)
DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCloneEmpty (DBFHandle psDBF, const char *pszFilename)
void SHPAPI_CALL DBFClose (DBFHandle hDBF)
void SHPAPI_CALL DBFUpdateHeader (DBFHandle hDBF)
char SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetNativeFieldType (DBFHandle hDBF, int iField)

Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 129 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPWriteObject().


Definition at line 366 of file shapefil.h.

#define MAX_SUBNODE   4

Definition at line 363 of file shapefil.h.

#define SHP_CVSID (   string)
static char cpl_cvsid[] = string; \
static char *cvsid_aw() { return( cvsid_aw() ? ((char *) NULL) : cpl_cvsid ); }
return NULL
Definition: dbfopen.c:1394

Definition at line 183 of file shapefil.h.


Definition at line 170 of file shapefil.h.

#define SHPAPI_CALL1 (   x)    x SHPAPI_CALL

Definition at line 175 of file shapefil.h.

#define SHPP_FIRSTRING   4

Definition at line 270 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPPartTypeName().

#define SHPP_INNERRING   3

Definition at line 269 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPPartTypeName().

#define SHPP_OUTERRING   2

Definition at line 268 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPPartTypeName().

#define SHPP_RING   5

Definition at line 271 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPPartTypeName().

#define SHPP_TRIFAN   1

Definition at line 267 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPPartTypeName().

#define SHPP_TRISTRIP   0

Definition at line 266 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPPartTypeName().

#define SHPT_ARC   3

Definition at line 247 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_ARCM   23

Definition at line 255 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_ARCZ   13

Definition at line 251 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_MULTIPATCH   31

Definition at line 258 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().


Definition at line 249 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().


Definition at line 257 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().


Definition at line 253 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by if(), SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_NULL   0

Definition at line 245 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_POINT   1

Definition at line 246 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_POINTM   21

Definition at line 254 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_POINTZ   11

Definition at line 250 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_POLYGON   5

Definition at line 248 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPRewindObject(), SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_POLYGONM   25

Definition at line 256 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPRewindObject(), SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().

#define SHPT_POLYGONZ   15

Definition at line 252 of file shapefil.h.

Referenced by SHPRewindObject(), SHPTypeName(), and SHPWriteObject().


Definition at line 122 of file shapefil.h.

#define XBASE_FLDHDR_SZ   32

Typedef Documentation

typedef int* SAFile

Definition at line 192 of file shapefil.h.

typedef unsigned long SAOffset

Definition at line 195 of file shapefil.h.

typedef SHPInfo* SHPHandle

Definition at line 240 of file shapefil.h.

typedef struct shape_tree_node SHPTreeNode

Function Documentation

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFAddField ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
const char *  pszFieldName,
DBFFieldType  eType,
int  nWidth,
int  nDecimals 

Definition at line 630 of file dbfopen.c.

References DBFAddNativeFieldType().

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFAddNativeFieldType ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
const char *  pszFieldName,
char  chType,
int  nWidth,
int  nDecimals 

Definition at line 655 of file dbfopen.c.

References FALSE.

Referenced by DBFAddField().

DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCloneEmpty ( DBFHandle  psDBF,
const char *  pszFilename 
void SHPAPI_CALL DBFClose ( DBFHandle  hDBF)

Definition at line 489 of file dbfopen.c.

References DBFUpdateHeader(), free(), and NULL.

DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCreate ( const char *  pszDBFFile)

Definition at line 535 of file dbfopen.c.

References DBFCreateLL(), and SASetupDefaultHooks().

DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCreateLL ( const char *  pszDBFFile,
SAHooks psHooks 

Definition at line 552 of file dbfopen.c.

References FALSE, SAHooks::FClose, SAHooks::FOpen, free(), SAHooks::FWrite, malloc(), NULL, sprintf(), and TRUE.

Referenced by DBFCreate().

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetFieldCount ( DBFHandle  psDBF)

Definition at line 957 of file dbfopen.c.

Referenced by DBFGetFieldIndex().

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetFieldIndex ( DBFHandle  psDBF,
const char *  pszFieldName 

Definition at line 1486 of file dbfopen.c.

References DBFGetFieldCount(), DBFGetFieldInfo(), render::name, and NULL.

DBFFieldType SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetFieldInfo ( DBFHandle  psDBF,
int  iField,
char *  pszFieldName,
int pnWidth,
int pnDecimals 

Definition at line 983 of file dbfopen.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by DBFGetFieldIndex().

char SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetNativeFieldType ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iField 

Definition at line 1452 of file dbfopen.c.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetRecordCount ( DBFHandle  psDBF)

Definition at line 970 of file dbfopen.c.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFIsAttributeNULL ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iShape,
int  iField 

Definition at line 906 of file dbfopen.c.

References DBFReadStringAttribute(), FALSE, NULL, and TRUE.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFIsRecordDeleted ( DBFHandle  psDBF,
int  iShape 

Definition at line 1515 of file dbfopen.c.

References FALSE, and TRUE.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFMarkRecordDeleted ( DBFHandle  psDBF,
int  iShape,
int  bIsDeleted 

Definition at line 1540 of file dbfopen.c.

References FALSE, and TRUE.

DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFOpenLL ( const char *  pszDBFFile,
const char *  pszAccess,
SAHooks psHooks 

Definition at line 341 of file dbfopen.c.

References FALSE, SAHooks::FOpen, free(), malloc(), NULL, and sprintf().

Referenced by DBFOpen().

double SHPAPI_CALL DBFReadDoubleAttribute ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iShape,
int  iField 

Definition at line 858 of file dbfopen.c.

References NULL.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFReadIntegerAttribute ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iShape,
int  iField 

Definition at line 838 of file dbfopen.c.

References NULL.

const char SHPAPI_CALL1* DBFReadStringAttribute ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iShape,
int  iField 
) const
const char SHPAPI_CALL1* DBFReadTuple ( DBFHandle  psDBF,
int  hEntity 
void SHPAPI_CALL DBFUpdateHeader ( DBFHandle  hDBF)

Definition at line 293 of file dbfopen.c.

Referenced by DBFClose().

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteAttributeDirectly ( DBFHandle  psDBF,
int  hEntity,
int  iField,
void *  pValue 

Definition at line 1193 of file dbfopen.c.

References FALSE.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteDoubleAttribute ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iShape,
int  iField,
double  dFieldValue 

Definition at line 1261 of file dbfopen.c.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteIntegerAttribute ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iShape,
int  iField,
int  nFieldValue 

Definition at line 1275 of file dbfopen.c.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteLogicalAttribute ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iShape,
int  iField,
const char  lFieldValue 

Definition at line 1318 of file dbfopen.c.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteNULLAttribute ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iShape,
int  iField 

Definition at line 1305 of file dbfopen.c.

References NULL.

int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteStringAttribute ( DBFHandle  hDBF,
int  iShape,
int  iField,
const char *  pszFieldValue 

Definition at line 1291 of file dbfopen.c.

SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPCreate ( const char *  pszShapeFile,
int  nShapeType 

Definition at line 789 of file shpopen.c.

References SASetupDefaultHooks(), and SHPCreateLL().

SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPCreateLL ( const char *  pszShapeFile,
int  nShapeType,
SAHooks psHooks 
SHPObject SHPAPI_CALL1* SHPCreateObject ( int  nSHPType,
int  nShapeId,
int  nParts,
const int panPartStart,
const int panPartType,
int  nVertices,
const double *  padfX,
const double *  padfY,
const double *  padfZ,
const double *  padfM 
) const
SHPTree SHPAPI_CALL1* SHPCreateTree ( SHPHandle  hSHP,
int  nDimension,
int  nMaxDepth,
double *  padfBoundsMin,
double *  padfBoundsMax 
void SHPAPI_CALL SHPDestroyObject ( SHPObject psObject)
void SHPAPI_CALL SHPGetInfo ( SHPHandle  hSHP,
int pnEntities,
int pnShapeType,
double *  padfMinBound,
double *  padfMaxBound 
SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPOpen ( const char *  pszShapeFile,
const char *  pszAccess 

Definition at line 426 of file shpopen.c.

References SASetupDefaultHooks(), and SHPOpenLL().

SHPObject SHPAPI_CALL1* SHPReadObject ( SHPHandle  hSHP,
int  iShape 
SHPTree SHPAPI_CALL SHPReadTree ( const char *  pszFilename)
int SHPAPI_CALL1* SHPSearchDiskTree ( FILE *  fp,
double *  padfBoundsMin,
double *  padfBoundsMax,
int pnShapeCount 
) const
int SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeAddObject ( SHPTree hTree,
SHPObject psObject 
int SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeAddShapeId ( SHPTree hTree,
SHPObject psObject 
int SHPAPI_CALL1* SHPTreeFindLikelyShapes ( SHPTree hTree,
double *  padfBoundsMin,
double *  padfBoundsMax,
int SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeRemoveShapeId ( SHPTree hTree,
int  nShapeId 
void SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeTrimExtraNodes ( SHPTree hTree)
int SHPAPI_CALL SHPWriteTree ( SHPTree hTree,
const char *  pszFilename 