GRASS Programmer's Manual  6.5.svn(2014)-r66266
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Data Structures

class  tools.NvizToolWindow
 Nviz (3D view) tools panel. More...
class  tools.PositionWindow
 Abstract position control window, see subclasses ViewPostionWindow and LightPositionWindow. More...
class  tools.ViewPositionWindow
 View position control widget. More...
class  tools.LightPositionWindow
 Light position control widget. More...


 Nviz (3D view) tools window.


def tools.GselectOnPopup
def tools.GetLayerData
 Get nviz data. More...
def tools.OnRecord
 Animation: start recording. More...
def tools.OnPlay
 Animation: replay. More...
def tools.OnStop
 Animation: stop recording/replaying. More...
def tools.OnPause
 Pause animation. More...
def tools.OnFrameIndex
 Frame index changed (by slider) More...
def tools.OnFrameIndexText
 Frame index changed by (textCtrl) More...
def tools.OnFPS
 Frames per second changed. More...
def tools.UpdateFrameIndex
 Update frame index. More...
def tools.UpdateFrameCount
 Update frame count label. More...
def tools.OnAnimationFinished
 Animation finished. More...
def tools.OnAnimationUpdateIndex
 Animation: frame index changed. More...
def tools.OnSaveAnimation
 Save animation as a sequence of images. More...
def tools.OnNewConstant
 Create new surface with constant value. More...
def tools.OnDeleteConstant
 Delete selected constant surface. More...
def tools.OnConstantSelection
 Constant selected. More...
def tools.OnSetConstantProp
 Change properties (color, value, resolution) of currently selected constant surface. More...
def tools.OnFringe
 Show/hide fringe. More...
def tools.OnScroll
 Generic scrolling handler. More...
def tools.AdjustSliderRange
def tools.UpdateSettings
 Update view from settings values stored in self.mapWindow.view dictionary. More...
def tools.OnShowLightModel
 Show light model. More...
def tools.OnLightChange
 Position of the light changing. More...
def tools.OnLightChanged
 Light changed. More...
def tools.OnLightColor
 Color of the light changed. More...
def tools.OnLightValue
 Light brightness/ambient changing. More...
def tools.OnBgColor
 Background color changed. More...
def tools.OnSetSurface
 Surface selected, currently used for fringes. More...
def tools.OnSetRaster
 Raster map selected, update surface page. More...
def tools.OnSetVector
 Vector map selected, update properties page. More...
def tools.OnSetRaster3D
 3D Raster map selected, update surface page More...
def tools.OnViewChange
 Change view, render in quick mode. More...
def tools.OnViewChanged
 View changed, render in full resolution. More...
def tools.OnViewChangedText
 View changed, render in full resolution. More...
def tools.OnLookAt
 Look here/center. More...
def tools.OnResetView
 Reset to default view (view page) More...
def tools.OnResetSurfacePosition
 Reset position of surface. More...
def tools.OnLookFrom
 Position of view/light changed by buttons. More...
def tools.OnMapObjUse
 Set surface attribute – use – map/constant. More...
def tools.EnablePage
 Enable/disable all widgets on page. More...
def tools.SetMapObjUseMap
 Update dialog widgets when attribute type changed. More...
def tools.OnSurfaceMap
 Set surface attribute. More...
def tools.SetMapObjAttrb
 Set map object (surface/isosurface) attribute (map/constant) More...
def tools.OnSurfaceResolution
 Draw resolution changed. More...
def tools.SetSurfaceResolution
 Set draw resolution. More...
def tools.SetSurfaceMode
 Set draw mode. More...
def tools.OnSurfaceMode
 Set draw mode. More...
def tools.OnSurfaceModeAll
 Set draw mode (including wire color) for all loaded surfaces. More...
def tools.OnSurfaceWireColor
 Set wire color. More...
def tools.OnSurfaceAxis
 Surface position, axis changed. More...
def tools.OnSurfacePosition
 Surface position. More...
def tools.OnSurfacePositionChanged
 Surface position changed. More...
def tools.OnSurfacePositionText
 Surface position changed by textctrl. More...
def tools.UpdateVectorShow
 Enable/disable lines/points widgets. More...
def tools.OnVectorShow
 Show vector lines/points. More...
def tools.OnVectorLinesMode
 Display vector lines on surface/flat. More...
def tools.OnVectorLines
 Set vector lines mode, apply changes if auto-rendering is enabled. More...
def tools.OnVectorPointsMode
def tools.OnVectorHeight
def tools.OnVectorHeightFull
 Vector height changed, render in full resolution. More...
def tools.OnVectorHeightText
 Vector height changed, render in full resolution. More...
def tools.OnVectorSurface
 Reference surface for vector map (lines/points) More...
def tools.OnVectorPoints
 Set vector points mode, apply changes if auto-rendering is enabled. More...
def tools.UpdateIsosurfButtons
 Enable/disable buttons 'add', 'delete', 'move up', 'move down'. More...
def tools.OnVolumeMode
 Change mode isosurfaces/slices. More...
def tools.OnVolumeDrawMode
 Set isosurface/slice draw mode. More...
def tools.SetVolumeDrawMode
 Set isosurface draw mode. More...
def tools.OnVolumeResolution
 Set isosurface/slice draw resolution. More...
def tools.SetVolumeResolution
 Set isosurface draw resolution. More...
def tools.OnInOutMode
 Change isosurfaces mode inout. More...
def tools.OnVolumeIsosurfMap
 Set surface attribute. More...
def tools.OnVolumeCheck
 Isosurface/slice checked (->load) or unchecked (->unload) More...
def tools.OnVolumeSelect
 Isosurface/Slice item selected. More...
def tools.OnVolumeAdd
 Add new isosurface/slice to the list. More...
def tools.OnVolumeDelete
 Remove isosurface/slice from list. More...
def tools.OnVolumeMoveUp
 Move isosurface/slice up in the list. More...
def tools.OnVolumeMoveDown
 Move isosurface/slice down in the list. More...
def tools.OnVolumePositionChanged
 Volume position changed. More...
def tools.OnVolumePosition
 Volume position. More...
def tools.OnVolumeAxis
 Volume position, axis changed. More...
def tools.OnVolumePositionText
 Volume position changed by textctrl. More...
def tools.OnResetVolumePosition
 Reset position of volume. More...
def tools.OnVolumeSliceAxes
 Slice axis changed. More...
def tools.OnSliceTransparency
 Slice transparency changed. More...
def tools.OnSliceReset
 Slice position reset. More...
def tools.OnSlicePositionChange
 Slice position is changing. More...
def tools.OnSlicePositionChanged
 Slice position is changed. More...
def tools.OnCPlaneSelection
 Cutting plane selected. More...
def tools.OnCPlaneChanging
 Cutting plane is changing. More...
def tools.OnCPlaneChangeDone
 Cutting plane change done. More...
def tools.OnCPlaneChangeText
 Cutting plane changed by textctrl. More...
def tools.OnCPlaneShading
 Cutting plane shading changed. More...
def tools.OnCPlaneReset
 Reset current cutting plane. More...
def tools.OnDecorationPlacement
 Place an arrow/scalebar by clicking on display. More...
def tools.OnArrowDelete
 Delete arrow. More...
def tools.OnScalebarDelete
 Delete scalebar. More...
def tools.OnDecorationProp
 Set arrow/scalebar properties. More...
def tools.UpdatePage
 Update dialog (selected page) More...
def tools.UpdateAnimationPage
 Update animation page. More...
def tools.UpdateCPlanePage
 Update widgets according to selected clip plane. More...
def tools.UpdateSurfacePage
 Update surface page. More...
def tools.UpdateVectorPage
 Update vector page. More...
def tools.UpdateVolumePage
 Update volume page. More...
def tools.UpdateVolumeIsosurfPage
 Update dialog – isosurface attributes. More...
def tools.UpdateVolumeSlicePage
 Update dialog – slice attributes. More...
def tools.UpdateSliceLabels
 Update text labels of slice controls according to axis. More...
def tools.SetPage
 Get named page. More...

Variables = fpb.FPB_DEFAULT_STYLE,
 style = fpb.CaptionBarStyle() style.SetCaptionStyle(fpb.CAPTIONBAR_FILLED_RECTANGLE) style.SetFirstColour(wx.Color(250,250,250)) More...
 tools.extraStyle = fpb.FPB_SINGLE_FOLD)
 tools.agwStyle = fpb.FPB_SINGLE_FOLD)
tuple tools.surfacePanel = self.foldpanelData.AddFoldPanel(_("Surface"), collapsed = False)
tuple tools.window = self._createSurfacePage(parent = surfacePanel)
tuple tools.constantPanel = self.foldpanelData.AddFoldPanel(_("Constant surface"), collapsed = True)
tuple tools.vectorPanel = self.foldpanelData.AddFoldPanel(_("Vector"), collapsed = True)
tuple tools.volumePanel = self.foldpanelData.AddFoldPanel(_("Volume"), collapsed = True)
tuple tools.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
 self.foldpanelData.ApplyCaptionStyleAll(style) More...
tuple tools.label = _("symbol:")
 gridSizer.Add(item = wx.StaticText(parent = panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = _("width")), pos = (1, 1), flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) More...
tuple tools.pos = (0, 5)
tuple tools.isym
tuple tools.gridSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(vgap = 5, hgap = 5)
tuple tools.display = wx.Choice(parent=panel)
tuple tools.surface
tuple tools.range = (0, 500)
tuple tools.bind = (self.OnVectorHeight, self.OnVectorHeightFull, self.OnVectorHeightText)
int tools.border = 3
tuple tools.mode
tuple tools.shade
tuple tools.resol
 surface = wx.CheckBox(parent = panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = _("Follow source viewpoint")) pageSizer.Add(item = surface, proportion = 0, flag = wx.ALL, border = 3) More...
tuple tools.boxSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(box, wx.VERTICAL)
tuple tools.isolevel
tuple tools.btnAdd = wx.Button(parent = panel, id = wx.ID_ADD)
tuple tools.btnDelete = wx.Button(parent = panel, id = wx.ID_DELETE)
tuple tools.btnMoveUp = wx.Button(parent = panel, id = wx.ID_UP)
tuple tools.btnMoveDown = wx.Button(parent = panel, id = wx.ID_DOWN)
tuple tools.axis
tuple tools.reset = wx.Button(panel, id = wx.ID_ANY, label = _("Reset"))
tuple tools.pslide = self.FindWindowById(['volume']['position']['slider'])
tuple tools.ptext = self.FindWindowById(['volume']['position']['text'])
tuple tools.posSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(vgap = 3, hgap = 3)
tuple tools.tooltip = _("Adjusts the light height")
tuple tools.heightSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(vgap = 3, hgap = 3)
tuple tools.color
tuple tools.size = (65, -1)
 value.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnVolumeIsosurfMap) More...
tuple tools.value
 tools.attrb = code)
tuple = event.GetId()
 self.OnVectorSurface(event) More...
string tools.vtype = 'lines'