def | tools.GselectOnPopup |
def | tools.GetLayerData |
| Get nviz data. More...
def | tools.OnRecord |
| Animation: start recording. More...
def | tools.OnPlay |
| Animation: replay. More...
def | tools.OnStop |
| Animation: stop recording/replaying. More...
def | tools.OnPause |
| Pause animation. More...
def | tools.OnFrameIndex |
| Frame index changed (by slider) More...
def | tools.OnFrameIndexText |
| Frame index changed by (textCtrl) More...
def | tools.OnFPS |
| Frames per second changed. More...
def | tools.UpdateFrameIndex |
| Update frame index. More...
def | tools.UpdateFrameCount |
| Update frame count label. More...
def | tools.OnAnimationFinished |
| Animation finished. More...
def | tools.OnAnimationUpdateIndex |
| Animation: frame index changed. More...
def | tools.OnSaveAnimation |
| Save animation as a sequence of images. More...
def | tools.OnNewConstant |
| Create new surface with constant value. More...
def | tools.OnDeleteConstant |
| Delete selected constant surface. More...
def | tools.OnConstantSelection |
| Constant selected. More...
def | tools.OnSetConstantProp |
| Change properties (color, value, resolution) of currently selected constant surface. More...
def | tools.OnFringe |
| Show/hide fringe. More...
def | tools.OnScroll |
| Generic scrolling handler. More...
def | tools.AdjustSliderRange |
def | tools.UpdateSettings |
| Update view from settings values stored in self.mapWindow.view dictionary. More...
def | tools.OnShowLightModel |
| Show light model. More...
def | tools.OnLightChange |
| Position of the light changing. More...
def | tools.OnLightChanged |
| Light changed. More...
def | tools.OnLightColor |
| Color of the light changed. More...
def | tools.OnLightValue |
| Light brightness/ambient changing. More...
def | tools.OnBgColor |
| Background color changed. More...
def | tools.OnSetSurface |
| Surface selected, currently used for fringes. More...
def | tools.OnSetRaster |
| Raster map selected, update surface page. More...
def | tools.OnSetVector |
| Vector map selected, update properties page. More...
def | tools.OnSetRaster3D |
| 3D Raster map selected, update surface page More...
def | tools.OnViewChange |
| Change view, render in quick mode. More...
def | tools.OnViewChanged |
| View changed, render in full resolution. More...
def | tools.OnViewChangedText |
| View changed, render in full resolution. More...
def | tools.OnLookAt |
| Look here/center. More...
def | tools.OnResetView |
| Reset to default view (view page) More...
def | tools.OnResetSurfacePosition |
| Reset position of surface. More...
def | tools.OnLookFrom |
| Position of view/light changed by buttons. More...
def | tools.OnMapObjUse |
| Set surface attribute – use – map/constant. More...
def | tools.EnablePage |
| Enable/disable all widgets on page. More...
def | tools.SetMapObjUseMap |
| Update dialog widgets when attribute type changed. More...
def | tools.OnSurfaceMap |
| Set surface attribute. More...
def | tools.SetMapObjAttrb |
| Set map object (surface/isosurface) attribute (map/constant) More...
def | tools.OnSurfaceResolution |
| Draw resolution changed. More...
def | tools.SetSurfaceResolution |
| Set draw resolution. More...
def | tools.SetSurfaceMode |
| Set draw mode. More...
def | tools.OnSurfaceMode |
| Set draw mode. More...
def | tools.OnSurfaceModeAll |
| Set draw mode (including wire color) for all loaded surfaces. More...
def | tools.OnSurfaceWireColor |
| Set wire color. More...
def | tools.OnSurfaceAxis |
| Surface position, axis changed. More...
def | tools.OnSurfacePosition |
| Surface position. More...
def | tools.OnSurfacePositionChanged |
| Surface position changed. More...
def | tools.OnSurfacePositionText |
| Surface position changed by textctrl. More...
def | tools.UpdateVectorShow |
| Enable/disable lines/points widgets. More...
def | tools.OnVectorShow |
| Show vector lines/points. More...
def | tools.OnVectorLinesMode |
| Display vector lines on surface/flat. More...
def | tools.OnVectorLines |
| Set vector lines mode, apply changes if auto-rendering is enabled. More...
def | tools.OnVectorPointsMode |
def | tools.OnVectorHeight |
def | tools.OnVectorHeightFull |
| Vector height changed, render in full resolution. More...
def | tools.OnVectorHeightText |
| Vector height changed, render in full resolution. More...
def | tools.OnVectorSurface |
| Reference surface for vector map (lines/points) More...
def | tools.OnVectorPoints |
| Set vector points mode, apply changes if auto-rendering is enabled. More...
def | tools.UpdateIsosurfButtons |
| Enable/disable buttons 'add', 'delete', 'move up', 'move down'. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeMode |
| Change mode isosurfaces/slices. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeDrawMode |
| Set isosurface/slice draw mode. More...
def | tools.SetVolumeDrawMode |
| Set isosurface draw mode. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeResolution |
| Set isosurface/slice draw resolution. More...
def | tools.SetVolumeResolution |
| Set isosurface draw resolution. More...
def | tools.OnInOutMode |
| Change isosurfaces mode inout. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeIsosurfMap |
| Set surface attribute. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeCheck |
| Isosurface/slice checked (->load) or unchecked (->unload) More...
def | tools.OnVolumeSelect |
| Isosurface/Slice item selected. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeAdd |
| Add new isosurface/slice to the list. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeDelete |
| Remove isosurface/slice from list. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeMoveUp |
| Move isosurface/slice up in the list. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeMoveDown |
| Move isosurface/slice down in the list. More...
def | tools.OnVolumePositionChanged |
| Volume position changed. More...
def | tools.OnVolumePosition |
| Volume position. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeAxis |
| Volume position, axis changed. More...
def | tools.OnVolumePositionText |
| Volume position changed by textctrl. More...
def | tools.OnResetVolumePosition |
| Reset position of volume. More...
def | tools.OnVolumeSliceAxes |
| Slice axis changed. More...
def | tools.OnSliceTransparency |
| Slice transparency changed. More...
def | tools.OnSliceReset |
| Slice position reset. More...
def | tools.OnSlicePositionChange |
| Slice position is changing. More...
def | tools.OnSlicePositionChanged |
| Slice position is changed. More...
def | tools.OnCPlaneSelection |
| Cutting plane selected. More...
def | tools.OnCPlaneChanging |
| Cutting plane is changing. More...
def | tools.OnCPlaneChangeDone |
| Cutting plane change done. More...
def | tools.OnCPlaneChangeText |
| Cutting plane changed by textctrl. More...
def | tools.OnCPlaneShading |
| Cutting plane shading changed. More...
def | tools.OnCPlaneReset |
| Reset current cutting plane. More...
def | tools.OnDecorationPlacement |
| Place an arrow/scalebar by clicking on display. More...
def | tools.OnArrowDelete |
| Delete arrow. More...
def | tools.OnScalebarDelete |
| Delete scalebar. More...
def | tools.OnDecorationProp |
| Set arrow/scalebar properties. More...
def | tools.UpdatePage |
| Update dialog (selected page) More...
def | tools.UpdateAnimationPage |
| Update animation page. More...
def | tools.UpdateCPlanePage |
| Update widgets according to selected clip plane. More...
def | tools.UpdateSurfacePage |
| Update surface page. More...
def | tools.UpdateVectorPage |
| Update vector page. More...
def | tools.UpdateVolumePage |
| Update volume page. More...
def | tools.UpdateVolumeIsosurfPage |
| Update dialog – isosurface attributes. More...
def | tools.UpdateVolumeSlicePage |
| Update dialog – slice attributes. More...
def | tools.UpdateSliceLabels |
| Update text labels of slice controls according to axis. More...
def | tools.SetPage |
| Get named page. More...