GRASS GIS 7 Programmer's Manual
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2 /*-
3  * Written by H. Mitasova, I. Kosinovsky, D. Gerdes Summer 1993
4  * University of Illinois
5  * US Army Construction Engineering Research Lab
6  * Copyright 1993, H. Mitasova (University of Illinois),
7  * I. Kosinovsky, (USA-CERL), and D.Gerdes (USA-CERL)
8  *
9  * modified by McCauley in August 1995
10  * modified by Mitasova in August 1995
11  *
12  * bug fixes by Jaro Hofierka in February 1999:
13  * line: 175,348 (*dnorm)
14  * 177,350 (points[m1].sm)
15  * 457,461 (})
16  *
17  * modified by Mitasova November 1999 (option for dnorm ind. tension)
18  *
19  */
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <math.h>
25 #include <grass/gis.h>
26 #include <grass/raster.h>
27 #include <grass/interpf.h>
28 #include <grass/gmath.h>
30 static int input_data(struct interp_params *,
31  int, int, struct fcell_triple *, int, int, int, int,
32  double, double, double);
33 static int write_zeros(struct interp_params *, struct quaddata *, off_t);
35 int IL_resample_interp_segments_2d(struct interp_params *params, struct BM *bitmask, /* bitmask */
36  double zmin, double zmax, /* min and max input z-values */
37  double *zminac, double *zmaxac, /* min and max interp. z-values */
38  double *gmin, double *gmax, /* min and max inperp. slope val. */
39  double *c1min, double *c1max, double *c2min, double *c2max, /* min and max interp. curv. val. */
40  double *ertot, /* total interplating func. error */
41  off_t offset1, /* offset for temp file writing */
42  double *dnorm,
43  int overlap,
44  int inp_rows,
45  int inp_cols,
46  int fdsmooth,
47  int fdinp,
48  double ns_res,
49  double ew_res,
50  double inp_ns_res,
51  double inp_ew_res, int dtens)
52 {
54  int i, j, k, l, m, m1, i1; /* loop coounters */
55  int cursegm = 0;
56  int new_comp = 0;
57  int n_rows, n_cols, inp_r, inp_c;
58  double x_or, y_or, xm, ym;
59  static int first = 1, new_first = 1;
60  double **matrix = NULL, **new_matrix = NULL, *b = NULL;
61  int *indx = NULL, *new_indx = NULL;
62  static struct fcell_triple *in_points = NULL; /* input points */
63  int inp_check_rows, inp_check_cols, /* total input rows/cols */
64  out_check_rows, out_check_cols; /* total output rows/cols */
65  int first_row, last_row; /* first and last input row of segment */
66  int first_col, last_col; /* first and last input col of segment */
67  int num, prev;
68  int div; /* number of divides */
69  int rem_out_row, rem_out_col; /* output rows/cols remainders */
70  int inp_seg_r, inp_seg_c, /* # of input rows/cols in segment */
71  out_seg_r, out_seg_c; /* # of output rows/cols in segment */
72  int ngstc, nszc /* first and last output col of the
73  * segment */
74  , ngstr, nszr; /* first and last output row of the
75  * segment */
76  int index; /* index for input data */
77  int c, r;
78  int overlap1;
79  int p_size;
80  struct quaddata *data;
81  double xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin;
82  int totsegm; /* total number of segments */
83  int total_points = 0;
84  struct triple triple; /* contains garbage */
87  xmin = params->x_orig;
88  ymin = params->y_orig;
89  xmax = xmin + ew_res * params->nsizc;
90  ymax = ymin + ns_res * params->nsizr;
91  prev = inp_rows * inp_cols;
92  if (prev <= params->kmax)
93  div = 1; /* no segmentation */
95  else { /* find the number of divides */
96  for (i = 2;; i++) {
97  c = inp_cols / i;
98  r = inp_rows / i;
99  num = c * r;
100  if (num < params->kmin) {
101  if (((params->kmin - num) > (prev + 1 - params->kmax)) &&
102  (prev + 1 < params->KMAX2)) {
103  div = i - 1;
104  break;
105  }
106  else {
107  div = i;
108  break;
109  }
110  }
111  if ((num > params->kmin) && (num + 1 < params->kmax)) {
112  div = i;
113  break;
114  }
115  prev = num;
116  }
117  }
118  out_seg_r = params->nsizr / div; /* output rows per segment */
119  out_seg_c = params->nsizc / div; /* output cols per segment */
120  inp_seg_r = inp_rows / div; /* input rows per segment */
121  inp_seg_c = inp_cols / div; /* input rows per segment */
122  rem_out_col = params->nsizc % div;
123  rem_out_row = params->nsizr % div;
124  overlap1 = min1(overlap, inp_seg_c - 1);
125  overlap1 = min1(overlap1, inp_seg_r - 1);
126  out_check_rows = 0;
127  out_check_cols = 0;
128  inp_check_rows = 0;
129  inp_check_cols = 0;
131  if (div == 1) {
132  p_size = inp_seg_c * inp_seg_r;
133  }
134  else {
135  p_size = (overlap1 * 2 + inp_seg_c) * (overlap1 * 2 + inp_seg_r);
136  }
137  if (!in_points) {
138  if (!
139  (in_points =
140  (struct fcell_triple *)G_malloc(sizeof(struct fcell_triple) *
141  p_size * div))) {
142  fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for in_points\n");
143  return -1;
144  }
145  }
147  *dnorm =
148  sqrt(((xmax - xmin) * (ymax -
149  ymin) * p_size) / (inp_rows * inp_cols));
151  if (dtens) {
152  params->fi = params->fi * (*dnorm) / 1000.;
153  fprintf(stderr, "dnorm = %f, rescaled tension = %f\n", *dnorm,
154  params->fi);
155  }
157  if (div == 1) { /* no segmentation */
158  totsegm = 1;
159  cursegm = 1;
161  input_data(params, 1, inp_rows, in_points, fdsmooth, fdinp, inp_rows,
162  inp_cols, zmin, inp_ns_res, inp_ew_res);
164  x_or = 0.;
165  y_or = 0.;
166  xm = params->nsizc * ew_res;
167  ym = params->nsizr * ns_res;
169  data = (struct quaddata *)quad_data_new(x_or, y_or, xm, ym,
170  params->nsizr, params->nsizc,
171  0, params->KMAX2);
172  m1 = 0;
173  for (k = 1; k <= p_size; k++) {
174  if (!Rast_is_f_null_value(&(in_points[k - 1].z))) {
175  data->points[m1].x = in_points[k - 1].x / (*dnorm);
176  data->points[m1].y = in_points[k - 1].y / (*dnorm);
177  /* data->points[m1].z = (double) (in_points[k - 1].z) / (*dnorm); */
178  data->points[m1].z = (double)(in_points[k - 1].z);
179  data->points[m1].sm = in_points[k - 1].smooth;
180  m1++;
181  }
182  }
183  data->n_points = m1;
184  total_points = m1;
185  if (!(indx = G_alloc_ivector(params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
186  fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for indx\n");
187  return -1;
188  }
189  if (!(matrix = G_alloc_matrix(params->KMAX2 + 1, params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
190  fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for matrix\n");
191  return -1;
192  }
193  if (!(b = G_alloc_vector(params->KMAX2 + 2))) {
194  fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for b\n");
195  return -1;
196  }
198  if (params->matrix_create(params, data->points, m1, matrix, indx) < 0)
199  return -1;
200  for (i = 0; i < m1; i++) {
201  b[i + 1] = data->points[i].z;
202  }
203  b[0] = 0.;
204  G_lubksb(matrix, m1 + 1, indx, b);
206  params->check_points(params, data, b, ertot, zmin, *dnorm, triple);
208  if (params->grid_calc(params, data, bitmask,
209  zmin, zmax, zminac, zmaxac, gmin, gmax,
210  c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max, ertot, b, offset1,
211  *dnorm) < 0) {
212  fprintf(stderr, "interpolation failed\n");
213  return -1;
214  }
215  else {
216  if (totsegm != 0) {
217  G_percent(cursegm, totsegm, 1);
218  }
219  /*
220  * if (b) G_free_vector(b); if (matrix) G_free_matrix(matrix); if
221  * (indx) G_free_ivector(indx);
222  */
223  fprintf(stderr, "dnorm in ressegm after grid before out= %f \n",
224  *dnorm);
225  return total_points;
226  }
227  }
229  out_seg_r = params->nsizr / div; /* output rows per segment */
230  out_seg_c = params->nsizc / div; /* output cols per segment */
231  inp_seg_r = inp_rows / div; /* input rows per segment */
232  inp_seg_c = inp_cols / div; /* input rows per segment */
233  rem_out_col = params->nsizc % div;
234  rem_out_row = params->nsizr % div;
235  overlap1 = min1(overlap, inp_seg_c - 1);
236  overlap1 = min1(overlap1, inp_seg_r - 1);
237  out_check_rows = 0;
238  out_check_cols = 0;
239  inp_check_rows = 0;
240  inp_check_cols = 0;
242  totsegm = div * div;
244  /* set up a segment */
245  for (i = 1; i <= div; i++) { /* input and output rows */
246  if (i <= div - rem_out_row)
247  n_rows = out_seg_r;
248  else
249  n_rows = out_seg_r + 1;
250  inp_r = inp_seg_r;
251  out_check_cols = 0;
252  inp_check_cols = 0;
253  ngstr = out_check_rows + 1; /* first output row of the segment */
254  nszr = ngstr + n_rows - 1; /* last output row of the segment */
255  y_or = (ngstr - 1) * ns_res; /* y origin of the segment */
256  /*
257  * Calculating input starting and ending rows and columns of this
258  * segment
259  */
260  first_row = (int)(y_or / inp_ns_res) + 1;
261  if (first_row > overlap1) {
262  first_row -= overlap1; /* middle */
263  last_row = first_row + inp_seg_r + overlap1 * 2 - 1;
264  if (last_row > inp_rows) {
265  first_row -= (last_row - inp_rows); /* bottom */
266  last_row = inp_rows;
267  }
268  }
269  else {
270  first_row = 1; /* top */
271  last_row = first_row + inp_seg_r + overlap1 * 2 - 1;
272  }
273  if ((last_row > inp_rows) || (first_row < 1)) {
274  fprintf(stderr, "Row overlap too large!\n");
275  return -1;
276  }
277  input_data(params, first_row, last_row, in_points, fdsmooth, fdinp,
278  inp_rows, inp_cols, zmin, inp_ns_res, inp_ew_res);
280  for (j = 1; j <= div; j++) { /* input and output cols */
281  if (j <= div - rem_out_col)
282  n_cols = out_seg_c;
283  else
284  n_cols = out_seg_c + 1;
285  inp_c = inp_seg_c;
287  ngstc = out_check_cols + 1; /* first output col of the segment */
288  nszc = ngstc + n_cols - 1; /* last output col of the segment */
289  x_or = (ngstc - 1) * ew_res; /* x origin of the segment */
291  first_col = (int)(x_or / inp_ew_res) + 1;
292  if (first_col > overlap1) {
293  first_col -= overlap1; /* middle */
294  last_col = first_col + inp_seg_c + overlap1 * 2 - 1;
295  if (last_col > inp_cols) {
296  first_col -= (last_col - inp_cols); /* right */
297  last_col = inp_cols;
298  }
299  }
300  else {
301  first_col = 1; /* left */
302  last_col = first_col + inp_seg_c + overlap1 * 2 - 1;
303  }
304  if ((last_col > inp_cols) || (first_col < 1)) {
305  fprintf(stderr, "Column overlap too large!\n");
306  return -1;
307  }
308  m = 0;
309  /* Getting points for interpolation (translated) */
311  xm = nszc * ew_res;
312  ym = nszr * ns_res;
313  data = (struct quaddata *)quad_data_new(x_or, y_or, xm, ym,
314  nszr - ngstr + 1,
315  nszc - ngstc + 1, 0,
316  params->KMAX2);
317  new_comp = 0;
319  for (k = 0; k <= last_row - first_row; k++) {
320  for (l = first_col - 1; l < last_col; l++) {
321  index = k * inp_cols + l;
322  if (!Rast_is_f_null_value(&(in_points[index].z))) {
323  /* if the point is inside the segment (not overlapping) */
324  if ((in_points[index].x - x_or >= 0) &&
325  (in_points[index].y - y_or >= 0) &&
326  ((nszc - 1) * ew_res - in_points[index].x >= 0) &&
327  ((nszr - 1) * ns_res - in_points[index].y >= 0))
328  total_points += 1;
329  data->points[m].x =
330  (in_points[index].x - x_or) / (*dnorm);
331  data->points[m].y =
332  (in_points[index].y - y_or) / (*dnorm);
333  /* data->points[m].z = (double) (in_points[index].z) / (*dnorm); */
334  data->points[m].z = (double)(in_points[index].z);
335  data->points[m].sm = in_points[index].smooth;
336  m++;
337  }
338  else
339  new_comp = 1;
341  /* fprintf(stderr,"%f,%f,%f
342  zmin=%f\n",in_points[index].x,in_points[index].y,in_points[index].z,zmin);
343  */
344  }
345  }
346  /* fprintf (stdout,"m,index:%di,%d\n",m,index); */
347  if (m <= params->KMAX2)
348  data->n_points = m;
349  else
350  data->n_points = params->KMAX2;
351  out_check_cols += n_cols;
352  inp_check_cols += inp_c;
353  cursegm = (i - 1) * div + j - 1;
355  /* show before to catch 0% */
356  if (totsegm != 0) {
357  G_percent(cursegm, totsegm, 1);
358  }
359  if (m == 0) {
360  /*
361  * fprintf(stderr,"Warning: segment with zero points encountered,
362  * insrease overlap\n");
363  */
364  write_zeros(params, data, offset1);
365  }
366  else {
367  if (new_comp) {
368  if (new_first) {
369  new_first = 0;
370  if (!b) {
371  if (!(b = G_alloc_vector(params->KMAX2 + 2))) {
372  fprintf(stderr,
373  "Cannot allocate memory for b\n");
374  return -1;
375  }
376  }
377  if (!(new_indx = G_alloc_ivector(params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
378  fprintf(stderr,
379  "Cannot allocate memory for new_indx\n");
380  return -1;
381  }
382  if (!
383  (new_matrix =
384  G_alloc_matrix(params->KMAX2 + 1,
385  params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
386  fprintf(stderr,
387  "Cannot allocate memory for new_matrix\n");
388  return -1;
389  }
390  } /*new_first */
391  if (params->
392  matrix_create(params, data->points, data->n_points,
393  new_matrix, new_indx) < 0)
394  return -1;
396  for (i1 = 0; i1 < m; i1++) {
397  b[i1 + 1] = data->points[i1].z;
398  }
399  b[0] = 0.;
400  G_lubksb(new_matrix, data->n_points + 1, new_indx, b);
402  params->check_points(params, data, b, ertot, zmin,
403  *dnorm, triple);
405  if (params->grid_calc(params, data, bitmask,
406  zmin, zmax, zminac, zmaxac, gmin,
407  gmax, c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max,
408  ertot, b, offset1, *dnorm) < 0) {
410  fprintf(stderr, "interpolate() failed\n");
411  return -1;
412  }
413  } /*new_comp */
414  else {
415  if (first) {
416  first = 0;
417  if (!b) {
418  if (!(b = G_alloc_vector(params->KMAX2 + 2))) {
419  fprintf(stderr,
420  "Cannot allocate memory for b\n");
421  return -1;
422  }
423  }
424  if (!(indx = G_alloc_ivector(params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
425  fprintf(stderr,
426  "Cannot allocate memory for indx\n");
427  return -1;
428  }
429  if (!
430  (matrix =
431  G_alloc_matrix(params->KMAX2 + 1,
432  params->KMAX2 + 1))) {
433  fprintf(stderr,
434  "Cannot allocate memory for matrix\n");
435  return -1;
436  }
437  } /* first */
438  if (params->
439  matrix_create(params, data->points, data->n_points,
440  matrix, indx) < 0)
441  return -1;
442  /* } here it was bug */
443  for (i1 = 0; i1 < m; i1++)
444  b[i1 + 1] = data->points[i1].z;
445  b[0] = 0.;
446  G_lubksb(matrix, data->n_points + 1, indx, b);
448  params->check_points(params, data, b, ertot, zmin,
449  *dnorm, triple);
451  if (params->grid_calc(params, data, bitmask,
452  zmin, zmax, zminac, zmaxac, gmin,
453  gmax, c1min, c1max, c2min, c2max,
454  ertot, b, offset1, *dnorm) < 0) {
456  fprintf(stderr, "interpolate() failed\n");
457  return -1;
458  }
459  }
460  }
461  if (data) {
462  G_free(data->points);
463  G_free(data);
464  }
465  /*
466  * cursegm++;
467  */
468  }
470  inp_check_rows += inp_r;
471  out_check_rows += n_rows;
472  }
474  /* run one last time after the loop is done to catch 100% */
475  if (totsegm != 0)
476  G_percent(1, 1, 1); /* cursegm doesn't get to totsegm so we force 100% */
478  /*
479  * if (b) G_free_vector(b); if (indx) G_free_ivector(indx); if (matrix)
480  * G_free_matrix(matrix);
481  */
482  fprintf(stderr, "dnorm in ressegm after grid before out2= %f \n", *dnorm);
483  return total_points;
484 }
486 /* input of data for interpolation and smoothing parameters */
488 static int input_data(struct interp_params *params,
489  int first_row, int last_row,
490  struct fcell_triple *points,
491  int fdsmooth, int fdinp,
492  int inp_rows, int inp_cols,
493  double zmin, double inp_ns_res, double inp_ew_res)
494 {
495  double x, y, sm; /* input data and smoothing */
496  int m1, m2; /* loop counters */
497  static FCELL *cellinp = NULL; /* cell buffer for input data */
498  static FCELL *cellsmooth = NULL; /* cell buffer for smoothing */
501  if (!cellinp)
502  cellinp = Rast_allocate_f_buf();
503  if (!cellsmooth)
504  cellsmooth = Rast_allocate_f_buf();
506  for (m1 = 0; m1 <= last_row - first_row; m1++) {
507  Rast_get_f_row(fdinp, cellinp, inp_rows - m1 - first_row);
508  if (fdsmooth >= 0)
509  Rast_get_f_row(fdsmooth, cellsmooth, inp_rows - m1 - first_row);
511  y = params->y_orig + (m1 + first_row - 1 + 0.5) * inp_ns_res;
512  for (m2 = 0; m2 < inp_cols; m2++) {
513  x = params->x_orig + (m2 + 0.5) * inp_ew_res;
514  /*
515  * z = cellinp[m2]*params->zmult;
516  */
517  if (fdsmooth >= 0)
518  sm = (double)cellsmooth[m2];
519  else
520  sm = 0.01;
522  points[m1 * inp_cols + m2].x = x - params->x_orig;
523  points[m1 * inp_cols + m2].y = y - params->y_orig;
524  if (!Rast_is_f_null_value(cellinp + m2)) {
525  points[m1 * inp_cols + m2].z =
526  cellinp[m2] * params->zmult - zmin;
527  }
528  else {
529  Rast_set_f_null_value(&(points[m1 * inp_cols + m2].z), 1);
530  }
532  /* fprintf (stdout,"sm: %f\n",sm); */
534  points[m1 * inp_cols + m2].smooth = sm;
535  }
536  }
537  return 1;
538 }
540 static int write_zeros(struct interp_params *params,
541  struct quaddata *data, /* given segment */
542  off_t offset1 /* offset for temp file writing */
543  )
544 {
546  /*
548  * c
549  */
550  double x_or = data->x_orig;
551  double y_or = data->y_orig;
552  int n_rows = data->n_rows;
553  int n_cols = data->n_cols;
554  int cond1, cond2;
555  int k, l;
556  int ngstc, nszc, ngstr, nszr;
557  off_t offset, offset2;
558  double ns_res, ew_res;
560  ns_res = (((struct quaddata *)(data))->ymax -
561  ((struct quaddata *)(data))->y_orig) / data->n_rows;
562  ew_res = (((struct quaddata *)(data))->xmax -
563  ((struct quaddata *)(data))->x_orig) / data->n_cols;
565  cond2 = ((params->adxx != NULL) || (params->adyy != NULL) ||
566  (params->adxy != NULL));
567  cond1 = ((params->adx != NULL) || (params->ady != NULL) || cond2);
569  ngstc = (int)(x_or / ew_res + 0.5) + 1;
570  nszc = ngstc + n_cols - 1;
571  ngstr = (int)(y_or / ns_res + 0.5) + 1;
572  nszr = ngstr + n_rows - 1;
574  for (k = ngstr; k <= nszr; k++) {
575  offset = offset1 * (k - 1); /* rows offset */
576  for (l = ngstc; l <= nszc; l++) {
577  /*
578  * params->az[l] = 0.;
579  */
580  Rast_set_d_null_value(params->az + l, 1);
581  if (cond1) {
582  /*
583  * params->adx[l] = (FCELL)0.; params->ady[l] = (FCELL)0.;
584  */
585  Rast_set_d_null_value(params->adx + l, 1);
586  Rast_set_d_null_value(params->ady + l, 1);
587  if (cond2) {
588  Rast_set_d_null_value(params->adxx + l, 1);
589  Rast_set_d_null_value(params->adyy + l, 1);
590  Rast_set_d_null_value(params->adxy + l, 1);
591  /*
592  * params->adxx[l] = (FCELL)0.; params->adyy[l] = (FCELL)0.;
593  * params->adxy[l] = (FCELL)0.;
594  */
595  }
596  }
597  }
598  offset2 = (offset + ngstc - 1) * sizeof(FCELL);
599  if (params->wr_temp(params, ngstc, nszc, offset2) < 0)
600  return -1;
601  }
602  return 1;
603 }
#define G_malloc(n)
Definition: defs/gis.h:112
int * G_alloc_ivector(size_t)
Vector matrix memory allocation.
Definition: ialloc.c:41
double y
Definition: interpf.h:19
double y_orig
Definition: dataquad.h:51
int IL_resample_interp_segments_2d(struct interp_params *params, struct BM *bitmask, double zmin, double zmax, double *zminac, double *zmaxac, double *gmin, double *gmax, double *c1min, double *c1max, double *c2min, double *c2max, double *ertot, off_t offset1, double *dnorm, int overlap, int inp_rows, int inp_cols, int fdsmooth, int fdinp, double ns_res, double ew_res, double inp_ns_res, double inp_ew_res, int dtens)
Definition: ressegm2d.c:35
double z
Definition: dataquad.h:44
void G_free(void *)
Free allocated memory.
Definition: gis/alloc.c:149
Definition: bitmap.h:17
matrix_create_fn * matrix_create
Definition: interpf.h:98
DCELL * adxx
Definition: interpf.h:78
double y_orig
Definition: interpf.h:87
double ** G_alloc_matrix(int, int)
Matrix memory allocation.
Definition: dalloc.c:60
#define Rast_is_f_null_value(fcellVal)
Definition: defs/raster.h:418
#define NULL
Definition: ccmath.h:32
double x_orig
Definition: dataquad.h:50
#define x
DCELL * adx
Definition: interpf.h:78
struct triple * points
Definition: dataquad.h:57
struct quaddata * quad_data_new(double x_or, double y_or, double xmax, double ymax, int rows, int cols, int n_points, int kmax)
Definition: dataquad.c:62
grid_calc_fn * grid_calc
Definition: interpf.h:97
double l
Definition: r_raster.c:39
double b
Definition: r_raster.c:39
double * G_alloc_vector(size_t)
Vector matrix memory allocation.
Definition: dalloc.c:41
check_points_fn * check_points
Definition: interpf.h:99
DCELL * az
Definition: interpf.h:78
double x
Definition: interpf.h:18
void Rast_set_f_null_value(FCELL *, int)
To set a number of FCELL raster values to NULL.
Definition: null_val.c:138
double x
Definition: dataquad.h:42
double sm
Definition: dataquad.h:45
double fi
Definition: interpf.h:80
FCELL * Rast_allocate_f_buf(void)
Allocates memory for a raster map of type FCELL.
Definition: alloc_cell.c:95
double x_orig
Definition: interpf.h:87
double ymax
Definition: dataquad.h:53
float FCELL
Definition: gis.h:604
void G_percent(long, long, int)
Print percent complete messages.
Definition: percent.c:62
DCELL * ady
Definition: interpf.h:78
wr_temp_fn * wr_temp
Definition: interpf.h:103
void G_lubksb(double **a, int n, int *indx, double b[])
LU backward substitution.
Definition: lu.c:104
double zmult
Definition: interpf.h:70
double xmax
Definition: dataquad.h:52
int n_rows
Definition: dataquad.h:54
DCELL * adxy
Definition: interpf.h:78
double smooth
Definition: interpf.h:21
int n_cols
Definition: dataquad.h:55
double y
Definition: dataquad.h:43
int min1(int, int)
Definition: minmax.c:18
double r
Definition: r_raster.c:39
void Rast_set_d_null_value(DCELL *, int)
To set a number of DCELL raster values to NULL.
Definition: null_val.c:155
void Rast_get_f_row(int, FCELL *, int)
Get raster row (FCELL type)
Definition: interpf.h:20
int n_points
Definition: dataquad.h:56
DCELL * adyy
Definition: interpf.h:78