C_Color_Info_ | |
C_Color_Rule_ | |
C_Color_Value_ | |
C_d_interval | |
C_d_mask | |
C_db_column | |
C_db_connection | |
C_db_cursor | |
C_db_date_time | |
C_db_dirent | |
C_db_driver | |
C_db_driver_state | |
C_db_handle | |
C_db_index | |
C_db_string | |
C_db_table | |
C_db_value | |
C_dbmscap | |
C_dglGraph | |
C_dglHeap | |
C_dglHeapData | |
C_dglHeapNode | |
C_dglSpanClipInput | |
C_dglSpanClipOutput | |
C_dglSPArc | |
C_dglSPClipInput | |
C_dglSPClipOutput | |
C_dglSPReport | |
C_dglTreeEdge | |
C_dglTreeEdgePri32 | |
C_dglTreeNode | |
C_dglTreeNode2 | |
C_dglTreeNodePri32 | |
C_dglTreePredist | |
C_dglTreeTouchI32 | |
C_tgisDataset | |
C_tgisDatasetList | List of tgisDatasets struct's |
C_tgisExtent | |
C_tgisMap | |
C_tgisMapList | List of tgisMap struct's |
Caq | |
Carrow_data | |
Cattribute | |
Catts_index | |
Cavl_node | |
Cavl_table | |
Cavl_traverser | |
CbaseCmpType | |
CBasicMinMaxHeap | |
CBlockHeapElement | |
CBM | |
CBMlink | |
Cbound_box | Bounding box |
Cboxlist | List of bounding boxes with id |
Ccairo_state | |
CCat_index | Category index |
Ccat_list | Category list |
CCategories | |
CCell_head | 2D/3D raster map header (used also for region) |
►CCell_stats | |
CCell_stats_node | |
CClassData | |
CClassSig | |
Cclip | |
CCluster | |
Ccmndln_info | |
Ccolor_name | |
Ccolor_rgb | |
Ccolor_rgba | |
CColors | |
Ccomplex | |
Ccompressor_list | |
CControl_Points | |
CCoor_info | Coor file info |
CCounter | |
CCube_data | |
Ccube_info | |
Cdataset | |
CDateTime | |
CdbCatVal | |
CdbCatValArray | |
CdbCatValI | |
CDBFInfo | |
Cdblinks | Database links |
CdbRclsRule | |
CdglEdgePrioritizer_s | |
CdglEdgesetTraverser_s | |
CdglEdgeTraverser_s | |
CdglIOContext_s | |
CdglNodePrioritizer_s | |
CdglNodeTraverser_s | |
CdglSPCache_s | |
Cdig_head | Vector map header data |
Cdoublecomplex | |
Cdriver | |
Celement | |
Cem_buffer | |
Cem_pqueue | |
CEMPQueueAdaptive | |
CExtendedEltMergeType | |
Cfcell_triple | |
Cfield_info | Layer (old: field) information |
Cfile_info | |
Cfileinfo | |
CFlag | Structure that stores flag info |
CFormat_info | Non-native format info (currently only OGR is implemented) |
CFormat_info_cache | Lines cache for reading feature (non-native formats) |
CFormat_info_offset | Data structure used for building pseudo-topology |
CFormat_info_ogr | Non-native format info (OGR) |
CFormat_info_pg | Non-native format info (PostGIS) |
CFP_stats | |
CFPRange | |
CFPReclass | |
CFPReclass_table | |
Cfringe_data | |
Cfunc_desc | |
CG_3dview | |
CG__ | |
Cg_line | |
CG_math_spvector | The row vector of the sparse matrix |
Cg_point | |
Cg_site | |
Cg_surf | |
Cg_vect | |
Cg_vect_style | |
Cg_vect_style_thematic | |
Cg_vol | |
CGDAL_link | |
Cgeodisplay | |
Cgeorot | |
Cgeoview | |
Cgeovol_file | |
Cgeovol_isosurf | |
Cgeovol_isosurf_att | |
Cgeovol_slice | |
CGModule | Structure that stores module info |
Cgpj_datum | |
Cgpj_datum_transform_list | |
Cgpj_ellps | |
CGraph_info | Graph-related section (see GRASS Directed Graph Library) |
Cgsurf_att | |
Cgvfile | File definition |
CHeapElement | |
►CHistogram | |
CHistogram_list | |
CHistory | Raster history info (metadata) |
Chtml_state | |
CIClass_statistics | |
Cilist | List of integers |
Cim_buffer | |
Cinterp_params | |
Ckdnode | Node for k-d tree |
Ckdtrav | K-d tree traversal |
Ckdtree | K-d tree |
Ckey_node | |
CKey_Value | |
Clibavl_allocator | |
Clight_data | |
Clightdefs | |
Cline_cats | Feature category info |
Cline_pnts | Feature geometry info - coordinates |
Clink_head | |
Clist | |
CLZ4_stream_t_internal | |
CLZ4_stream_u | |
CLZ4_streamDecode_t_internal | |
CLZ4_streamDecode_u | |
CMap_info | Vector map info |
CMapPoly | |
Cmatrix_ | |
Cmerge_key | |
CMinMaxHeap | |
CMM_register | |
Cmm_register_init | |
Cmultfunc | |
Cmulttree | |
CN_array_2d | |
CN_array_3d | |
CN_data_star | Matrix entries for a mass balance 5/7/9 star system |
CN_geom_data | Geometric information about the structured grid |
CN_gradient_2d | Gradient between the cells in X and Y direction |
CN_gradient_3d | Gradient between the cells in X, Y and Z direction |
CN_gradient_field_2d | |
CN_gradient_field_3d | |
CN_gradient_neighbours_2d | Gradient between the cell neighbours in X and Y direction |
CN_gradient_neighbours_3d | Gradient between the cell neighbours in X, Y and Z direction |
CN_gradient_neighbours_x | Gradient between the cell neighbours in X direction |
CN_gradient_neighbours_y | Gradient between the cell neighbours in Y direction |
CN_gradient_neighbours_z | Gradient between the cell neighbours in Z direction |
CN_gwflow_data2d | This data structure contains all data needed to compute the groundwater mass balance in two dimension |
CN_gwflow_data3d | This data structure contains all data needed to compute the groundwater mass balance in three dimension |
CN_heatflow_data2d | |
CN_heatflow_data3d | |
CN_les | The linear equation system (les) structure |
CN_les_callback_2d | Callback structure for 2d matrix assembling |
CN_les_callback_3d | Callback structure for 3d matrix assembling |
CN_solute_transport_data2d | |
CN_solute_transport_data3d | |
Cneta_timetable | |
Cneta_timetable_result | |
CNodeBuffer | |
Cnstack | |
Cnv_data | |
COne_Sig | |
COption | Structure that stores option information |
CP_area | Area (topology) info |
CP_isle | Isle (topology) info |
CP_line | Vector geometry |
CP_node | Topological feature - node |
CP_topo_b | Boundary topology |
CP_topo_c | Centroid topology |
CP_topo_f | Face topology |
CP_topo_k | Kernel topology |
CP_topo_l | Line topology |
Cpath | |
Cpg_edge | |
Cpg_vertex | |
Cpj_info | |
Cplanar_graph | |
Cplane | |
CPlus_head | Basic topology-related info |
Cpng_state | |
CPoint | |
Cpoly_info | |
CPopen | |
CPort_info | Portability info |
Cpqheap_t1 | |
Cps_state | |
Cquaddata | |
CQuant | |
CQuant_table | |
Cqueue | |
CR__ | |
CR_stats | |
CR_vrt | |
CRange | |
CRast3d_cache_hash | |
CRASTER3D_Array_double | |
CRASTER3D_cache | |
CRASTER3D_Region | |
CReclass | |
Crectangle | |
Crecycle | List of dead lines in the file |
CRef | |
CRef_Color | |
CRef_Files | |
CReg_dimens | |
Crender_window | |
CReplacementHeap | |
CReplacementHeapBlock | |
Crobject | |
Crobject_list | |
Crpoint | |
CRtimer | |
►CRTree | |
C_recycle | |
CRTree_Branch | |
CRTree_Child | |
CRTree_ListBranch | |
CRTree_ListFNode | |
CRTree_ListNode | |
CRTree_Node | |
CRTree_PartitionVars | |
CRTree_Rect | |
CSAHooks | |
Cscalebar_data | |
CscCats | |
CscdScattData | |
CscScatts | |
Cscb | |
Cshape_tree_node | |
CSHPInfo | |
CSHPTree | |
CSignature | |
CSigSet | |
Csite_att | Used by sites lib |
Cspatial_index | Spatial index info |
Csqlpnode | |
CSubSig | |
Ctable256 | |
CtagSHPObject | |
CTape_Info | |
Ctavl_node | |
Ctavl_table | |
Ctavl_traverser | |
Ctileinfo | |
CTimeStamp | |
Ctransform | |
Ctree_info | |
Ctriple | |
Ctypbuff | |
CUnboundedMinMaxHeap | |
CUntypedStream | |
Cvarray | Vector array |
CVersion_info | Backward compatibility version info |
Cvertex | |
Cview_node | |