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Format_info_cache Struct Reference

Lines cache for reading feature (non-native formats) More...

#include <dig_structs.h>

Collaboration diagram for Format_info_cache:

Data Fields

struct line_pnts ** lines
 Lines array. More...
int * lines_types
 List of line types (GV_POINT, GV_LINE, ...) More...
int * lines_cats
 List of line cats (used only for PostGIS Topology access) More...
int lines_alloc
 Number of allocated lines in cache. More...
int lines_num
 Number of lines which forms current feature. More...
int lines_next
 Next line to be read from cache. More...
long fid
 Feature id. More...
SF_FeatureType sf_type
 Simple feature type (currently used only by PG format) More...
int ctype
 Cache type. More...

Detailed Description

Lines cache for reading feature (non-native formats)

Definition at line 461 of file dig_structs.h.

Field Documentation

◆ ctype

int Format_info_cache::ctype

Cache type.

Currently used only by PostGIS Topology which allows caching the whole map (CACHE_MAP)

Definition at line 507 of file dig_structs.h.

Referenced by V1_rewind_pg(), Vect__get_area_points(), and Vect_get_isle_points().

◆ fid

long Format_info_cache::fid

Feature id.

Definition at line 497 of file dig_structs.h.

Referenced by V1_open_old_ogr(), and V1_rewind_pg().

◆ lines

struct line_pnts** Format_info_cache::lines

Lines array.

Some simple features require more allocated lines (eg. polygon with more rings, multipoint, or geometrycollection)

Line cache is also used for PostGIS Topology to store single topological element (ctype == CACHE_FEATURE) or all elements from the map (ctype == CACHE_MAP) to avoid random access which is very costly.

Definition at line 473 of file dig_structs.h.

Referenced by Vect__free_cache(), and Vect__reallocate_cache().

◆ lines_alloc

int Format_info_cache::lines_alloc

Number of allocated lines in cache.

Definition at line 485 of file dig_structs.h.

Referenced by Vect__free_cache(), and Vect__reallocate_cache().

◆ lines_cats

int* Format_info_cache::lines_cats

List of line cats (used only for PostGIS Topology access)

Definition at line 481 of file dig_structs.h.

Referenced by Vect__free_cache(), and Vect__reallocate_cache().

◆ lines_next

int Format_info_cache::lines_next

Next line to be read from cache.

Definition at line 493 of file dig_structs.h.

Referenced by V1_rewind_ogr(), and V1_rewind_pg().

◆ lines_num

int Format_info_cache::lines_num

Number of lines which forms current feature.

Definition at line 489 of file dig_structs.h.

Referenced by V1_rewind_ogr(), and V1_rewind_pg().

◆ lines_types

int* Format_info_cache::lines_types

List of line types (GV_POINT, GV_LINE, ...)

Definition at line 477 of file dig_structs.h.

Referenced by Vect__free_cache(), and Vect__reallocate_cache().

◆ sf_type

SF_FeatureType Format_info_cache::sf_type

Simple feature type (currently used only by PG format)

Definition at line 501 of file dig_structs.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: