GRASS GIS 8 Programmer's Manual  8.5.0dev(2025)-565e82de51
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1 /*!
2  * \file lib/raster/quant_io.c
3  *
4  * \brief Raster Library - Quantization rules (input / output)
5  *
6  * (C) 1999-2010 by the GRASS Development Team
7  *
8  * This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
9  * (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
10  *
11  * \author USACERL and many others
12  */
14 /**********************************************************************
15  *
16  **********************************************************************/
18 #include <string.h>
20 #include <grass/gis.h>
21 #include <grass/raster.h>
22 #include <grass/glocale.h>
24 #define QUANT_FILE_NAME "f_quant"
26 static int quant_parse_file(FILE *, struct Quant *);
28 #if 0
29 /* redundant: integer range doesn't exist now: it is defined by
30  the quant rules */
31 static int quant_load_range(struct Quant *quant, const char *name,
32  const char *mapset)
33 {
34  struct FPRange fprange;
35  struct Range range;
36  char buf[300];
37  DCELL dMin, dMax;
38  CELL min, max;
40  if (Rast_read_fp_range(name, mapset, &fprange) <= 0)
41  return 0;
42  Rast_get_fp_range_min_max(&fprange, &dMin, &dMax);
43  if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&dMin) || Rast_is_d_null_value(&dMax)) {
44  G_warning(_("Floating data range for raster map <%s> is empty"),
45  G_fully_qualified_name(name, mapset));
46  return -3;
47  }
49  if (Rast_read_range(name, mapset, &range) < 0)
50  return 0;
51  Rast_get_range_min_max(&range, &min, &max);
53  G_warning(_("Integer data range for raster map <%s> is empty"),
54  G_fully_qualified_name(name, mapset));
55  return -3;
56  }
58  Rast_quant_add_rule(quant, dMin, dMax, min, max);
60  return 1;
61 }
62 #endif
64 /*!
65  \brief Reads quantization rules (internal use only)
67  Reads quantization rules for raster map <i>name</i> in <i>mapset</i>
68  and stores them in the quantization structure "quant". If the map is
69  in another mapset, first checks for quant2 table for this map in
70  current mapset.
72  Note: in the case of negative return value, the result of using the
73  quantization structure is not defined.
74  in case of return value 0, calls to Rast_quant_perform_d()
75  and Rast_quant_perform_f() return NO_DATA (see description of
76  Rast_quant_perform_d() for more details). in case of
77  return values 2 and 3, the explicit rule for quant is set:
78  floating range is mapped to integer range.
80  Note: use Rast_quant_init() to allocate and initialize the quantization
81  staructure quant before the first usage of G_quant_import().
83  Note: this function uses Rast_quant_free () to clear all previously
84  stored rules in quant.
86  \param name map name
87  \param mapset mapset name
88  \param[out] quant pointer to Quant structure
90  \return -2 if raster map is of type integer.
91  \return -1 if map name is fully qualified and mapset is not the current one
92  \return 0 if quantization file does not exist, or the file is empty,
93  \return 1 if non-empty quantization file exists.
94  */
95 int Rast__quant_import(const char *name, const char *mapset,
96  struct Quant *quant)
97 {
98  char buf[1024];
99  char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX], element[GNAME_MAX + 7];
100  int parsStat;
101  FILE *fd;
103  Rast_quant_free(quant);
105  if (Rast_map_type(name, mapset) == CELL_TYPE) {
106  char *mname = G_fully_qualified_name(name, mapset);
107  G_warning(_("Attempt to open quantization"
108  " table for CELL raster map <%s>"),
109  mname);
110  G_free(mname);
111  return -2;
112  }
114  if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(name, xname, xmapset)) {
115  if (strlen(mapset) == 0)
116  mapset = xmapset;
117  else if (strcmp(xmapset, mapset) != 0)
118  return -1;
119  name = xname;
120  }
122  /* first check if quant2/mapset/name exists in the current mapset */
123  sprintf(element, "quant2/%s", mapset);
124  if ((fd = G_fopen_old(element, name, G_mapset()))) {
125  parsStat = quant_parse_file(fd, quant);
126  fclose(fd);
127  if (parsStat)
128  return 1;
129  sprintf(buf, "quantization file in quant2 for raster map <%s> is empty",
130  G_fully_qualified_name(name, mapset));
131  }
133  /* now try reading regular : cell_misc/name/quant file */
134  if (!(fd = G_fopen_old_misc("cell_misc", QUANT_FILE_NAME, name, mapset))) {
136  /* int range doesn't exist anymore if (quant_load_range (quant, name,
137  * mapset)>0) return 3; */
138  char *mname = G_fully_qualified_name(name, mapset);
139  G_warning(_("Quantization file for raster map <%s> is missing"), mname);
140  G_free(mname);
141  }
142  else {
143  parsStat = quant_parse_file(fd, quant);
144  fclose(fd);
146  if (parsStat)
147  return 1;
148  /* int range doesn't exist anymore if (quant_load_range (quant, name,
149  * mapset)>0) return 2; */
150  G_warning(_("Quantization file for raster map <%s> is empty"),
151  G_fully_qualified_name(name, mapset));
152  }
154  return 0;
155 }
157 /*!
158  \brief Parse input lines with the following formats
160  \code
161  d_high:d_low:c_high:c_low
162  d_high:d_low:c_val (i.e. c_high == c_low)
163  *:d_val:c_val (interval [inf, d_val]) (**)
164  d_val:*:c_val (interval [d_val, inf]) (**)
165  \endcode
167  All other lines are ignored
169  (**) only the first appearances in the file are considered.
170  */
171 static int quant_parse_file(FILE *fd, struct Quant *quant)
172 {
173  CELL cLow, cHigh;
174  DCELL dLow, dHigh;
175  char buf[1024];
176  int foundNegInf = 0, foundPosInf = 0;
178  while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fd)) {
179  if (strncmp(buf, "truncate", 8) == 0) {
180  quant->truncate_only = 1;
181  return 1;
182  }
183  if (strncmp(buf, "round", 5) == 0) {
184  quant->round_only = 1;
185  return 1;
186  }
187  switch (sscanf(buf, "%lf:%lf:%d:%d", &dLow, &dHigh, &cLow, &cHigh)) {
188  case 3:
189  Rast_quant_add_rule(quant, dLow, dHigh, cLow, cLow);
190  break;
191  case 4:
192  Rast_quant_add_rule(quant, dLow, dHigh, cLow, cHigh);
193  break;
194  default:
195  switch (sscanf(buf, "*:%lf:%d", &dLow, &cLow)) {
196  case 2:
197  if (!foundNegInf) {
198  Rast_quant_set_neg_infinite_rule(quant, dLow, cLow);
199  foundNegInf = 1;
200  }
201  break;
202  default:
203  switch (sscanf(buf, "%lf:*:%d", &dLow, &cLow)) {
204  case 2:
205  if (!foundPosInf) {
206  Rast_quant_set_pos_infinite_rule(quant, dLow, cLow);
207  foundPosInf = 1;
208  }
209  break;
210  default:
211  continue; /* other lines are ignored */
212  }
213  }
214  }
215  }
217  if (Rast_quant_nof_rules(quant) > 0)
220  return ((Rast_quant_nof_rules(quant) > 0) ||
221  (Rast_quant_get_neg_infinite_rule(quant, &dLow, &cLow) > 0) ||
222  (Rast_quant_get_pos_infinite_rule(quant, &dLow, &cLow) > 0));
223 }
225 static void quant_write(FILE *fd, const struct Quant *quant)
226 {
227  DCELL dLow, dHigh;
228  CELL cLow, cHigh;
229  int i;
231  if (quant->truncate_only) {
232  fprintf(fd, "truncate");
233  return;
234  }
235  if (quant->round_only) {
236  fprintf(fd, "round");
237  return;
238  }
239  if (Rast_quant_get_neg_infinite_rule(quant, &dLow, &cLow) > 0)
240  fprintf(fd, "*:%.20g:%d\n", dLow, cLow);
242  if (Rast_quant_get_pos_infinite_rule(quant, &dLow, &cLow) > 0)
243  fprintf(fd, "%.20g:*:%d\n", dLow, cLow);
245  for (i = Rast_quant_nof_rules(quant) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
246  Rast_quant_get_ith_rule(quant, i, &dLow, &dHigh, &cLow, &cHigh);
247  fprintf(fd, "%.20g:%.20g:%d", dLow, dHigh, cLow);
248  if (cLow != cHigh)
249  fprintf(fd, ":%d", cHigh);
250  fprintf(fd, "\n");
251  }
252 }
254 /*!
255  \brief Writes the quantization rules (internal use only)
257  Writes the quantization rules stored in <i>quant</i> for <i>name</i>
258  . If the mapset is the same as the current mapset, the quant file is
259  created in 'cell_misc/name' directory, otherwise it is created in
260  'quant2/mapset' directory, much like writing colors for map in
261  another mapset. The rules are written in decreasing order of
262  priority (i.e. rules added earlier are written later).
264  Note: if no rules are defined an empty file is created.
266  \param name map name
267  \param mapset mapset name
268  \param quant pointer to Quant structure
270  \return -1 if map name is not fully qualified or file could not be opened.
271  \return 1 otherwise.
272  */
273 int Rast__quant_export(const char *name, const char *mapset,
274  const struct Quant *quant)
275 {
276  char element[GNAME_MAX + 7];
277  char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX];
278  FILE *fd;
280  if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(name, xname, xmapset)) {
281  if (strcmp(xmapset, mapset) != 0)
282  return -1;
283  name = xname;
284  }
286  if (strcmp(G_mapset(), mapset) == 0) {
287  G_remove_misc("cell_misc", QUANT_FILE_NAME, name);
288  G__make_mapset_element_misc("cell_misc", name);
289  if (!(fd = G_fopen_new_misc("cell_misc", QUANT_FILE_NAME, name)))
290  return -1;
291  }
292  else {
293  sprintf(element, "quant2/%s", mapset);
296  if (!(fd = G_fopen_new(element, name)))
297  return -1;
298  }
300  quant_write(fd, quant);
301  fclose(fd);
303  return 1;
304 }
int G_name_is_fully_qualified(const char *, char *, char *)
Check if map name is fully qualified (map @ mapset)
Definition: nme_in_mps.c:36
FILE * G_fopen_old(const char *, const char *, const char *)
Open a database file for reading.
Definition: gis/open.c:251
void G_free(void *)
Free allocated memory.
Definition: gis/alloc.c:150
FILE * G_fopen_old_misc(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
open a database misc file for reading
Definition: open_misc.c:205
int G__make_mapset_element_misc(const char *, const char *)
Create misc element in the current mapset.
Definition: mapset_msc.c:260
void G_warning(const char *,...) __attribute__((format(printf
int G_make_mapset_object_group(const char *)
Create directory for group of elements of a given type.
Definition: mapset_msc.c:74
FILE * G_fopen_new_misc(const char *, const char *, const char *)
open a new database misc file
Definition: open_misc.c:178
const char * G_mapset(void)
Get current mapset name.
Definition: gis/mapset.c:33
int G_remove(const char *, const char *)
Remove a database file.
Definition: remove.c:44
int G_remove_misc(const char *, const char *, const char *)
Remove a database misc file.
Definition: remove.c:65
char * G_fully_qualified_name(const char *, const char *)
Get fully qualified element name.
Definition: nme_in_mps.c:101
FILE * G_fopen_new(const char *, const char *)
Open a new database file.
Definition: gis/open.c:219
int Rast_quant_get_neg_infinite_rule(const struct Quant *, DCELL *, CELL *)
Returns in "dLeft" and "c" the rule values.
Definition: quant.c:390
int Rast_read_fp_range(const char *, const char *, struct FPRange *)
Read floating-point range.
Definition: raster/range.c:71
void Rast_quant_set_pos_infinite_rule(struct Quant *, DCELL, CELL)
Defines a rule for values "dRight" and larger.
Definition: quant.c:412
void Rast_quant_free(struct Quant *)
Resets and frees allocated memory.
Definition: quant.c:55
void Rast_quant_set_neg_infinite_rule(struct Quant *, DCELL, CELL)
Defines a rule for values "dLeft" and smaller.
Definition: quant.c:364
void Rast_get_fp_range_min_max(const struct FPRange *, DCELL *, DCELL *)
Get minimum and maximum value from fp range.
Definition: raster/range.c:768
void Rast_quant_reverse_rule_order(struct Quant *)
Rreverses the order in which the qunatization rules are stored.
Definition: quant.c:513
RASTER_MAP_TYPE Rast_map_type(const char *, const char *)
Determine raster data type.
Definition: raster/open.c:894
void Rast_quant_add_rule(struct Quant *, DCELL, DCELL, CELL, CELL)
Adds a new rule to the set of quantization rules.
Definition: quant.c:469
void Rast_get_range_min_max(const struct Range *, CELL *, CELL *)
Get range min and max.
Definition: raster/range.c:718
int Rast_read_range(const char *, const char *, struct Range *)
Read raster range (CELL)
Definition: raster/range.c:160
void Rast_quant_get_ith_rule(const struct Quant *, int, DCELL *, DCELL *, CELL *, CELL *)
Returns the i'th quantization rule.
Definition: quant.c:327
int Rast_quant_get_pos_infinite_rule(const struct Quant *, DCELL *, CELL *)
Returns in "dRight" and "c" the rule values.
Definition: quant.c:438
#define Rast_is_d_null_value(dcellVal)
Definition: defs/raster.h:412
#define Rast_is_c_null_value(cellVal)
Definition: defs/raster.h:408
int Rast_quant_nof_rules(const struct Quant *)
Returns the number of quantization rules defined.
Definition: quant.c:309
#define min(x, y)
Definition: draw2.c:29
#define max(x, y)
Definition: draw2.c:30
Definition: gis.h:192
#define GNAME_MAX
Definition: gis.h:191
double DCELL
Definition: gis.h:630
int CELL
Definition: gis.h:629
#define _(str)
Definition: glocale.h:10
const char * name
Definition: named_colr.c:6
Definition: quant_io.c:24
int Rast__quant_export(const char *name, const char *mapset, const struct Quant *quant)
Writes the quantization rules (internal use only)
Definition: quant_io.c:273
int Rast__quant_import(const char *name, const char *mapset, struct Quant *quant)
Reads quantization rules (internal use only)
Definition: quant_io.c:95
#define CELL_TYPE
Definition: raster.h:11
Definition: raster.h:80
int truncate_only
Definition: raster.h:81
int round_only
Definition: raster.h:82
Definition: raster.h:220
Definition: lidar.h:85