Identifies of all recognized standard options.
IMPORTANT NOTE: when adding new item to STD_OPT you should also update STD_OPT_STRINGS array in general/g.parser/standard_option.c.
Enumerator |
G_OPT_DB_SQL | SQL statements
G_OPT_DB_WHERE | SQL where conditions
G_OPT_DB_TABLE | table name
G_OPT_DB_DRIVER | driver name
G_OPT_DB_DATABASE | database name
G_OPT_DB_SCHEMA | database schema
G_OPT_DB_COLUMN | one attr column
G_OPT_DB_COLUMNS | one or more attr columns
G_OPT_DB_KEYCOLUMN | key column
G_OPT_I_GROUP | old input imagery group
G_OPT_I_SUBGROUP | old input imagery subgroup
G_OPT_MEMORYMB | Maximum memory to be used (in MB): cache size for raster rows
G_OPT_R_INPUT | old input raster map
G_OPT_R_INPUTS | old input raster maps
G_OPT_R_OUTPUT | new output raster map
G_OPT_R_OUTPUTS | new output raster maps
G_OPT_R_MAP | old input raster map
G_OPT_R_MAPS | old input rasters map
G_OPT_R_BASE | old input base raster map
G_OPT_R_COVER | old input cover raster map
G_OPT_R_ELEV | old input elevation raster map
G_OPT_R_ELEVS | old input elevation raster maps
G_OPT_R_TYPE | raster map type
G_OPT_R_INTERP_TYPE | interpolation type
G_OPT_R_BASENAME_INPUT | old input basename raster maps
G_OPT_R_BASENAME_OUTPUT | new output basename raster maps
G_OPT_R3_INPUT | old input raster3d map
G_OPT_R3_INPUTS | old input raster3d maps
G_OPT_R3_OUTPUT | new output raster3d map
G_OPT_R3_MAP | old input raster3d map
G_OPT_R3_MAPS | old input raster3d maps
G_OPT_R3_TYPE | Type (FCELL or DCELL) of a new created raster3d map
G_OPT_R3_PRECISION | The precision of the new generated raster3d map
G_OPT_R3_TILE_DIMENSION | The tile dimension of a new generated raster3d map
G_OPT_R3_COMPRESSION | The kind of compression of a new created raster3d map
G_OPT_V_INPUT | old input vector map
G_OPT_V_INPUTS | old input vector maps
G_OPT_V_OUTPUT | new output vector map
G_OPT_V_MAP | old input vector map
G_OPT_V_MAPS | old input vector maps
G_OPT_V_TYPE | primitive type
G_OPT_V3_TYPE | primitive type, 2D and 3D
G_OPT_V_FIELD | layer number (layers used to be called fields)
G_OPT_V_FIELD_ALL | layer number (layers used to be called fields)
G_OPT_V_CAT | one category
G_OPT_V_CATS | more categories
G_OPT_V_ID | one feature id
G_OPT_V_IDS | more feature ids
G_OPT_F_INPUT | old input file
G_OPT_F_BIN_INPUT | old binary input file
G_OPT_F_OUTPUT | new output file
G_OPT_F_SEP | data field separator
G_OPT_C | color
G_OPT_CN | color or none
G_OPT_C_FORMAT | set color format to rgb,hex,hsv or triplet
G_OPT_M_UNITS | units
G_OPT_M_DATATYPE | datatype
G_OPT_M_MAPSET | mapset
G_OPT_M_LOCATION | location
G_OPT_M_DBASE | dbase
G_OPT_M_COORDS | coordinates
G_OPT_M_COLR | color rules
G_OPT_M_DIR | directory input
G_OPT_M_REGION | saved region
G_OPT_M_NULL_VALUE | null value string
G_OPT_M_NPROCS | number of threads for parallel computing
G_OPT_M_SEED | seed for random number generator
G_OPT_STDS_INPUT | old input space time dataset of type strds, str3ds or stvds
G_OPT_STDS_INPUTS | old input space time datasets
G_OPT_STDS_OUTPUT | new output space time dataset
G_OPT_STRDS_INPUT | old input space time raster dataset
G_OPT_STRDS_INPUTS | old input space time raster datasets
G_OPT_STRDS_OUTPUT | new output space time raster dataset
G_OPT_STRDS_OUTPUTS | new output space time raster datasets
G_OPT_STR3DS_INPUT | old input space time raster3d dataset
G_OPT_STR3DS_INPUTS | old input space time raster3d datasets
G_OPT_STR3DS_OUTPUT | new output space time raster3d dataset
G_OPT_STVDS_INPUT | old input space time vector dataset
G_OPT_STVDS_INPUTS | old input space time vector datasets
G_OPT_STVDS_OUTPUT | new output space time vector dataset
G_OPT_MAP_INPUT | old input map of type raster, vector or raster3d
G_OPT_MAP_INPUTS | old input maps of type raster, vector or raster3d
G_OPT_STDS_TYPE | the type of a space time dataset: strds, str3ds, stvds
G_OPT_MAP_TYPE | The type of an input map: raster, vect, rast3d
G_OPT_T_TYPE | The temporal type of a space time dataset
G_OPT_T_WHERE | A temporal GIS framework SQL WHERE statement
G_OPT_T_SAMPLE | Temporal sample methods
G_OPT_F_FORMAT | set output format to plain text or JSON