GRASS GIS 8 Programmer's Manual  8.5.0dev(2025)-565e82de51
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 C_tgisDatasetListList of tgisDatasets struct's
 C_tgisMapListList of tgisMap struct's
 Cbound_boxBounding box
 CboxlistList of bounding boxes with id
 CCat_indexCategory index
 Ccat_listCategory list
 CCell_head2D/3D raster map header (used also for region)
 CCoor_infoCoor file info
 CdblinksDatabase links
 Cdig_headVector map header data
 Cfield_infoLayer (old: field) information
 CFlagStructure that stores flag info
 CFormat_infoNon-native format info (currently only OGR is implemented)
 CFormat_info_cacheLines cache for reading feature (non-native formats)
 CFormat_info_offsetData structure used for building pseudo-topology
 CFormat_info_ogrNon-native format info (OGR)
 CFormat_info_pgNon-native format info (PostGIS)
 CG_math_spvectorThe row vector of the sparse matrix
 CGModuleStructure that stores module info
 CGraph_infoGraph-related section (see GRASS Directed Graph Library)
 CgvfileFile definition
 CHistoryRaster history info (metadata)
 CilistList of integers
 CkdnodeNode for k-d tree
 CkdtravK-d tree traversal
 CkdtreeK-d tree
 Cline_catsFeature category info
 Cline_pntsFeature geometry info - coordinates
 CMap_infoVector map info
 CN_data_starMatrix entries for a mass balance 5/7/9 star system
 CN_geom_dataGeometric information about the structured grid
 CN_gradient_2dGradient between the cells in X and Y direction
 CN_gradient_3dGradient between the cells in X, Y and Z direction
 CN_gradient_neighbours_2dGradient between the cell neighbours in X and Y direction
 CN_gradient_neighbours_3dGradient between the cell neighbours in X, Y and Z direction
 CN_gradient_neighbours_xGradient between the cell neighbours in X direction
 CN_gradient_neighbours_yGradient between the cell neighbours in Y direction
 CN_gradient_neighbours_zGradient between the cell neighbours in Z direction
 CN_gwflow_data2dThis data structure contains all data needed to compute the groundwater mass balance in two dimension
 CN_gwflow_data3dThis data structure contains all data needed to compute the groundwater mass balance in three dimension
 CN_lesThe linear equation system (les) structure
 CN_les_callback_2dCallback structure for 2d matrix assembling
 CN_les_callback_3dCallback structure for 3d matrix assembling
 COptionStructure that stores option information
 CP_areaArea (topology) info
 CP_isleIsle (topology) info
 CP_lineVector geometry
 CP_nodeTopological feature - node
 CP_topo_bBoundary topology
 CP_topo_cCentroid topology
 CP_topo_fFace topology
 CP_topo_kKernel topology
 CP_topo_lLine topology
 CPlus_headBasic topology-related info
 CPort_infoPortability info
 CrecycleList of dead lines in the file
 Csite_attUsed by sites lib
 Cspatial_indexSpatial index info
 CvarrayVector array
 CVersion_infoBackward compatibility version info