add_col.c | |
add_elem.c | Manage Library - Add element to the list |
address.c | Address routines |
adj_cellhd.c | GIS Library - CELL header adjustment |
align_window.c | GIS Library - Window alignment functions |
db/dbmi_base/alloc.c | DBMI Library (base) - allocate memory |
db/sqlp/alloc.c | |
gis/alloc.c | GIS Library - Memory allocation routines |
imagery/alloc.c | |
raster3d/alloc.c | |
alloc_cell.c | Raster Library - Raster allocation routines |
allocation.c | |
ami.h | |
ami_config.h | |
ami_sort.h | |
ami_sort_impl.h | |
ami_stream.cpp | |
ami_stream.h | |
andrsnde.c | |
andrsndn.c | |
angle.c | |
aprintf.c | GIS Library - Print functions for aligning wide characters |
gis/area.c | GIS Library - Area calculation functions |
vector/Vlib/area.c | Vector library - area-related functions |
area_ellipse.c | GIS Library - Ellipse area routines |
area_pg.c | Vector library - area-related functions (PostGIS Topology) |
area_poly1.c | GIS Library - Polygon area calculation routines |
area_poly2.c | GIS Library - Planimetric polygon area calculation routines |
area_sphere.c | GIS Library - Sphereical area calculation routines |
array.c | Vector library - category array |
arraystats.h | |
defs/arraystats.h | |
articulation_point.c | Network Analysis library - connected components |
as177.c | |
as181.c | |
as241.c | |
as66.c | |
ascii.c | Vector library - GRASS ASCII vector format |
ascii_chk.c | GIS Library - Remove non-ascii characters |
asprintf.c | GIS Library - GRASS implementation of asprintf() |
atou1.c | |
atovm.c | |
auto_mask.c | Raster Library - Auto masking routines |
avl.c | |
avl.h | |
basename.c | GIS Library - Program basename routines |
basic.c | |
between.c | |
bindupdate.c | |
bitmap.c | |
bitmap.h | |
defs/bitmap.h | |
blas_level_1.c | |
blas_level_2.c | |
blas_level_3.c | |
cairodriver/box.c | GRASS cairo display driver - draw box |
driver/box.c | |
htmldriver/box.c | |
pngdriver/box.c | GRASS png display driver - draw box |
psdriver/box.c | |
vector/diglib/box.c | |
vector/Vlib/box.c | Vector library - bounding box |
break.c | Vedit library - split, break, connect lines |
break_lines.c | Vector library - Clean vector map (break lines) |
break_polygons.c | Vector library - clean geometry (break polygons) |
brent.c | |
bres_line.c | |
bridge.c | Network Analysis library - bridges |
bridges.c | Vector library - clean geometry (bridges) |
btree.h | |
defs/btree.h | |
buffer.c | Vector library - nearest, adjust, parallel lines |
buffer2.c | Vector library - nearest, adjust, parallel lines |
build.c | Vector library - Building topology |
build_nat.c | Vector library - Building topology for native format |
build_ogr.c | Vector library - Building topology for OGR |
build_pg.c | Vector library - Building topology for PostGIS layers |
build_sfa.c | Vector library - Building pseudo-topology for simple feature access |
c_add_col.c | DBMI Library (client) - add column to table |
c_assign.c | Cluster library - Assign cluster |
c_ave.c | |
c_begin.c | Cluster library - Begin clusterring |
c_bindupdate.c | DBMI Library (client) - bind update |
c_clear.c | Cluster library - Clear structures |
c_close_cur.c | DBMI Library (client) - close cursor |
c_closedb.c | DBMI Library (client) - close database connection |
c_count.c | |
c_create_idx.c | DBMI Library (client) - create index |
c_create_tab.c | DBMI Library (client) - create table |
c_createdb.c | DBMI Library (client) - create database |
c_delete.c | DBMI Library (client) - delete record |
c_deletedb.c | DBMI Library (client) - delete database |
c_desc_table.c | DBMI Library (client) - describe table |
c_distinct.c | Cluster library - Distinct value |
c_divr.c | |
c_drop_col.c | DBMI Library (client) - drop column |
c_drop_index.c | DBMI Library (client) - drop index |
c_drop_tab.c | DBMI Library (client) - drop table |
c_exec.c | Cluster library - Execute clusterring |
c_execmem.c | Cluster library - Allocate cluster |
c_execute.c | DBMI Library (client) - execute SQL statements |
c_fetch.c | DBMI Library (client) - fetch data |
c_finddb.c | DBMI Library (client) - find database |
c_insert.c | DBMI Library (client) - insert new record |
c_intr.c | |
c_kurt.c | |
c_list_drivers.c | DBMI Library (client) - list drivers |
c_list_idx.c | DBMI Library (client) - list indexes |
c_list_tabs.c | DBMI Library (client) - list tables |
c_listdb.c | DBMI Library (client) - list databases |
c_max.c | |
c_maxx.c | |
c_means.c | Cluster library - Means value |
c_median.c | |
c_merge.c | Cluster library - Merge |
c_min.c | |
c_minx.c | |
c_mode.c | |
c_nclasses.c | Cluster library - Number of classes |
c_opendb.c | DBMI Library (client) - open database connection |
c_openinsert.c | DBMI Library (client) - open insert cursor |
c_openselect.c | DBMI Library (client) - open select cursor |
c_openupdate.c | DBMI Library (client) - open update cursor |
c_percentile.c | |
c_point.c | Cluster library - Add point |
c_priv.c | DBMI Library (client) - privileges management |
c_range.c | |
c_reassign.c | Cluster library - Reassign cluster |
c_reclass.c | Cluster library - Reclass data |
c_reg.c | |
c_rows.c | DBMI Library (client) - get number of records |
c_sep.c | Cluster library - Separation |
c_sig.c | Cluster library - Signatures |
c_skew.c | |
c_stddev.c | |
c_sum.c | |
c_sum2.c | Cluster library - Sum of squares |
c_thresh.c | |
c_update.c | DBMI Library (client) - update statements |
c_var.c | |
c_version.c | DBMI Library (client) - version info |
cache.c | |
cache1.c | |
cachehash.c | |
cachehash.h | |
cairodriver.h | GRASS cairo display driver - header file |
calc.c | |
calc.h | |
defs/calc.h | |
card.c | |
card.h | |
case.c | DBMI Library (base) - case string conversion |
raster/cats.c | Raster Library - Raster categories management |
raster3d/cats.c | |
vector/vedit/cats.c | Vedit library - category manipulation |
vector/Vlib/cats.c | Vector library - Category management |
CBLAS_wrapper_blas_level_1.c | |
ccmath.h | |
ccmath_grass_wrapper.c | |
cdhc.h | |
defs/cdhc.h | |
cell_stats.c | Raster Library - Raster cell statistics |
cell_table.c | |
cell_title.c | |
cellstats_eq.c | |
centrality.c | Network Analysis library - centrality |
change.c | |
change_view.c | Nviz library – Change view settings |
changeprecision.c | |
changetype.c | |
check.c | |
chisqe.c | |
chisqn.c | |
chouse.c | |
chousv.c | |
chtype.c | Vedit library - change primitives type |
diglib/cindex.c | |
Vlib/cindex.c | Vector library - category index management |
cindex_rw.c | |
class.c | |
clean_nodes.c | Vector library - Clean boundaries at nodes |
clean_temp.c | |
clicker.c | |
clip.c | |
clip.h | |
raster/close.c | Raster Library - Close raster file |
raster3d/close.c | 3D Raster Library - Close 3D raster file |
segment/close.c | Segment closing routine |
vector/Vlib/close.c | Vector library - Close vector map |
close_cursor.c | |
close_nat.c | Vector library - Close map (native format) |
close_ogr.c | Vector library - Close map (OGR) |
close_pg.c | Vector library - Close map (PostGIS) |
closedb.c | |
cluster.h | |
defs/cluster.h | |
cmattr.c | |
cmcpy.c | |
cminv.c | |
cmmul.c | |
cmmult.c | |
cmprbzip.c | |
cmprlz4.c | |
cmprrle.c | |
cmprt.c | |
cmprzlib.c | |
cmprzstd.c | |
cnversions.c | |
cairodriver/color.c | GRASS cairo display driver - colors management |
driver/color.c | |
pngdriver/color.c | GRASS png display driver - PNG_color_rgb |
psdriver/color.c | |
raster3d/color.c | |
color_compat.c | Raster Library - Predefined color tables |
color_free.c | Raster Library - Free Colors structure |
color_get.c | Raster Library - Get colors from a raster map |
color_hist.c | Raster Library - histogram grey scale colors |
color_init.c | Raster Library - Initialize Colors structure |
color_insrt.c | |
color_invrt.c | Raster library - Invert colors |
color_look.c | Raster Library - Lookup array of colors |
color_org.c | |
color_out.c | Raster Library - Print color table |
color_rand.c | |
color_range.c | Raster Library - Color range functions |
raster/color_read.c | Raster Library - Read color table of raster map |
vector/Vlib/color_read.c | Vector Library - read color table of vector map |
raster/color_remove.c | Raster Library - remove color table of raster map |
vector/Vlib/color_remove.c | Vector Library - remove color table of vector map |
color_rule.c | Raster Library - Color rules |
color_rule_get.c | Raster Library - Get color rules |
gis/color_rules.c | GIS Library - Color tables management subroutines |
raster/color_rules.c | Raster Library - Read and parse color rules file |
color_set.c | Raster Library - Set colors for raster maps |
color_shift.c | Raster Library - Shift colors |
color_str.c | GIS library - color management, named color to RGB triplet |
color_table.c | |
raster/color_write.c | Raster Library - Write color table of raster map |
vector/Vlib/color_write.c | Vector Library - write color table for vector map |
color_xform.c | Raster Library - Colors management |
colors.h | |
defs/colors.h | |
dbmi_base/column.c | DBMI Library (base) - columns management |
dbmi_client/column.c | DBMI Library (client) - column info |
columnfmt.c | DBMI Library (base) - columns formatting |
commas.c | GIS Library - Comma string functions |
components.c | Network Analysis library - graph components |
compress.c | |
compress.h | |
config.h | |
db/dbmi_base/connect.c | DBMI Library (base) - connect to DB |
temporal/lib/connect.c | Temporal GIS Library - connect to TGIS DB |
constraint.c | Vector library - constraints for reading features |
convert.c | GProj Library - Functions for manipulating co-ordinate system representations |
datetime/copy.c | |
vector/vedit/copy.c | Vedit library - copy primitives |
vector/Vlib/copy.c | Vector library - Copy vector features and attribute tables linked to the map |
copy_dir.c | GIS Library - function to recursively copy a directory |
copy_file.c | |
copy_tab.c | DBMI Library (client) - copy table |
counter.c | |
cplanes_obj.c | Nviz library – Clip planes manipulation |
create.c | |
create_index.c | |
create_table.c | |
createdb.c | |
csolv.c | |
cube_io.c | |
cursor.c | DBMI Library (base) - cursors management |
cvmul.c | |
cvmw2e.c | |
cvmw2n.c | |
d_add_col.c | DBMI Library (driver) - add column to table |
d_bindupdate.c | DBMI Library (driver) - bind update |
d_close_cur.c | DBMI Library (driver) - close cursor |
d_closedb.c | DBMI Library (driver) - close database connection |
d_create_idx.c | DBMI Library (driver) - create index |
d_create_tab.c | DBMI Library (driver) - create table |
d_createdb.c | DBMI Library (driver) - create database |
d_delete.c | DBMI Library (driver) - delete record |
d_deletedb.c | DBMI Library (driver) - delete database |
d_desc_table.c | DBMI Library (driver) - describe table |
d_drop_col.c | DBMI Library (driver) - drop column |
d_drop_index.c | DBMI Library (driver) - drop index |
d_drop_tab.c | DBMI Library (driver) - drop table |
d_error.c | DBMI Library (driver) - error reporting |
d_execute.c | DBMI Library (driver) - execute SQL statements |
d_fetch.c | DBMI Library (driver) - fetch data |
d_finddb.c | DBMI Library (driver) - find database |
d_insert.c | DBMI Library (driver) - insert new record |
d_list_idx.c | DBMI Library (driver) - list indexes |
d_list_tabs.c | DBMI Library (driver) - list tables |
d_listdb.c | DBMI Library (driver) - list databases |
d_mkdir.c | DBMI Library (driver) - creare directories |
d_opendb.c | DBMI Library (driver) - open database connection |
d_openinsert.c | DBMI Library (driver) - open insert cursor |
d_openselect.c | DBMI Library (driver) - open select cursor |
d_openupdate.c | DBMI Library (driver) - open update cursor |
d_priv.c | DBMI Library (driver) - privileges management |
d_rows.c | DBMI Library (driver) - get number of records |
d_update.c | DBMI Library (driver) - update statements |
d_version.c | DBMI Library (driver) - version info |
dagstndn.c | |
dalloc.c | Matrix memory management functions |
dangles.c | Vector library - clean geometry (dangles) |
dataquad.c | |
dataquad.h | |
date.c | GIS Library - Date functions |
datetime.c | DBMI Library (base) - datetime conversions |
datetime.h | |
defs/datetime.h | |
gis/datum.c | |
proj/datum.c | GProj library - Functions for reading datum parameters from the location database |
db.c | DBMI Library (client) - open/close driver/database connection |
dbcolumns.c | Vector library - DB info on vectors maps |
dbfopen.c | |
dbmi.h | |
defs/dbmi.h | |
dbmscap.c | DBMI Library (base) - DBmscap management |
dbstubs.h | |
dcmp.c | |
debug.c | GIS Library - Debug functions |
db/dbmi_base/default_name.c | DBMI Library (base) - default settings |
temporal/lib/default_name.c | |
defaults.c | |
del2g.c | |
db/stubs/delete.c | |
vector/vedit/delete.c | Vedit library - delete vector features |
delete_tab.c | DBMI Library (client) - delete table |
deletedb.c | |
desc_table.c | |
devlib.h | |
dgl.h | |
dgraph.c | Vector library - intersection (lower level functions) |
dgraph.h | |
diff.c | |
dig_atts.h | |
dig_defines.h | |
dig_externs.h | |
dig_macros.h | |
dig_structs.h | |
digit.h | |
lib/db/dbmi_base/dirent.c | DBMI Library (base) - directory entities management |
msvc/dirent.c | |
dirent.h | |
defs/display.h | |
display.h | |
dispose.c | |
gis/distance.c | GIS Library - Distance calculation functions |
rst/interp_float/distance.c | |
vector/vedit/distance.c | Vedit library - distance calculation |
dmax.c | |
dmaxe.c | |
do_copy.c | Manage Library - Copy element |
do_list.c | Manage Library - List elements |
do_proj.c | GProj library - Functions for re-projecting point data |
do_remove.c | Manage Library - Remove elements |
do_rename.c | Manage Library - Rename elements |
done_msg.c | GIS Library - Done message functions |
doubleio.c | |
cairodriver/draw.c | GRASS cairo display driver |
driver/draw.c | |
htmldriver/draw.c | |
nviz/draw.c | Nviz library – Draw map objects to GLX context |
pngdriver/draw.c | GRASS PNG display driver |
psdriver/draw.c | GRASS PS display driver |
draw2.c | |
cairodriver/draw_bitmap.c | GRASS cairo display driver - draw bitmap |
pngdriver/draw_bitmap.c | GRASS png display driver - draw bitmap |
psdriver/draw_bitmap.c | |
draw_line.c | |
draw_point.c | |
cairodriver/driver.c | GRASS cairo display driver - driver initialization |
db/dbmi_driver/driver.c | DBMI Library (driver) - drivers |
htmldriver/driver.c | |
pngdriver/driver.c | GRASS png display driver - driver initialization |
psdriver/driver.c | |
driver.h | |
driver_state.c | DBMI Library (driver) - drivers state |
driverlib.h | |
drop_col.c | |
drop_index.c | |
drop_table.c | |
dspf_header.c | |
durbins.c | |
e_intersect.c | Vector library - intersection (lower level functions) |
e_intersect.h | |
echo.c | |
edgemgmt-template.c | |
eigen.c | |
eigen_tools.c | |
eigval.c | |
ellipse.c | GProj library - Functions for reading datum parameters from the location database |
embuffer.h | |
empq.h | |
empq_adaptive.h | |
empq_adaptive_impl.h | |
empq_impl.h | |
empty.c | Manage Library - Check if element is empty |
endian.c | GIS Library - Functions to determine architecture endian |
env.c | GIS library - environment routines |
eol.c | |
cairodriver/erase.c | GRASS cairo display driver - erase screen |
driver/erase.c | |
pngdriver/erase.c | GRASS png display driver - erase screen |
psdriver/erase.c | |
datetime/error.c | |
db/dbmi_base/error.c | DBMI Library (base) - error management |
gis/error.c | GIS Library - Error messages functions |
raster3d/error.c | |
evmax.c | |
exag.c | Nviz library – Exaggeration functions |
execute.c | |
extend.c | Vedit library - extend lines (adopted from break.c) |
extreme.c | |
fcntl.c | Wrapper functions for MSVC _open() and _creat() that convert permission mode |
fcntl.h | Header file for msvc/open.c and msvc/creat.c |
fetch.c | |
fft.c | Fast Fourier Transformation of Two Dimensional Satellite Data functions |
field.c | Vector library - field (layer) related fns |
file.c | Vector library - file management (lower level functions) |
file_name.c | GIS library - Determine GRASS data base file name |
filecompare.c | |
filename.c | |
fileno.c | RowIO library - file descriptor |
btree/find.c | |
imagery/find.c | |
manage/find.c | Manage Library - Find element in data base |
vector/Vlib/find.c | Vector library - Find nearest vector feature |
find_etc.c | |
find_file.c | GIS library - Find GRASS data base files |
find_rast.c | |
find_rast3d.c | GIS library - Find a 3D raster map |
find_vect.c | GIS library - Find a vector map |
finddb.c | |
findzc.c | Zero Crossing functions |
finish.c | |
flip.c | Vedit library - flip lines |
flow.c | Network Analysis library - flow in graph |
flush.c | Segment flush routines |
fmode.c | |
font.c | |
font2.c | |
font_freetype.c | |
fontcap.h | |
fopen.c | |
forget.c | RowIO library - Release a row |
defs/form.h | |
form.h | |
datetime/format.c | |
raster/format.c | |
segment/format.c | Segment formatting routines |
fpcompress.c | |
fpreclass.c | |
fpxdr.c | |
free.c | |
frmt.c | |
ftol.c | |
func2d.c | |
function.c | |
G.h | |
gammavol.c | |
gauss.c | |
gdal.c | Raster Library - Utilization of GDAL library |
geary.c | |
geodesic.c | |
geodist.c | GIS Library - Geodesic distance routines |
georef.c | |
georef_tps.c | |
geos.c | Vector library - GEOS support |
geos_to_wktb.c | Vector library - GEOS powered WKT and WKB export |
rowio/get.c | RowIO library - Get a row |
segment/get.c | Get segment routines |
get_cellhd.c | Raster library - Read raster map header |
get_ellipse.c | GIS Library - Getting ellipsoid parameters from the database |
get_len.c | Manage Library - Get max length of element's description |
get_proj.c | GProj library - Functions for re-projecting point data |
get_projinfo.c | GIS Library - Get projection info |
raster/get_row.c | Raster library - Get raster row |
segment/get_row.c | Segment row retrieval routines |
get_row_colr.c | Raster Library - Get raster row (colors) |
get_t_box.c | |
get_window.c | GIS Library - Get window (i.e. GRASS region) |
getblock.c | |
getg.c | |
getl.c | GIS Library - Get line of text from file |
gettimeofday.c | |
getvalue.c | |
defs/gis.h | |
gis.h | |
gisbase.c | |
gisdbase.c | GIS library - environment routines (gisdbase) |
gisinit.c | GIS Library - Handles program initialization |
gjson.c | |
gjson.h | |
gk.c | OGSF library - setting and manipulating keyframes animation (lower level functions) |
gk2.c | OGSF library - setting and manipulating keyframes animation |
defs/glocale.h | |
glocale.h | |
defs/gmath.h | |
gmath.h | |
gp.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating point sets (lower level functions) |
gp2.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating point sets (higher level functions) |
gp3.c | OGSF library - loading point sets (lower level functions) |
gpd.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating point sets (lower level) |
defs/gprojects.h | |
gprojects.h | |
gradient.c | Gradient computation |
cairodriver/graph.c | GRASS cairo display driver - driver settings |
driver/graph.c | |
vector/dglib/graph.c | |
vector/Vlib/graph.c | Vector library - graph manipulation |
graph.h | |
pngdriver/graph_close.c | GRASS png display driver - close graphics processing |
psdriver/graph_close.c | |
graph_clse.c | |
htmldriver/graph_set.c | |
pngdriver/graph_set.c | GRASS png display driver - set graphics processing |
psdriver/graph_set.c | |
graph_v1.c | |
graph_v1.h | |
graph_v2.c | |
graph_v2.h | |
group.c | |
gs.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating surfaces (lower level functions) |
gs2.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating surfaces (higher level functions) |
gs3.c | OGSF library - loading surfaces (lower level functions) |
gs_bm.c | OGSF library - manipulating bitmaps (lower level functions) |
gs_norms.c | OGSF library - calculation normals (lower level functions) |
gs_query.c | OGSF library - query (lower level functions) |
gs_util.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating surfaces |
gsd_cplane.c | OGSF library - manipulating surfaces (lower level functions) |
gsd_fonts.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating surfaces |
gsd_fringe.c | |
gsd_img_ppm.c | OGSF library - PPM stuff |
gsd_img_tif.c | OGSF library - TIFF stuff |
gsd_label.c | OGSF library - label management (lower level functions) |
gsd_legend.c | OGSF library - legend creation |
gsd_objs.c | |
gsd_prim.c | OGSF library - primitive drawing functions (lower level functions) |
gsd_surf.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating surfaces |
gsd_views.c | OGSF library - manipulating views (lower level functions) |
gsd_wire.c | OGSF library - |
gsdiff.c | OGSF library - manipulating surfaces (lower level functions) |
gsdrape.c | OGSF library - functions to intersect line segments with edges of surface polygons |
gsds.c | OGSF library - dataset loading and management (lower level functions) |
gsget.c | OGSF library - get map attribute (lower level functions) |
gsget.h | |
gsx.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating surfaces |
gv.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating vector sets (lower level functions) |
gv2.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating vector sets (higher level functions) |
gv3.c | OGSF library - loading vector sets (lower level functions) |
gv_quick.c | OGSF library - |
gvd.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating vector sets (lower level functions) |
gvl.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating volumes (lower level functions) |
gvl2.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating volumes |
gvl3.c | OGSF library - loading volumes (lower level functions) |
gvl_calc.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating volumes (lower level functions) |
gvl_calc2.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating volumes, MarchingCubes 33 Algorithm (lower level functions) |
gvl_file.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating volumes (lower level functions) |
gvld.c | OGSF library - loading and manipulating volumes (lower level functions) |
handle.c | DBMI Library (base) - handle management |
db/dbmi_client/handler.c | DBMI Library (client) - standard error handlers |
gis/handler.c | GIS Library - Error handlers |
vector/Vlib/handler.c | Vector library - standard error handlers |
hconj.c | |
head.c | |
raster3d/header.c | |
vector/Vlib/header.c | Vector library - header manipulation |
header_finfo.c | Vector library - header manipulation (relevant for external formats) |
headerinfo.c | |
heap.c | |
heap.h | |
heigval.c | |
heigvec.c | |
helpers.c | |
helpers.h | |
hevmax.c | |
hist.c | Vector library - history manipulation |
histo_eq.c | |
histogram.c | |
raster/history.c | Raster Library - History management |
raster3d/history.c | |
hmgen.c | |
home.c | GIS Library - Get user's home or config directory |
house.c | |
housev.c | |
htmlmap.h | |
ialloc.c | Matrix memory management functions |
iclass.c | Imagery library - functions for wx.iclass |
iclass_bands.c | Imagery library - functions for wx.iclass |
iclass_perimeter.c | Imagery library - functions for wx.iclass |
iclass_signatures.c | |
iclass_statistics.c | Imagery library - functions for wx.iclass |
icon.c | Display Library - Plot icon |
ilist.c | |
defs/imagery.h | |
imagery.h | |
imbuffer.h | |
incr1.c | |
incr2.c | |
incr3.c | |
db/dbmi_base/index.c | DBMI Library (base) - index management |
raster3d/index.c | |
vector/rtree/index.c | R-Tree library - Multidimensional index |
index.h | |
indexf.c | |
indexm.c | |
db/stubs/init.c | |
driver/init.c | Display Driver - initialization |
linkm/init.c | |
raster/init.c | Raster Library - Handles program initialization |
segment/init.c | |
init2d.c | Initialization of interpolation library data structures |
init_head.c | Vector library - init header of vector maps |
input2d.c | |
insert.c | |
inside.c | |
interp.c | Raster Library - Interpolation methods |
interp2d.c | |
interpf.h | |
InterpSpline.c | |
gis/intersect.c | |
vector/Vlib/intersect.c | Vector library - intersection |
intersect2.c | Vector library - intersection |
interval.c | DBMI Library (base) - range, interval procedures |
intio.c | |
io.c | |
is.c | GIS Library - Tests for file existence |
iscatt_core.c | Imagery library - wx.iscatt (wx Interactive Scatter Plot Tool) backend |
iscatt_structs.c | Imagery library - functions for manipulation with structures used by wx.iscatt (wx Interactive Scatter Plot Tool) |
isdir.c | DBMI Library (base) - test for directories |
json_color_out.c | Raster Library - Print color table in json format |
kdtree.c | Binary search tree |
kdtree.h | Dynamic balanced k-d tree implementation |
key_value1.c | Subroutines for Key/Value management |
key_value2.c | Read/write Key_Value from/to file |
key_value3.c | Key_Value management |
key_value4.c | Key_Value management |
keys.c | |
kotz.c | |
kse.c | |
ksn.c | |
kuiprsve.c | |
kuiprsvn.c | |
la.c | |
defs/la.h | |
la.h | Wrapper headers for BLAS/LAPACK |
ldumat.c | |
ldvmat.c | |
legal_dbname.c | DBMI Library (base) - validate DB names |
legal_name.c | GIS Library - Functions to handle file name legality |
legal_vname.c | Vector library - Check if map name is legal vector map name |
level.c | Vector library - level info |
level_two.c | Vector library - topology level functions |
lidar.h | |
lights.c | Nviz library – Change lighting settings |
line.c | Vector library - vector feature geometry |
gis/line_dist.c | |
vector/diglib/line_dist.c | |
cairodriver/line_width.c | GRASS cairo display driver - set line width |
driver/line_width.c | |
pngdriver/line_width.c | GRASS png display driver - set line width |
psdriver/line_width.c | |
linecros.c | |
defs/linkm.h | |
linkm.h | |
gis/list.c | List elements |
manage/list.c | Manage Library - Element info |
vector/diglib/list.c | |
vector/Vlib/list.c | Vector library - list definition |
list_gp.c | Imagery Library - List group |
list_index.c | |
list_subgp.c | Imagery Library - List subgroup |
list_tables.c | |
listdb.c | |
ll_format.c | |
ll_scan.c | |
loc_info.c | |
local.c | |
locale.c | GIS Library - Functions to handle locale |
location.c | GIS library - environment routines (location) |
lock.c | |
login.c | DBMI Library (base) - login settings |
long.c | |
lrand48.c | GIS Library - Pseudo-random number generation |
ls.c | Functions to list the files in a directory |
ls_filter.c | GIS Library - Filename filter functions |
lu.c | |
lz4.c | |
lz4.h | |
mach_name.c | |
macros.h | |
main.c | |
make_loc.c | GIS Library - Functions to create a new location |
make_mapset.c | GIS Library - Functions to create a new mapset within an existing location |
defs/manage.h | |
manage.h | |
manage_signatures.c | |
map.c | Vector library - Manipulate vector map (copy, rename, delete) |
map_list.c | |
map_obj.c | Nviz library – Define creation and interface functions for map objects |
mapcase.c | |
gis/mapset.c | GIS library - environment routines (mapset) |
raster3d/mapset.c | |
mapset_msc.c | GIS library - Mapset user permission routines |
mapset_nme.c | GIS library - Mapset name, search path routines |
mask.c | |
mask_info.c | Raster Library - Get mask information |
maskfd.c | Raster Library - Mask file descriptor and state |
maskfn.c | |
matprt.c | |
matrix.c | |
mattr.c | |
max_pow2.c | |
mc33_table.h | OGSF library - |
mcopy.c | |
mem_stream.h | |
merge.c | Vedit library - merge lines |
merge_lines.c | Vector library - clean geometry (merge lines/boundaries) |
minmax.c | |
minmaxheap.h | |
minv.c | |
misc-template.c | |
datetime/misc.c | |
raster3d/misc.c | |
mkstemp.c | GIS Library - Temporary file functions |
mm.cpp | |
mm.h | |
mm_utils.cpp | |
mm_utils.h | |
mmul.c | |
driver/move.c | |
vector/vedit/move.c | Vedit library - move primitives |
mult.c | |
myname.c | GIS Library - Database name functions |
n_arrays.c | |
n_arrays_calc.c | |
n_arrays_io.c | |
n_geom.c | |
n_gradient.c | |
n_gradient_calc.c | |
n_gwflow.c | |
N_gwflow.h | |
n_heatflow.c | |
N_heatflow.h | |
n_les.c | |
n_les_assemble.c | |
n_parse_options.c | |
N_pde.h | |
n_solute_transport.c | |
N_solute_transport.h | |
n_tools.c | |
n_upwind.c | |
named_colr.c | |
net_analyze.c | Vector library - related fns for vector network analyses |
net_build.c | Vector library - related fns for vector network building |
defs/neta.h | |
neta.h | |
new.c | |
btree/next.c | |
linkm/next.c | |
nl_to_spaces.c | |
nme_in_mps.c | GIS Library - check map name |
node.c | |
nodemgmt-template.c | |
normp.c | |
null.c | |
null_val.c | Raster Library - NULL value management |
nviz.c | Nviz library – Data management |
defs/nviz.h | |
nviz.h | |
defs/ogsf.h | |
ogsf.h | |
omnibus.c | |
omp_threads.c | |
oom.c | |
gis/open.c | GIS Library - Open file functions |
raster/open.c | Raster Library - Open raster file |
raster3d/open.c | |
segment/open.c | Segment creation routine |
vector/Vlib/open.c | Vector library - Open existing or create new vector map (native or OGR/PostGIS format) |
open2.c | |
open_insert.c | |
open_misc.c | |
open_nat.c | Vector library - open vector map (native format) - level 1 |
open_ogr.c | Vector library - Open OGR layer as vector map layer |
open_pg.c | Vector library - Open PostGIS layer as vector map layer |
open_select.c | |
open_update.c | |
opendb.c | |
option.c | Manage Library - Define option for parser |
ortho.c | |
defs/ortholib.h | |
ortholib.h | |
otrma.c | |
otrsm.c | |
output2d.c | |
overlap.c | Vector library - region/window overlap |
overlay.c | Vector library - overlays |
overwrite.c | GIS Library - Check for overwrite |
pagein.c | Segment page-in routines |
pageout.c | Segment page-out routines |
pager.c | |
Paintlib.h | |
param.c | |
parse_ftcap.c | Display Driver - fontcaps |
parser.c | GIS Library - Argument parsing functions |
parser_dependencies.c | GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (dependencies between options) |
parser_help.c | GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (help) |
parser_html.c | GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (HTML output) |
parser_interface.c | GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (interface) |
parser_json.c | GIS Library - converts the command line arguments into actinia JSON process chain building blocks |
parser_md.c | GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (Markdown output) |
parser_rest.c | GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (reStructuredText output) |
parser_script.c | GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (script) |
parser_standard_options.c | GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (standard options) |
parser_wps.c | |
parson.c | |
parson.h | |
driver/path.c | |
vector/neta/path.c | Network Analysis library - shortest path |
path.h | |
paths.c | |
percent.c | GIS Library - percentage progress functions |
pi.h | |
plot.c | GIS Library - Plotting functions |
plus.c | Vector library - update topo structure (lower level functions) |
plus_area.c | Vector library - update topo for areas (lower level functions) |
plus_line.c | Vector library - update topo for lines (lower level functions) |
plus_node.c | Vector library - update topo for nodes (lower level functions) |
plus_struct.c | |
pngdriver.h | GRASS png display driver - header file |
point.c | GRASS png display driver - draw point |
point2d.c | |
point2d_parallel.c | |
points.c | |
pole_in_poly.c | GIS Library - Pole in polygon |
diglib/poly.c | |
Vlib/poly.c | Vector library - polygon related fns |
htmldriver/polygon.c | |
pngdriver/polygon.c | GRASS png display driver - draw polygon |
popen.c | |
port_init.c | Vector library - portability (lower level functions) |
port_test.c | |
portable.c | |
position.c | Nviz library – Position, focus settings |
pqheap.h | |
print.c | |
print_info.c | |
printtab.c | DBMI Library (client) - print table description info |
priv.c | |
procs.h | |
progrm_nme.c | GIS Library - Program name |
proj1.c | GIS Library - Projection support (window related) |
proj2.c | GIS Library - Projection support (internal subroutines) |
proj3.c | GIS Library - Projection support (database) |
prune.c | |
psdriver.h | |
psinv.c | |
rowio/put.c | RowIO library - Write a row |
segment/put.c | Segment write routines |
put_cellhd.c | Raster Library - Write raster header |
raster/put_row.c | Raster library - Put raster row |
segment/put_row.c | Write segment row routines |
put_title.c | |
put_window.c | GIS Library - Modify window (i.e. GRASS region) |
putenv.c | GIS library - environment routines |
putvalue.c | |
qrbdi.c | |
qrbdu1.c | |
qrbdv.c | |
qrecvc.c | |
qreval.c | |
qrevec.c | |
qtree.c | |
qtree.h | |
quant.c | Raster Library - Quantization rules |
quant_io.c | Raster Library - Quantization rules (input / output) |
quant_rw.c | Raster Library - Quantization rules (read/write) |
queue.h | |
quicksort.h | |
R.h | |
r_raster.c | Display Library - Raster graphics subroutines |
radii.c | GIS Library - Calculating the Meridional Radius of Curvature |
rand1.c | |
raster/range.c | Raster Library - Raster range file management |
raster3d/range.c | |
rast_to_img_string.c | |
cairodriver/raster.c | GRASS cairo display driver - draw raster |
display/raster.c | Display Driver - draw raster data |
driver/raster.c | |
lidar/raster.c | |
pngdriver/raster.c | GRASS png display driver - draw raster |
psdriver/raster.c | |
raster/raster.c | Raster Library - Raster cell value routines |
defs/raster.h | |
raster.h | |
raster2.c | |
defs/raster3d.h | |
raster3d.h | |
raster3d_intern.h | |
raster_metadata.c | Raster library - Functions to read and write raster "units", "semantic label" and "vertical datum" meta-data info |
rbtree.c | Binary search tree |
defs/rbtree.h | |
rbtree.h | |
rd_cellhd.c | GIS Library - Read cell header or window |
cairodriver/read.c | GRASS cairo display driver - read image (lower level functions) |
pngdriver/read.c | GRASS png display driver - read image (lower level functions) |
symbol/read.c | |
vector/Vlib/read.c | Vector library - read features |
cairodriver/read_bmp.c | GRASS cairo display driver - read bitmap (lower level functions) |
pngdriver/read_bmp.c | GRASS png display driver - read bitmap (lower level functions) |
read_list.c | Manage Library - Read list of elements |
read_nat.c | Vector library - reading features (native format) |
read_ogr.c | Vector library - reading data (OGR format) |
read_pg.c | Vector library - reading features (PostGIS format) |
read_png.c | GRASS png display driver - read png |
cairodriver/read_ppm.c | GRASS cairo display driver - read PPM image (lower level functions) |
pngdriver/read_ppm.c | GRASS png display driver - read image (lower level functions) |
read_sfa.c | Vector library - reading features - simple feature access |
read_xid.c | |
reclass.c | Raster Library - Check if raster map is reclassified |
rect.c | |
ref.c | |
region.c | |
rowio/release.c | |
segment/release.c | Segment release routines |
remove.c | GIS Library - File remove functions |
remove_areas.c | Vector library - clean geometry (remove small areas) |
remove_duplicates.c | Vector library - clean geometry (remove duplicates) |
rename.c | GIS Library - Rename file functions |
nviz/render.c | Nviz library – GLX context manipulation |
vector/vedit/render.c | Vedit library - render vector features (used by wxGUI digitizer) |
replacementHeap.h | |
replacementHeapBlock.h | |
resample.c | |
resout2d.c | |
ressegm2d.c | |
ret_codes.c | DBMI Library (base) - return codes (internal use only) |
retile.c | |
btree/rewind.c | |
vector/Vlib/rewind.c | Vector library - rewind data |
rewind_nat.c | |
rewind_ogr.c | Vector library - rewind data (OGR) |
rewind_pg.c | Vector library - rewind data (PostGIS layers) |
rgbpack.h | |
rhumbline.c | GIS Library - Rhumbline calculation routines |
rle.c | |
rmmult.c | |
rotate.c | GIS Library - rotate |
rowcol.h | |
defs/rowio.h | |
rowio.h | |
rows.c | |
royston.c | |
rtimer.cpp | |
rtimer.h | |
rtree.h | |
rtree_search.c | Vector library - simplified rtree search |
ruinv.c | |
run.c | |
safileio.c | |
same.c | |
sample.c | Raster library - Sampling methods (extract a cell value from raster map) |
scan.c | |
secpar2d.c | |
gis/seek.c | GIS Library - file seek routines |
segment/seek.c | Segment seek routines |
segmen2d.c | |
segmen2d_parallel.c | |
defs/segment.h | |
segment.h | |
db/dbmi_client/select.c | DBMI Library (client) - select records from table |
vector/vedit/select.c | Vedit library - select primitives by query |
vector/Vlib/select.c | Vector library - spatial index |
cairodriver/set_window.c | GRASS cairo display driver - set window |
driver/set_window.c | |
gis/set_window.c | GIS Library - Set window (map region) |
pngdriver/set_window.c | GRASS png display driver - set window |
psdriver/set_window.c | |
raster/set_window.c | Raster Library - Set window (map region) |
display/setup.c | Display Driver - setup |
rowio/setup.c | RowIO library - Setup |
segment/setup.c | Segment setup routines |
shapefil.h | |
shapefil_private.h | |
shapiro1.c | |
shapiro2.c | |
shapiroe.c | |
short_way.c | GIS Library - Shortest path functions |
show_elem.c | Manage Library - Show elements |
shpopen.c | |
shutdown.c | DBMI Library (client) - shutdown database connection |
sig.c | |
sigfile.c | Imagery Library - Signature file functions (statistics for i.maxlik) |
sighold.c | Manage Library - Hold signals |
sign.c | |
sigset.c | |
sigsetfile.c | Imagery Library - Signature file functions (statistics for i.smap) |
simple_features.c | Vector library - OGC Simple Features Access |
sindex.c | Vector library - select vector features |
sleep.c | |
smain.c | |
smgen.c | |
vedit/snap.c | Vedit library - snapping |
Vlib/snap.c | Vector library - Clean vector map (snap lines) |
snprintf.c | GIS Library - snprintf() clone functions |
solv.c | |
solvers_classic_iter.c | |
solvers_direct.c | |
solvers_direct_cholesky_band.c | |
solvers_krylov.c | |
solvps.c | |
solvru.c | |
solvtd.c | |
sort_cell.c | |
sp-template.c | |
span-template.c | |
spanningtree.c | Network Analysis library - spanning tree |
sparse.c | |
sparse_matrix.c | |
spawn.c | GIS Library - Handles process spawning |
defs/spawn.h | |
spawn.h | |
spindex.c | Vector library - spatial index (lower level functions) |
spindex_rw.c | |
split.c | |
split.h | |
sql.c | |
sqlCtype.c | DBMI Library (base) - SQL data type to C data type |
defs/sqlp.h | |
sqlp.h | | | | | |
sqlp.yy.c | |
sqltype.c | DBMI Library (base) - SQL data type |
start.c | DBMI Library (client) - open database connection |
stat.h | |
defs/stats.h | |
stats.h | |
stdio.h | |
stdlib.h | |
string.c | DBMI Library (base) - string management |
string.h | |
strings.c | GIS Library - Find raster map |
strings.h | |
strip.c | DBMI Library (base) - strip strings |
strlcat.c | GIS Library - GRASS implementation of strlcat() |
strlcpy.c | GIS Library - GRASS implementation of strlcpy() |
stroke.c | |
struct_alloc.c | Vector library - allocate and zero array space (lower level functions) |
struct_copy.c | |
sv2u1v.c | |
sv2uv.c | |
sv2val.c | |
svdu1v.c | |
svduv.c | |
svdval.c | |
symbol.c | |
defs/symbol.h | |
symbol.h | |
symmetric_band_matrix.c | |
dbmi_base/table.c | DBMI Library (base) - table management |
dbmi_client/table.c | DBMI Library (client) - table management |
target.c | |
tavl.c | |
tavl.h | |
tempfile.c | GIS Library - Temporary file functions |
temporal.h | |
cairodriver/text.c | GRASS cairo display driver - text subroutines |
driver/text.c | |
htmldriver/text.c | |
text2.c | |
text3.c | |
text_size.c | |
tilealloc.c | |
tileio.c | |
tilemath.c | |
tilenull.c | |
tileread.c | |
tilewrite.c | |
timestamp.c | GIS Library - Timestamp management |
timetables.c | Network Analysis library - timetables |
tin.c | Vector library - TIN |
title.c | |
db/dbmi_base/token.c | DBMI Library (base) - tokens management |
gis/token.c | GIS Library - Tokenize strings |
tran_colr.c | |
trans.c | OGSF library - matrix transformation (higher level functions) |
transaction.c | |
tree.c | |
tree.h | |
trim_dec.c | GIS Library - Trim string decimal functions |
trncm.c | |
trnm.c | |
datetime/type.c | |
vector/diglib/type.c | Vector library - feature type conversion (lower level functions) |
vector/Vlib/type.c | Vector library - feature type |
type.h | |
tz1.c | |
tz2.c | |
unfl.c | |
unistd.h | |
unitary.c | |
units.c | GIS Library - Units management and conversion |
btree/update.c | |
db/stubs/update.c | |
vector/diglib/update.c | Vector library - update topology (lower level functions) |
user_config.c | GIS Library - Routines related to user's GRASS configuration, tmp, and miscellaneous files |
utils.c | Network Analysis library - utils |
utrncm.c | |
utrnhm.c | |
v1-defs.h | |
v2-defs.h | |
value.c | DBMI Library (base) - value management |
valuefmt.c | DBMI Library (base) - value formatting |
values.c | |
var.c | |
defs/vector.h | |
vector.h | |
defs/vedit.h | |
vedit.h | |
verbose.c | GIS Library - Subroutines to manage verbosity level |
version.h | |
vertex.c | Vedit library - vertex manipulation |
view.c | GIS Library - 3D View functions |
vinput2d.c | |
viz.h | |
vmul.c | |
volume.c | |
vrt.c | Raster Library - virtual GRASS raster maps |
watsonue.c | |
watsonun.c | |
weisberg.c | |
db/dbmi_base/whoami.c | DBMI Library (base) - who am i |
gis/whoami.c | GIS Library - Login name functions |
win32_pipes.c | |
wind_2_box.c | GIS Library - Window box functions |
wind_format.c | GIS Library - Window formatting functions |
wind_in.c | Point in region functions |
wind_limits.c | GIS Library - Projection limit functions |
wind_overlap.c | GIS Library - Window overlap functions |
wind_scan.c | GIS Library - Coordinate scanning functions |
display/window.c | |
raster/window.c | Raster Library - Window functions |
raster3d/window.c | |
vector/Vlib/window.c | Vector library - window/region |
gis/window_map.c | GIS Library - Window mapping functions |
raster/window_map.c | Raster Library - Window mapping functions |
windowio.c | |
winlocale.c | |
worker.c | GIS Library - Worker functions |
wr_cellhd.c | GIS Library - Write Cell Header functions |
writ_zeros.c | GIS Library - Write zero functions |
cairodriver/write.c | GRASS cairo display driver - write image (lower level functions) |
pngdriver/write.c | GRASS png display driver - write image (lower level functions) |
vector/Vlib/write.c | Vector library - write vector features |
write2d.c | |
cairodriver/write_bmp.c | GRASS cairo display driver - write bitmap (lower level functions) |
pngdriver/write_bmp.c | GRASS png display driver - write bitmap (lower level functions) |
write_nat.c | Vector library - write/modify/delete vector feature (native format) |
write_ogr.c | Vector library - write vector feature (OGR format) |
write_pg.c | Vector library - write vector feature (PostGIS format) |
write_png.c | GRASS png display driver - write PPM image (lower level functions) |
cairodriver/write_ppm.c | GRASS cairo display driver - write PPM image (lower level functions) |
pngdriver/write_ppm.c | GRASS png display driver - write PPM image (lower level functions) |
write_sfa.c | Vector library - write vector feature - simple feature access (level 2) |
write_xid.c | |
writeascii.c | |
xabs.c | |
xacos.c | |
xadd.c | |
xand.c | |
xand2.c | |
xasin.c | |
xatan.c | |
xbitand.c | |
xbitnot.c | |
xbitor.c | |
xbitxor.c | |
xceil.c | |
xcos.c | |
xdiv.c | |
xdouble.c | |
db/dbmi_base/xdr.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation |
gis/xdr.c | GIS Library - XDR related functions |
xdr.h | |
xdrchar.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (char) |
xdrcolumn.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (column) |
xdrdatetime.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (datatime) |
xdrdouble.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (double) |
xdrfloat.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (float) |
xdrhandle.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (handle) |
xdrindex.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (index) |
xdrint.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (integer) |
xdrprocedure.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (procedure) |
xdrshort.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (short) |
xdrstring.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (string) |
xdrtable.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (table) |
xdrtoken.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (token) |
xdrvalue.c | DBMI Library (base) - external data representation (value) |
xeq.c | |
xeval.c | |
xexp.c | |
xfloat.c | |
xfloor.c | |
xge.c | |
xgraph.c | |
xgt.c | |
xif.c | |
xinormal.c | |
xint.c | |
xisnull.c | |
xle.c | |
xlog.c | |
xlt.c | |
xmax.c | |
xmedian.c | |
xmin.c | |
xmod.c | |
xmode.c | |
xmul.c | |
xne.c | |
xneg.c | |
xnmax.c | |
xnmedian.c | |
xnmin.c | |
xnmode.c | |
xnot.c | |
xnull.c | |
xor.c | |
xor2.c | |
xpow.c | |
xrand.c | |
xround.c | |
xshiftl.c | |
xshiftr.c | |
xshiftru.c | |
xsin.c | |
xsqrt.c | |
xsub.c | |
xtan.c | |
zbulk.c | Vedit library - Bulk labeling (automated labeling of vector features) |
db/dbmi_base/zero.c | DBMI Library (base) - zero |
gis/zero.c | GIS Library - Zeroing functions |
zero_cell.c | Raster Library - Zero cell buffer functions |
zone.c | GIS Library - Cartographic zone functions |
zones.c | |