GRASS GIS 8 Programmer's Manual  8.5.0dev(2025)-0cade2dbae
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*!
2  * \file lib/gis/parser_interface.c
3  *
4  * \brief GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (interface)
5  *
6  * (C) 2001-2009 by the GRASS Development Team
7  *
8  * This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
9  * (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
10  *
11  * \author Original author CERL
12  * \author Soeren Gebbert added Dec. 2009 WPS process_description document
13  */
15 #include <grass/config.h>
17 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <string.h>
20 #include <ctype.h>
21 #include <unistd.h>
22 #include <stdarg.h>
23 #include <sys/types.h>
25 #if defined(HAVE_LANGINFO_H)
26 #include <langinfo.h>
27 #endif
28 #if defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(USE_NLS)
29 #include <localcharset.h>
30 #endif
31 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
32 #include <iconv.h>
33 #endif
35 #include <grass/gis.h>
36 #include <grass/glocale.h>
37 #include <grass/spawn.h>
39 #include "parser_local_proto.h"
41 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
42 static const char *src_enc;
43 #endif
45 /*!
46  * \brief Formats text for XML.
47  *
48  * \param[in,out] fp file to write to
49  * \param str string to write
50  */
51 static void print_escaped_for_xml(FILE *fp, const char *str)
52 {
53 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
54  iconv_t conv = iconv_open("UTF-8", src_enc);
55  char *enc = NULL;
57  if (conv != (iconv_t)-1) {
58  char *src = (char *)str;
59  size_t srclen = strlen(src);
60  size_t dstlen = srclen * 4 + 1;
61  char *dst = G_alloca(dstlen);
62  size_t ret;
64  enc = dst;
66  ret = iconv(conv, (char **)&src, &srclen, &dst, &dstlen);
67  if (ret != (size_t)-1 && srclen == 0) {
68  str = enc;
69  *dst = '\0';
70  }
71  }
72 #endif
74  for (; *str; str++) {
75  switch (*str) {
76  case '&':
77  fputs("&amp;", fp);
78  break;
79  case '<':
80  fputs("&lt;", fp);
81  break;
82  case '>':
83  fputs("&gt;", fp);
84  break;
85  default:
86  fputc(*str, fp);
87  }
88  }
90 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
91  if (enc) {
92  G_freea(enc);
93  }
95  if (conv != (iconv_t)-1)
96  iconv_close(conv);
97 #endif
98 }
100 /*!
101  \brief Print module usage description in XML format.
102  */
103 void G__usage_xml(void)
104 {
105  struct Option *opt;
106  struct Flag *flag;
107  char *type;
108  char *s, *top;
109  int i;
110  const char *encoding = NULL;
111  int new_prompt = 0;
113  new_prompt = G__uses_new_gisprompt();
115  /* gettext converts strings to encoding returned by nl_langinfo(CODESET) */
117 #if defined(HAVE_LANGINFO_H)
118  encoding = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
119 #elif defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(USE_NLS)
120  encoding = locale_charset();
121 #endif
123  if (!encoding || strlen(encoding) == 0)
124  encoding = "UTF-8";
126 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
127  src_enc = encoding;
128  encoding = "UTF-8";
129 #endif
131  if (!st->pgm_name) /* v.dave && r.michael */
132  st->pgm_name = G_program_name();
133  if (!st->pgm_name)
134  st->pgm_name = "??";
136  fprintf(stdout, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>\n", encoding);
137  fprintf(stdout, "<!DOCTYPE task SYSTEM \"grass-interface.dtd\">\n");
139  fprintf(stdout, "<task name=\"%s\">\n", st->pgm_name);
141  if (st->module_info.label) {
142  fprintf(stdout, "\t<label>\n\t\t");
143  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, st->module_info.label);
144  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t</label>\n");
145  }
147  if (st->module_info.description) {
148  fprintf(stdout, "\t<description>\n\t\t");
149  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, st->module_info.description);
150  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t</description>\n");
151  }
153  if (st->module_info.keywords) {
154  fprintf(stdout, "\t<keywords>\n\t\t");
155  G__print_keywords(stdout, print_escaped_for_xml, FALSE);
156  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t</keywords>\n");
157  }
159  /***** Don't use parameter-groups for now. We'll reimplement this later
160  ***** when we have a concept of several mutually exclusive option
161  ***** groups
162  if (st->n_opts || st->n_flags)
163  fprintf(stdout, "\t<parameter-group>\n");
164  *****
165  *****
166  *****/
168  if (st->n_opts) {
169  opt = &st->first_option;
170  while (opt != NULL) {
171  /* TODO: make this a enumeration type? */
172  switch (opt->type) {
173  case TYPE_INTEGER:
174  type = "integer";
175  break;
176  case TYPE_DOUBLE:
177  type = "float";
178  break;
179  case TYPE_STRING:
180  type = "string";
181  break;
182  default:
183  type = "string";
184  break;
185  }
186  fprintf(stdout,
187  "\t<parameter "
188  "name=\"%s\" "
189  "type=\"%s\" "
190  "required=\"%s\" "
191  "multiple=\"%s\">\n",
192  opt->key, type, opt->required == YES ? "yes" : "no",
193  opt->multiple == YES ? "yes" : "no");
195  if (opt->label) {
196  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<label>\n\t\t\t");
197  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, opt->label);
198  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</label>\n");
199  }
201  if (opt->description) {
202  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<description>\n\t\t\t");
203  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, opt->description);
204  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</description>\n");
205  }
207  if (opt->key_desc) {
208  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<keydesc>\n");
209  top = G_calloc(strlen(opt->key_desc) + 1, 1);
210  strcpy(top, opt->key_desc);
211  s = strtok(top, ",");
212  for (i = 1; s != NULL; i++) {
213  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t<item order=\"%d\">", i);
214  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, s);
215  fprintf(stdout, "</item>\n");
216  s = strtok(NULL, ",");
217  }
218  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t</keydesc>\n");
219  G_free(top);
220  }
222  if (opt->gisprompt) {
223  const char *atts[] = {"age", "element", "prompt", NULL};
224  top = G_calloc(strlen(opt->gisprompt) + 1, 1);
225  strcpy(top, opt->gisprompt);
226  s = strtok(top, ",");
227  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<gisprompt ");
228  for (i = 0; s != NULL && atts[i] != NULL; i++) {
229  fprintf(stdout, "%s=\"%s\" ", atts[i], s);
230  s = strtok(NULL, ",");
231  }
232  fprintf(stdout, "/>\n");
233  G_free(top);
234  }
236  if (opt->def) {
237  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<default>\n\t\t\t");
238  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, opt->def);
239  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</default>\n");
240  }
242  if (opt->options) {
243  /* TODO:
244  * add something like
245  * <range min="xxx" max="xxx"/>
246  * to <values> */
247  i = 0;
248  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<values>\n");
249  while (opt->opts[i]) {
250  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t<value>\n");
251  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t<name>");
252  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, opt->opts[i]);
253  fprintf(stdout, "</name>\n");
254  if (opt->descs && opt->opts[i] && opt->descs[i]) {
255  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\t<description>");
256  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, opt->descs[i]);
257  fprintf(stdout, "</description>\n");
258  }
259  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t</value>\n");
260  i++;
261  }
262  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t</values>\n");
263  }
264  if (opt->guisection) {
265  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<guisection>\n\t\t\t");
266  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, opt->guisection);
267  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</guisection>\n");
268  }
269  if (opt->guidependency) {
270  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<guidependency>\n\t\t\t");
271  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, opt->guidependency);
272  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</guidependency>\n");
273  }
274  /* TODO:
275  * - key_desc?
276  * - there surely are some more. which ones?
277  */
279  opt = opt->next_opt;
280  fprintf(stdout, "\t</parameter>\n");
281  }
282  }
284  if (st->n_flags) {
285  flag = &st->first_flag;
286  while (flag != NULL) {
287  fprintf(stdout, "\t<flag name=\"%c\">\n", flag->key);
289  if (flag->label) {
290  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<label>\n\t\t\t");
291  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, flag->label);
292  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</label>\n");
293  }
295  if (flag->suppress_required)
296  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<suppress_required/>\n");
298  if (flag->description) {
299  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<description>\n\t\t\t");
300  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, flag->description);
301  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</description>\n");
302  }
303  if (flag->guisection) {
304  fprintf(stdout, " \t\t<guisection>\n\t\t\t");
305  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, flag->guisection);
306  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</guisection>\n");
307  }
308  flag = flag->next_flag;
309  fprintf(stdout, "\t</flag>\n");
310  }
311  }
313  /***** Don't use parameter-groups for now. We'll reimplement this later
314  ***** when we have a concept of several mutually exclusive option
315  ***** groups
316  if (st->n_opts || st->n_flags)
317  fprintf(stdout, "\t</parameter-group>\n");
318  *****
319  *****
320  *****/
322  if (new_prompt) {
323  /* overwrite */
324  fprintf(stdout, "\t<flag name=\"%s\">\n", "overwrite");
325  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<description>\n\t\t\t");
326  print_escaped_for_xml(
327  stdout, _("Allow output files to overwrite existing files"));
328  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</description>\n");
329  fprintf(stdout, "\t</flag>\n");
330  }
332  /* help */
333  fprintf(stdout, "\t<flag name=\"%s\">\n", "help");
334  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<description>\n\t\t\t");
335  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, _("Print usage summary"));
336  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</description>\n");
337  fprintf(stdout, "\t</flag>\n");
339  /* verbose */
340  fprintf(stdout, "\t<flag name=\"%s\">\n", "verbose");
341  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<description>\n\t\t\t");
342  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, _("Verbose module output"));
343  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</description>\n");
344  fprintf(stdout, "\t</flag>\n");
346  /* quiet */
347  fprintf(stdout, "\t<flag name=\"%s\">\n", "quiet");
348  fprintf(stdout, "\t\t<description>\n\t\t\t");
349  print_escaped_for_xml(stdout, _("Quiet module output"));
350  fprintf(stdout, "\n\t\t</description>\n");
351  fprintf(stdout, "\t</flag>\n");
355  fprintf(stdout, "</task>\n");
356 }
#define NULL
Definition: ccmath.h:32
void G_free(void *)
Free allocated memory.
Definition: gis/alloc.c:150
#define G_calloc(m, n)
Definition: defs/gis.h:95
#define G_alloca(n)
Definition: defs/gis.h:57
#define G_freea(p)
Definition: defs/gis.h:58
const char * G_program_name(void)
Return module name.
Definition: progrm_nme.c:28
Definition: gis.h:186
#define YES
Definition: gis.h:187
Definition: gis.h:184
#define FALSE
Definition: gis.h:83
Definition: gis.h:185
#define _(str)
Definition: glocale.h:10
char * dst
Definition: lz4.h:981
const char * src
Definition: lz4.h:989
void G__print_keywords(FILE *fd, void(*format)(FILE *, const char *), int newline)
Print list of keywords (internal use only)
Definition: parser.c:927
int G__uses_new_gisprompt(void)
Definition: parser.c:890
struct state * st
Definition: parser.c:104
void G__describe_option_rules_xml(FILE *fp)
Describe option rules in XML format (internal use only)
void G__usage_xml(void)
Print module usage description in XML format.
#define strcpy
Definition: parson.c:62
Structure that stores flag info.
Definition: gis.h:588
const char * guisection
Definition: gis.h:595
struct Flag * next_flag
Definition: gis.h:597
char suppress_required
Definition: gis.h:591
const char * description
Definition: gis.h:594
char key
Definition: gis.h:589
const char * label
Definition: gis.h:593
Structure that stores option information.
Definition: gis.h:557
const char * key
Definition: gis.h:558
struct Option * next_opt
Definition: gis.h:574
const char * key_desc
Definition: gis.h:564
const char ** opts
Definition: gis.h:563
const char * gisprompt
Definition: gis.h:575
const char * label
Definition: gis.h:565
int type
Definition: gis.h:559
const char * def
Definition: gis.h:572
const char * description
Definition: gis.h:566
int required
Definition: gis.h:560
const char ** descs
Definition: gis.h:569
const char * options
Definition: gis.h:562
int multiple
Definition: gis.h:561
const char * guisection
Definition: gis.h:576
const char * guidependency
Definition: gis.h:578