GRASS GIS 8 Programmer's Manual  8.5.0dev(2024)-d6dec75dd4
gis Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for gis:


file  adj_cellhd.c [code]
 GIS Library - CELL header adjustment.
file  gis/alloc.c [code]
 GIS Library - Memory allocation routines.
file  aprintf.c [code]
 GIS Library - Print functions for aligning wide characters.
file  gis/area.c [code]
 GIS Library - Area calculation functions.
file  area_ellipse.c [code]
 GIS Library - Ellipse area routines.
file  area_poly1.c [code]
 GIS Library - Polygon area calculation routines.
file  area_poly2.c [code]
 GIS Library - Planimetric polygon area calculation routines.
file  area_sphere.c [code]
 GIS Library - Sphereical area calculation routines.
file  ascii_chk.c [code]
 GIS Library - Remove non-ascii characters.
file  asprintf.c [code]
 GIS Library - GRASS implementation of asprintf().
file  basename.c [code]
 GIS Library - Program basename routines.
file  bres_line.c [code]
file  clicker.c [code]
file  cmprbzip.c [code]
file  cmprlz4.c [code]
file  cmprrle.c [code]
file  cmprzlib.c [code]
file  cmprzstd.c [code]
file  gis/color_rules.c [code]
 GIS Library - Color tables management subroutines.
file  color_str.c [code]
 GIS library - color management, named color to RGB triplet.
file  commas.c [code]
 GIS Library - Comma string functions.
file  compress.c [code]
file  compress.h [code]
file  copy_dir.c [code]
 GIS Library - function to recursively copy a directory.
file  copy_file.c [code]
file  counter.c [code]
file  date.c [code]
 GIS Library - Date functions.
file  gis/datum.c [code]
file  debug.c [code]
 GIS Library - Debug functions.
file  gis/distance.c [code]
 GIS Library - Distance calculation functions.
file  done_msg.c [code]
 GIS Library - Done message functions.
file  endian.c [code]
 GIS Library - Functions to determine architecture endian.
file  env.c [code]
 GIS library - environment routines.
file  gis/error.c [code]
 GIS Library - Error messages functions.
file  file_name.c [code]
 GIS library - Determine GRASS data base file name.
file  find_etc.c [code]
file  find_file.c [code]
 GIS library - Find GRASS data base files.
file  find_rast.c [code]
file  find_rast3d.c [code]
 GIS library - Find a 3D raster map.
file  find_vect.c [code]
 GIS library - Find a vector map.
file  fmode.c [code]
file  G.h [code]
file  geodesic.c [code]
file  geodist.c [code]
 GIS Library - Geodesic distance routines.
file  get_ellipse.c [code]
 GIS Library - Getting ellipsoid parameters from the database.
file  get_projinfo.c [code]
 GIS Library - Get projection info.
file  get_window.c [code]
 GIS Library - Get window (i.e. GRASS region)
file  getl.c [code]
 GIS Library - Get line of text from file.
file  gisbase.c [code]
file  gisdbase.c [code]
 GIS library - environment routines (gisdbase)
file  gisinit.c [code]
 GIS Library - Handles program initialization.
file  gis/handler.c [code]
 GIS Library - Error handlers.
file  home.c [code]
 GIS Library - Get user's home or config directory.
file  ilist.c [code]
file  gis/intersect.c [code]
file  is.c [code]
 GIS Library - Tests for file existence.
file  key_value1.c [code]
 Subroutines for Key/Value management.
file  key_value2.c [code]
 Read/write Key_Value from/to file.
file  key_value3.c [code]
 Key_Value management.
file  key_value4.c [code]
 Key_Value management.
file  legal_name.c [code]
 GIS Library - Functions to handle file name legality.
file  gis/line_dist.c [code]
file  gis/list.c [code]
 List elements.
file  ll_format.c [code]
file  ll_scan.c [code]
file  locale.c [code]
 GIS Library - Functions to handle locale.
file  location.c [code]
 GIS library - environment routines (location)
file  lrand48.c [code]
 GIS Library - Pseudo-random number generation.
file  ls.c [code]
 Functions to list the files in a directory.
file  ls_filter.c [code]
 GIS Library - Filename filter functions.
file  lz4.c [code]
file  lz4.h [code]
file  mach_name.c [code]
file  make_loc.c [code]
 GIS Library - Functions to create a new location.
file  make_mapset.c [code]
 GIS Library - Functions to create a new mapset within an existing location.
file  mapcase.c [code]
file  gis/mapset.c [code]
 GIS library - environment routines (mapset)
file  mapset_msc.c [code]
 GIS library - Mapset user permission routines.
file  mapset_nme.c [code]
 GIS library - Mapset name, search path routines.
file  mkstemp.c [code]
 GIS Library - Temporary file functions.
file  myname.c [code]
 GIS Library - Database name functions.
file  named_colr.c [code]
file  nl_to_spaces.c [code]
file  nme_in_mps.c [code]
 GIS Library - check map name.
file  omp_threads.c [code]
file  gis/open.c [code]
 GIS Library - Open file functions.
file  open_misc.c [code]
file  overwrite.c [code]
 GIS Library - Check for overwrite.
file  pager.c [code]
file  parser.c [code]
 GIS Library - Argument parsing functions.
file  parser_dependencies.c [code]
 GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (dependencies between options)
file  parser_help.c [code]
 GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (help)
file  parser_html.c [code]
 GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (HTML output)
file  parser_interface.c [code]
 GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (interface)
file  parser_json.c [code]
 GIS Library - converts the command line arguments into actinia JSON process chain building blocks.
file  parser_rest_md.c [code]
 GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (reStructuredText and Markdown output)
file  parser_script.c [code]
 GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (script)
file  parser_standard_options.c [code]
 GIS Library - Argument parsing functions (standard options)
file  parser_wps.c [code]
file  paths.c [code]
file  percent.c [code]
 GIS Library - percentage progress functions.
file  pi.h [code]
file  plot.c [code]
 GIS Library - Plotting functions.
file  pole_in_poly.c [code]
 GIS Library - Pole in polygon.
file  popen.c [code]
file  progrm_nme.c [code]
 GIS Library - Program name.
file  proj1.c [code]
 GIS Library - Projection support (window related)
file  proj2.c [code]
 GIS Library - Projection support (internal subroutines)
file  proj3.c [code]
 GIS Library - Projection support (database)
file  put_window.c [code]
 GIS Library - Modify window (i.e. GRASS region)
file  putenv.c [code]
 GIS library - environment routines.
file  radii.c [code]
 GIS Library - Calculating the Meridional Radius of Curvature.
file  rd_cellhd.c [code]
 GIS Library - Read cell header or window.
file  remove.c [code]
 GIS Library - File remove functions.
file  rename.c [code]
 GIS Library - Rename file functions.
file  rhumbline.c [code]
 GIS Library - Rhumbline calculation routines.
file  rotate.c [code]
 GIS Library - rotate.
file  gis/seek.c [code]
 GIS Library - file seek routines.
file  gis/set_window.c [code]
 GIS Library - Set window (map region)
file  short_way.c [code]
 GIS Library - Shortest path functions.
file  sleep.c [code]
file  snprintf.c [code]
 GIS Library - snprintf() clone functions.
file  spawn.c [code]
 GIS Library - Handles process spawning.
file  strings.c [code]
 GIS Library - Find raster map.
file  strlcat.c [code]
 GIS Library - GRASS implementation of strlcat().
file  strlcpy.c [code]
 GIS Library - GRASS implementation of strlcpy().
file  tempfile.c [code]
 GIS Library - Temporary file functions.
file  timestamp.c [code]
 GIS Library - Timestamp management.
file  gis/token.c [code]
 GIS Library - Tokenize strings.
file  trim_dec.c [code]
 GIS Library - Trim string decimal functions.
file  units.c [code]
 GIS Library - Units management and conversion.
file  user_config.c [code]
 GIS Library - Routines related to user's GRASS configuration, tmp, and miscellaneous files.
file  verbose.c [code]
 GIS Library - Subroutines to manage verbosity level.
file  view.c [code]
 GIS Library - 3D View functions.
file  gis/whoami.c [code]
 GIS Library - Login name functions.
file  win32_pipes.c [code]
file  wind_2_box.c [code]
 GIS Library - Window box functions.
file  wind_format.c [code]
 GIS Library - Window formatting functions.
file  wind_in.c [code]
 Point in region functions.
file  wind_limits.c [code]
 GIS Library - Projection limit functions.
file  wind_overlap.c [code]
 GIS Library - Window overlap functions.
file  wind_scan.c [code]
 GIS Library - Coordinate scanning functions.
file  gis/window_map.c [code]
 GIS Library - Window mapping functions.
file  worker.c [code]
 GIS Library - Worker functions.
file  wr_cellhd.c [code]
 GIS Library - Write Cell Header functions.
file  writ_zeros.c [code]
 GIS Library - Write zero functions.
file  gis/xdr.c [code]
 GIS Library - XDR related functions.
file  gis/zero.c [code]
 GIS Library - Zeroing functions.
file  zone.c [code]
 GIS Library - Cartographic zone functions.