double G_vector_norm_euclid(vec_struct *)
Calculates euclidean norm.
mat_struct * G_matrix_subtract(mat_struct *, mat_struct *)
Subtract two matricies.
int G_matrix_zero(mat_struct *)
Clears (or resets) the matrix values to 0.
int G_matrix_LU_solve(const mat_struct *, mat_struct **, const mat_struct *, mat_type)
Solve a general system A.X = B.
int G_matvect_retrieve_matrix(vec_struct *)
Revert a vector to matrix.
mat_struct * G_matrix_copy(const mat_struct *)
Copy a matrix.
double G_vector_norm_maxval(vec_struct *, int)
Calculates maximum value.
int G_matrix_set(mat_struct *, int, int, int)
Set parameters for an initialized matrix.
mat_struct * G_matrix_product(mat_struct *, mat_struct *)
Returns product of two matricies.
mat_struct * G_matrix_resize(mat_struct *, int, int)
Resizes a matrix.
void G_matrix_free(mat_struct *)
Free up allocated matrix.
vec_struct * G_vector_copy(const vec_struct *, int)
Returns a vector copied from vc1. Underlying structure is preserved unless DO_COMPACT flag.
mat_struct * G_matrix_scalar_mul(double, mat_struct *, mat_struct *)
Calculates the scalar-matrix multiplication.
vec_struct * G_matvect_get_column(mat_struct *, int)
Retrieve a column of the matrix to a vector structure.
int G_matrix_stdin(mat_struct *)
mat_struct * G_matrix_init(int, int, int)
Initialize a matrix structure.
double G_matrix_get_element(mat_struct *, int, int)
Retrieve value of the (i,j)th element.
vec_struct * G_vector_init(int, int, vtype)
Initialize a vector structure.
int G_matvect_extract_vector(mat_struct *, vtype, int)
Convert matrix to vector.
void G_vector_free(vec_struct *)
Free an allocated vector structure.
vec_struct * G_matvect_product(mat_struct *, vec_struct *, vec_struct *)
Calculates the matrix-vector product.
int G_matrix_read(FILE *, mat_struct *)
Read a matrix from a file stream.
vec_struct * G_vector_product(vec_struct *, vec_struct *, vec_struct *)
Calculates the vector product.
mat_struct * G_matrix_transpose(mat_struct *)
Transpose a matrix.
int G_matrix_eigen_sort(vec_struct *, mat_struct *)
Sort eigenvectors according to eigenvalues.
double G_vector_norm1(vec_struct *)
Calculates the 1-norm of a vector.
mat_struct * G_matrix_add(mat_struct *, mat_struct *)
Adds two matricies.
int G_matrix_set_element(mat_struct *, int, int, double)
vec_struct * G_matvect_get_row(mat_struct *, int)
Retrieve a row of the matrix to a vector structure.
mat_struct * G__matrix_add(mat_struct *, mat_struct *, const double, const double)
void G_matrix_print(mat_struct *)
Print out a matrix.
mat_struct * G_matrix_scale(mat_struct *, const double)
Scale a matrix by a scalar value.
int G_vector_set(vec_struct *, int, int, vtype, int)
vec_struct * G_vector_sub(vec_struct *, vec_struct *, vec_struct *)
Subtract two vectors.
mat_struct * G_matrix_inverse(mat_struct *)
Returns the matrix inverse.