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GRASS GIS 8.4.0 released

What’s new in a nutshell

The GRASS GIS 8.4.0 release contains more than 520 changes compared to 8.3.2. This new minor release includes important fixes and improvements to the GRASS GIS tools, libraries and the graphical user interface (GUI), making it even more stable and robust for daily work.

Most importantly: location becomes project: The Python API, command line, and graphical user interface are now using project instead of location for the main component of the data hiearchy while maintaining backward compatibility.

Further relevant changes:

  • Python: the creation of new projects in Python has been greatly simplified (no more chicken and egg problems) - also for Jupyter notebooks.
  • GUI: easy command history navigation through the new History browser panel.
  • New GRASS GIS Programming Style Guide.
  • For r.univar, the computation extended statistics is now parallelized.
  • JSON output format support (format=“json”) has been added in multiple tools (e.g., r.report, r.info, v.db.select, t.rast.list, etc.).
  • A new support vector machine image classification (SVM) has been added in i.svm.

Translations continue in Weblate, which automatically creates pull requests with the translated chunks. We’d like to thank the translators of all languages for their ongoing support!

Full list of changes and contributors

For all 520 changes, see our detailed announcement with the full list of features and bugs fixed at GitHub / Releases / 8.4.0.

Thanks to all contributors and financial supporters!


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Further binary packages for other platforms and distributions will follow shortly, please check at software downloads.

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