GRASS Programmer's Manual  6.5.svn(2014)-r66266
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GS2.c File Reference

OGSF library - loading and manipulating surfaces (higher level functions) More...

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <grass/config.h>
#include <grass/gis.h>
#include <grass/gstypes.h>
#include <grass/glocale.h>
#include "gsget.h"
#include "rowcol.h"
#include "rgbpack.h"
Include dependency graph for GS2.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define NVIZ_HACK   1


int gsd_getViewport (GLint *, GLint *)
void void_func (void)
void GS_libinit (void)
 Initialize OGSF library. More...
int GS_get_longdim (float *dim)
 Get largest dimension. More...
int GS_get_region (float *n, float *s, float *w, float *e)
 Get 2D region extent. More...
void GS_set_att_defaults (float *defs, float *null_defs)
 Set default attributes for map objects. More...
int GS_surf_exists (int id)
int GS_new_surface (void)
 Add new surface. More...
void GS_set_light_reset (int i)
int GS_get_light_reset (void)
int GS_new_light (void)
 Add new model light. More...
void GS_setlight_position (int num, float xpos, float ypos, float zpos, int local)
 Set light position. More...
void GS_getlight_position (int num, float *xpos, float *ypos, float *zpos, int *local)
 Get light position. More...
void GS_setlight_color (int num, float red, float green, float blue)
 Set light color. More...
void GS_getlight_color (int num, float *red, float *green, float *blue)
 Get light color. More...
void GS_setlight_ambient (int num, float red, float green, float blue)
 Set light ambient. More...
void GS_getlight_ambient (int num, float *red, float *green, float *blue)
 Get light ambient. More...
void GS_lights_off (void)
 Switch off all lights. More...
void GS_lights_on (void)
 Switch on all lights. More...
void GS_switchlight (int num, int on)
 Switch on/off light. More...
int GS_transp_is_set (void)
 Check if transparency is set. More...
void GS_get_modelposition1 (float pos[])
 Retrieves coordinates for lighting model position, at center of view. More...
void GS_get_modelposition (float *siz, float *pos)
 Retrieves coordinates for lighting model position, at center of view. More...
void GS_set_Narrow (int *pt, int id, float *pos2)
 Set decoration, north arrow ?? More...
void GS_draw_X (int id, float *pt)
 ADD. More...
void GS_draw_line_onsurf (int id, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
 Draw line on surface. More...
int GS_draw_nline_onsurf (int id, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float *lasp, int n)
 Draw multiline on surface. More...
void GS_draw_flowline_at_xy (int id, float x, float y)
 Draw flow-line on surace. More...
void GS_draw_fringe (int id, unsigned long clr, float elev, int *where)
 Draw fringe around data (surface) at selected corners. More...
int GS_draw_legend (const char *name, GLuint fontbase, int size, int *flags, float *range, int *pt)
 Draw legend. More...
void GS_draw_list (GLuint list_id)
 Draw pre-defined list. More...
void GS_draw_all_list (void)
 Draw all glLists. More...
void GS_delete_list (GLuint list_id)
 Delete pre-defined list. More...
void GS_draw_lighting_model1 (void)
 Draw lighting model. More...
void GS_draw_lighting_model (void)
 Draw lighting model. More...
int GS_update_curmask (int id)
 Update current mask. More...
int GS_is_masked (int id, float *pt)
 Check if point is masked ? More...
void GS_unset_SDsurf (void)
 Unset Scaled Difference surface. More...
int GS_set_SDsurf (int id)
 Set surface as Scaled Difference surface. More...
int GS_set_SDscale (float scale)
 Set ? More...
int GS_get_SDsurf (int *id)
 Get ? More...
int GS_get_SDscale (float *scale)
 Get ? More...
int GS_update_normals (int id)
 Update normals. More...
int GS_get_att (int id, int att, int *set, float *constant, char *mapname)
 Get attributes. More...
int GS_get_cat_at_xy (int id, int att, char *catstr, float x, float y)
 Get surface category on given position. More...
int GS_get_norm_at_xy (int id, float x, float y, float *nv)
 Get surface normal at x,y (real coordinates) More...
int GS_get_val_at_xy (int id, int att, char *valstr, float x, float y)
 Get RGB color at given point. More...
int GS_unset_att (int id, int att)
 Unset attribute. More...
int GS_set_att_const (int id, int att, float constant)
 Set attribute constant. More...
int GS_set_maskmode (int id, int mode)
 Set mask mode. More...
int GS_get_maskmode (int id, int *mode)
 Get mask mode. More...
int GS_Set_ClientData (int id, void *clientd)
 Set client data. More...
void * GS_Get_ClientData (int id)
 Get client data. More...
int GS_num_surfs (void)
 Get number of surfaces. More...
intGS_get_surf_list (int *numsurfs)
 Get surface list. More...
int GS_delete_surface (int id)
 Delete surface. More...
int GS_load_att_map (int id, const char *filename, int att)
 Load raster map as attribute. More...
void GS_draw_surf (int id)
 Draw surface. More...
void GS_draw_wire (int id)
 Draw surface wire. More...
void GS_alldraw_wire (void)
 Draw all wires. More...
void GS_alldraw_surf (void)
 Draw all surfaces. More...
void GS_set_exag (int id, float exag)
 Set Z exag for surface. More...
void GS_set_global_exag (float exag)
 Set global z-exag value. More...
float GS_global_exag (void)
 Get global z-exag value. More...
void GS_set_wire_color (int id, int colr)
 Set wire color. More...
int GS_get_wire_color (int id, int *colr)
 Get wire color. More...
int GS_setall_drawmode (int mode)
 Set all draw-modes. More...
int GS_set_drawmode (int id, int mode)
 Set draw mode. More...
int GS_get_drawmode (int id, int *mode)
 Get draw mode. More...
void GS_set_nozero (int id, int att, int mode)
 Set no-zero ? More...
int GS_get_nozero (int id, int att, int *mode)
 Get no-zero ? More...
int GS_setall_drawres (int xres, int yres, int xwire, int ywire)
 Set all draw resolutions. More...
int GS_set_drawres (int id, int xres, int yres, int xwire, int ywire)
 Set draw resolution for surface. More...
void GS_get_drawres (int id, int *xres, int *yres, int *xwire, int *ywire)
 Get draw resolution of surface. More...
void GS_get_dims (int id, int *rows, int *cols)
 Get dimension of surface. More...
int GS_get_exag_guess (int id, float *exag)
 Get exag-value guess. More...
void GS_get_zrange_nz (float *min, float *max)
 Get Z extents for all loaded surfaces. More...
void GS_set_trans (int id, float xtrans, float ytrans, float ztrans)
 Set trans ? More...
void GS_get_trans (int id, float *xtrans, float *ytrans, float *ztrans)
 Get trans ? More...
unsigned int GS_default_draw_color (void)
 Get default draw color. More...
unsigned int GS_background_color (void)
 Get background color. More...
void GS_set_draw (int where)
 Sets which buffer to draw to. More...
void GS_ready_draw (void)
void GS_done_draw (void)
 Draw done, swap buffers. More...
void GS_set_focus (float *realto)
 Set focus. More...
void GS_set_focus_real (float *realto)
 Set real focus. More...
int GS_get_focus (float *realto)
 Get focus. More...
void GS_set_focus_center_map (int id)
 Set focus to map center. More...
void GS_moveto (float *pt)
 Move viewpoint. More...
void GS_moveto_real (float *pt)
 Move position to (real) More...
int GS_get_zextents (int id, float *min, float *max, float *mid)
 Get z-extent for a single surface. More...
int GS_get_zrange (float *min, float *max, int doexag)
 Get z-extent for all loaded surfaces. More...
void GS_get_from (float *fr)
 Get viewpoint 'from' position. More...
void GS_get_from_real (float *fr)
 Get viewpoint 'from' real coordinates. More...
void GS_get_to_real (float *to)
 Get 'to' real coordinates. More...
void GS_zoom_setup (int *a, int *b, int *c, int *d, int *maxx, int *maxy)
 Get zoom setup. More...
void GS_get_to (float *to)
 Get 'to' model coordinates. More...
void GS_get_viewdir (float *dir)
 Get viewdir. More...
void GS_set_viewdir (float *dir)
 Set viewdir. More...
void GS_set_fov (int fov)
 Set field of view. More...
int GS_get_fov (void)
 Get fied of view. More...
int GS_get_twist (void)
 Get twist value. More...
void GS_set_twist (int t)
 Set viewpoint twist value. More...
void GS_set_rotation (double angle, double x, double y, double z)
 Set rotation params. More...
void GS_unset_rotation (void)
 Stop scene rotation. More...
void GS_init_rotation (void)
 Reset scene rotation. More...
void GS_get_rotation_matrix (double *matrix)
 Get rotation matrix. More...
void GS_set_rotation_matrix (double *matrix)
 Set rotation matrix. More...
void GS_set_nofocus (void)
 Unset focus. More...
void GS_set_infocus (void)
 Set focus. More...
void GS_set_viewport (int left, int right, int bottom, int top)
 Set viewport. More...
int GS_look_here (int sx, int sy)
 Send screen coords sx and sy, lib traces through surfaces; sets new center to point of nearest intersection. More...
int GS_get_selected_point_on_surface (int sx, int sy, int *id, float *x, float *y, float *z)
 Get selected point of surface. More...
void GS_set_cplane_rot (int num, float dx, float dy, float dz)
 Set cplace rotation. More...
void GS_set_cplane_trans (int num, float dx, float dy, float dz)
 Set cplace trans. More...
void GS_draw_cplane (int num)
 Draw cplace. More...
int GS_draw_cplane_fence (int hs1, int hs2, int num)
 Draw cplace fence ? More...
void GS_alldraw_cplane_fences (void)
 Draw all cplace fences ? More...
void GS_set_cplane (int num)
 Set cplace. More...
void GS_unset_cplane (int num)
 Unset clip place (turn off) More...
void GS_get_scale (float *sx, float *sy, float *sz, int doexag)
 Get axis scale. More...
void GS_set_fencecolor (int mode)
 Set fence color. More...
int GS_get_fencecolor (void)
 Get fence color. More...
int GS_get_distance_alongsurf (int hs, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float *dist, int use_exag)
 Measure distance "as the ball rolls" between two points on surface. More...
int GS_save_3dview (const char *vname, int surfid)
 Save 3d view. More...
int GS_load_3dview (const char *vname, int surfid)
 Load 3d view. More...
void GS_init_view (void)
 Init viewpoint. More...
void GS_clear (int col)
 Clear view. More...
double GS_get_aspect (void)
 Get aspect value. More...
int GS_has_transparency (void)
 Check for transparency. More...

Detailed Description

OGSF library - loading and manipulating surfaces (higher level functions)

GRASS OpenGL gsurf OGSF Library

Plans for handling color maps: NOW: if able to load as unsigned char, make lookup table containing palette otherwise, load directly as packed color, set lookup = NULL MAYBE LATER: if able to load as POSITIVE short, make lookup table containing palette

  • may want to calculate savings first (ie, numcells > 32768) (not exactly, it's Friday & time to go home - figure it later) otherwise, load directly as packed color, set lookup = NULL MESSY! - need to fix up!

(C) 1999-2008 by the GRASS Development Team

This program is free software under the GNU General Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.

Bill Brown USACERL (1993)
Pierre de Mouveaux <p_de_mouveaux> (updated October 1999)
Doxygenized by Martin Landa <landa.martin> (May 2008)

Definition in file GS2.c.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define NVIZ_HACK   1

Definition at line 58 of file GS2.c.

Function Documentation

void GS_alldraw_cplane_fences ( void  )

Draw all cplace fences ?

Definition at line 3193 of file GS2.c.

References GS_draw_cplane_fence(), and gsd_get_cplanes_state().

Referenced by gk_follow_frames().

void GS_alldraw_surf ( void  )

Draw all surfaces.

Definition at line 1933 of file GS2.c.

References GS_draw_surf().

Referenced by gk_follow_frames().

void GS_alldraw_wire ( void  )

Draw all wires.

Overrides draw_mode for fast display

Definition at line 1916 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), and gsd_wire_surf().

Referenced by gk_follow_frames(), GK_set_tension(), Gs_load_3dview(), Nviz_draw_quick(), and Nviz_resize_window().

unsigned int GS_background_color ( void  )

Get background color.

color value

Definition at line 2447 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by gk_draw_path(), gk_follow_frames(), and GK_set_tension().

void GS_clear ( int  col)

Clear view.

colcolor value

Definition at line 3416 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and gsd_flush().

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::EraseMap(), gk_follow_frames(), GK_set_tension(), wxnviz.Nviz::InitView(), Nviz_draw_all(), Nviz_draw_quick(), and wxnviz.Nviz::SaveToFile().

unsigned int GS_default_draw_color ( void  )

Get default draw color.

color value

Definition at line 2434 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug().

Referenced by gk_draw_path(), GS_draw_line_onsurf(), GS_draw_nline_onsurf(), and gsd_draw_cplane().

void GS_delete_list ( GLuint  list_id)

Delete pre-defined list.

list_idlist id

Definition at line 888 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_deletelist().

int GS_delete_surface ( int  id)

Delete surface.

idsurface id
1 on success
-1 on error

Definition at line 1563 of file GS2.c.

References FALSE, G_debug(), gs_delete_surf(), GS_surf_exists(), gv_update_drapesurfs(), and TRUE.

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::LoadSurface(), and wxnviz.Nviz::UnloadSurface().

void GS_draw_all_list ( void  )

Draw all glLists.

Uses glFlush() to ensure all drawing is complete before returning

Definition at line 876 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_calllists().

Referenced by gk_follow_frames(), and GK_show_list().

void GS_draw_cplane ( int  num)

Draw cplace.

numcplace id

Definition at line 3146 of file GS2.c.

References gs_getall_surfaces(), gs_num_surfaces(), gsd_draw_cplane(), and gsd_draw_cplane_fence().

int GS_draw_cplane_fence ( int  hs1,
int  hs2,
int  num 

Draw cplace fence ?

numcplane id
0 on error
1 on success

Definition at line 3173 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), gsd_draw_cplane_fence(), and NULL.

Referenced by GS_alldraw_cplane_fences(), and Nviz_draw_all_surf().

void GS_draw_flowline_at_xy ( int  id,
float  x,
float  y 

Draw flow-line on surace.

This is slow - should be moved to gs_ but GS_ good for testing and useful for app programmer

idsurface id
x,ycoordinates of flow-line

Definition at line 753 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), GS_coordpair_repeats(), GS_draw_nline_onsurf(), GS_get_norm_at_xy(), gs_get_surf(), GS_v2norm(), VXRES, VYRES, X, y, and Y.

void GS_draw_fringe ( int  id,
unsigned long  clr,
float  elev,
int where 

Draw fringe around data (surface) at selected corners.

idsurface id
elevelevation value
wherenw/ne/sw/se edges - 0 (turn off) 1 (turn on)

Definition at line 820 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_surf(), and gsd_display_fringe().

Referenced by Nviz_draw_all(), and Nviz_draw_fringe().

int GS_draw_legend ( const char *  name,
GLuint  fontbase,
int  size,
int flags,
float *  range,
int pt 

Draw legend.

add legend from list option make font loading more flexible
namelegend name
flagslegend flags
rangevalues range

Definition at line 845 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_put_legend().

void GS_draw_lighting_model ( void  )

Draw lighting model.

Just turn off any cutting planes and draw it just outside near clipping plane, since lighting is infinite now

Definition at line 938 of file GS2.c.

References GS_get_modelposition(), GS_v3eq(), gsd_backface(), gsd_colormode(), gsd_cplane_off(), gsd_cplane_on(), gsd_drawsphere(), gsd_flush(), gsd_get_cplanes_state(), gsd_popmatrix(), gsd_pushmatrix(), gsd_shademodel(), gsd_zwritemask(), and tools::size.

Referenced by Nviz_draw_model().

void GS_draw_lighting_model1 ( void  )
void GS_draw_line_onsurf ( int  id,
float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2 

Draw line on surface.

idsurface id
x1,y1,x2,y2line nodes

Definition at line 676 of file GS2.c.

References GS_default_draw_color(), gs_get_surf(), gsd_color_func(), gsd_do_scale(), gsd_flush(), gsd_line_onsurf(), gsd_linewidth(), gsd_popmatrix(), gsd_pushmatrix(), gsd_translate(), X, and Y.

void GS_draw_list ( GLuint  list_id)

Draw pre-defined list.

Uses glFlush() to ensure all drawing is complete before returning

list_idlist id

Definition at line 863 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_calllist().

int GS_draw_nline_onsurf ( int  id,
float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
float *  lasp,
int  n 

Draw multiline on surface.

Like above but limits points in line to n or points found in segment, whichever is smaller.

idsurface id
x1,y1,x2,y2line nodes
lasp? n ?
number of points used

Definition at line 715 of file GS2.c.

References GS_default_draw_color(), gs_get_surf(), gsd_color_func(), gsd_do_scale(), gsd_flush(), gsd_linewidth(), gsd_nline_onsurf(), gsd_popmatrix(), gsd_pushmatrix(), gsd_surf2real(), gsd_translate(), X, and Y.

Referenced by GS_draw_flowline_at_xy().

void GS_draw_surf ( int  id)

Draw surface.

idsurface id

Definition at line 1861 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_surf(), gsd_shademodel(), gsd_surf(), and gsd_wire_surf().

Referenced by GS_alldraw_surf(), and Nviz_draw_all_surf().

void GS_draw_wire ( int  id)

Draw surface wire.

Overrides draw_mode for fast display

idsurface id

Definition at line 1896 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_surf(), and gsd_wire_surf().

void GS_draw_X ( int  id,
float *  pt 


idsurface id
ptpoint, X, Y value in true world coordinates

Definition at line 637 of file GS2.c.

References _viewcell_tri_interp(), gpd_obj(), gs_get_att_src(), GS_get_longdim(), gs_get_surf(), gsd_do_scale(), gsd_flush(), gsd_linewidth(), gsd_popmatrix(), gsd_pushmatrix(), gsd_translate(), NULL, tools::pos, X, and Y.

double GS_get_aspect ( void  )

Get aspect value.

aspect value

Definition at line 3450 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug().

Referenced by GS_init_view(), and gsd_set_view().

int GS_get_att ( int  id,
int  att,
int set,
float *  constant,
char *  mapname 

Get attributes.

idsurface id
1 on success
-1 on error (invalid surface id)

Definition at line 1137 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_att_src(), gs_get_surf(), and gsds_get_name().

int GS_get_cat_at_xy ( int  id,
int  att,
char *  catstr,
float  x,
float  y 

Get surface category on given position.

Prints "no data" or a description (i.e., "coniferous forest") to catstr. Usually call after GS_get_selected_point_on_surface(). Define att as MAP_ATT

Allocate catstr using G_store()
idsurface id
attattribute id (MAP_ATT)
catstrcat string (must be allocated, dim?)
x,yreal coordinates
-1 if no category info or point outside of window
1 on success

Definition at line 1180 of file GS2.c.

References buff, DRC2OFF, GET_MAPATT, gs_get_att_src(), gs_get_att_typbuff(), Gs_get_cat_label(), gs_get_surf(), gs_point_is_masked(), gsd_real2surf(), gsds_get_name(), in_vregion(), NULL, sprintf(), VCOL2DCOL, VROW2DROW, X, X2VCOL, y, Y, and Y2VROW.

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::QueryMap().

void* GS_Get_ClientData ( int  id)

Get client data.

idsurface id
pointer to client data
NULL on error

Definition at line 1504 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), and NULL.

void GS_get_dims ( int  id,
int rows,
int cols 

Get dimension of surface.

idsurface id
[out]rows,colsnumber of rows/cols

Definition at line 2276 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf().

Referenced by Nviz_set_attr().

int GS_get_distance_alongsurf ( int  hs,
float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
float *  dist,
int  use_exag 

Measure distance "as the ball rolls" between two points on surface.

hssurface id
x1,y1,x2,y2two points on surface
[out]distmeasured distance
use_exaguse exag. surface
0 on error or if one or more points is not in region
distance following terrain

Definition at line 3283 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_distance_onsurf(), gs_get_surf(), gsd_real2surf(), NULL, X, and Y.

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::GetDistanceAlongSurface().

int GS_get_drawmode ( int  id,
int mode 

Get draw mode.

idsurface id
[out]modemode id
1 on success
-1 on error (invalid surface id)

Definition at line 2106 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf().

void GS_get_drawres ( int  id,
int xres,
int yres,
int xwire,
int ywire 

Get draw resolution of surface.

idsurface id
[out]xres,yresx/y resolution value
[out]xwire,ywirex/y wire value

Definition at line 2252 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and gs_get_surf().

int GS_get_exag_guess ( int  id,
float *  exag 

Get exag-value guess.

Use no_zero range because if zero IS data, then range won't be that much off (it's just a GUESS, after all), but if zero is NO data, could drastically affect guess

idsurface id
[out]exagexag value
1 on success
-1 on error

Definition at line 2303 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_att_src(), and gs_get_surf().

Referenced by Nviz_get_exag(), and Nviz_get_exag_height().

int GS_get_fencecolor ( void  )

Get fence color.

color value

Definition at line 3266 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_getfc().

int GS_get_focus ( float *  realto)

Get focus.

OK to call with NULL argument if just want to check state

realtoreal coordinates to

Definition at line 2561 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and GS_v3eq().

Referenced by GS_get_to_real(), Nviz_get_focus(), and Nviz_has_focus().

int GS_get_fov ( void  )

Get fied of view.

field of view, in 10ths of degrees

Definition at line 2853 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by GK_add_key().

void GS_get_from ( float *  fr)

Get viewpoint 'from' position.

[out]frfrom model coordinates

Definition at line 2723 of file GS2.c.

References FROM, G_debug(), and GS_v3eq().

Referenced by GK_add_key(), gk_draw_path(), gk_follow_frames(), Nviz_flythrough(), Nviz_get_viewpoint_position(), and Nviz_set_viewpoint_position().

void GS_get_from_real ( float *  fr)

Get viewpoint 'from' real coordinates.

[out]fr'from' real coordinates

Definition at line 2737 of file GS2.c.

References FROM, GS_v3eq(), and gsd_model2real().

Referenced by Nviz_get_viewpoint_height(), and Nviz_set_viewpoint_height().

int GS_get_light_reset ( void  )

Definition at line 258 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by GS_new_light().

int GS_get_longdim ( float *  dim)

Get largest dimension.


Definition at line 140 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug().

Referenced by gk_draw_path(), gp_set_defaults(), GS_draw_X(), gsd_draw_cplane(), Nviz_get_exag_height(), Nviz_get_longdim(), and Nviz_update_ranges().

int GS_get_maskmode ( int  id,
int mode 

Get mask mode.

idsurface id
1 on success
-1 on error (invalid surface id)

Definition at line 1458 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf().

void GS_get_modelposition ( float *  siz,
float *  pos 

Retrieves coordinates for lighting model position, at center of view.

Position at nearclip * 2: tried nearclip + siz, but since need to know position to calculate size, have two dependent variables (nearclip * 2) from eye.

pos[out]coordinates (X, Y, Z)

Definition at line 531 of file GS2.c.

References FROM, GS_v3dir(), X, and Y.

Referenced by GS_draw_lighting_model().

void GS_get_modelposition1 ( float  pos[])

Retrieves coordinates for lighting model position, at center of view.


Definition at line 502 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_data_avg_zmax(), gs_get_datacenter(), X, and Y.

Referenced by GS_draw_lighting_model1().

int GS_get_norm_at_xy ( int  id,
float  x,
float  y,
float *  nv 

Get surface normal at x,y (real coordinates)

Usually call after GS_get_selected_point_on_surface()

idsurface id
x,yreal coordinates
[out]nvsurface normal
-1 if point outside of window or masked
1 on success

Definition at line 1243 of file GS2.c.

References DRC2OFF, FNORM, gs_calc_normals(), gs_get_surf(), gs_point_is_masked(), gsd_real2surf(), in_vregion(), NULL, VCOL2DCOL, VROW2DROW, X, X2VCOL, y, Y, and Y2VROW.

Referenced by GS_draw_flowline_at_xy().

int GS_get_nozero ( int  id,
int  att,
int mode 

Get no-zero ?

idsurface id
attattribute id
[out]modemode id
-1 on error (invalid surface id)
1 on success

Definition at line 2161 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and gs_get_surf().

int GS_get_region ( float *  n,
float *  s,
float *  w,
float *  e 

Get 2D region extent.

[out]n,s,w,eextent values

Definition at line 156 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by GP_draw_site(), gsd_model2real(), gsd_real2model(), and Nviz_set_cplane_here().

void GS_get_rotation_matrix ( double *  matrix)

Get rotation matrix.

Definition at line 2927 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::GetRotationMatrix().

void GS_get_scale ( float *  sx,
float *  sy,
float *  sz,
int  doexag 
int GS_get_SDscale ( float *  scale)

Get ?


Definition at line 1102 of file GS2.c.

References gsdiff_get_SDscale().

int GS_get_SDsurf ( int id)

Get ?

1 on success
0 on error

Definition at line 1082 of file GS2.c.

References gsdiff_get_SDref().

int GS_get_selected_point_on_surface ( int  sx,
int  sy,
int id,
float *  x,
float *  y,
float *  z 

Get selected point of surface.

Given screen coordinates sx and sy, find closest intersection of view ray with surfaces and return coordinates of intersection in x, y, z, and identifier of surface in id.

sx,syscreen coordinates
[out]idsurface id
[out]x,y,zpoint on surface (model coordinates?)
0 if no intersections found
number of intersections

Definition at line 3052 of file GS2.c.

References FROM, G_debug(), GS_distance(), gs_get_surf(), gs_los_intersect(), gs_los_intersect1(), gs_point_is_masked(), gs_setlos_enterdata(), GS_v3eq(), gsd_get_los(), gsd_surf2real(), point, X, and Y.

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::GetPointOnSurface(), GS_look_here(), GS_set_Narrow(), and Nviz_set_cplane_here().

int* GS_get_surf_list ( int numsurfs)

Get surface list.

Must be freed when not neeed!

[out]numsurfnumber of available surfaces
pointer to surface array
NULL on error

Definition at line 1536 of file GS2.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::LoadVector(), Nviz_draw_all_surf(), Nviz_get_exag(), Nviz_get_exag_height(), Nviz_new_fringe(), Nviz_new_map_obj(), Nviz_set_arrow(), Nviz_set_focus_map(), Nviz_set_fringe(), Nviz_set_scalebar(), and wxnviz.Nviz::SetWireColor().

void GS_get_to ( float *  to)

Get 'to' model coordinates.

need set_to? - just use viewdir?
[out]to'to' model coordinates

Definition at line 2793 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and GS_v3eq().

void GS_get_to_real ( float *  to)

Get 'to' real coordinates.

[out]to'to' real coordinates

Definition at line 2750 of file GS2.c.

References G_get_set_window(), GS_get_focus(), X, and Y.

void GS_get_trans ( int  id,
float *  xtrans,
float *  ytrans,
float *  ztrans 

Get trans ?

idsurface id
[out]xtrans,ytrans,ztransreal trans coordinates

Definition at line 2411 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and gs_get_surf().

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::GetSurfacePosition().

int GS_get_twist ( void  )

Get twist value.

10ths of degrees off twelve o'clock

Definition at line 2863 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by GK_add_key().

int GS_get_val_at_xy ( int  id,
int  att,
char *  valstr,
float  x,
float  y 

Get RGB color at given point.

Colors are translated to rgb and returned as Rxxx Gxxx Bxxx Usually call after GS_get_selected_point_on_surface().

Prints NULL or the value (i.e., "921.5") to valstr

idsurface id
attattribute id
[out]valstrvalue string (allocated, dim?)
x,yreal coordinates
-1 if point outside of window or masked
1 on success

Definition at line 1307 of file GS2.c.

References b, buff, DRC2OFF, g, GET_MAPATT, gs_get_att_src(), gs_get_att_typbuff(), gs_get_surf(), gs_mapcolor(), gs_point_is_masked(), gsd_real2surf(), in_vregion(), INT_TO_BLU, INT_TO_GRN, INT_TO_RED, NULL, r, sprintf(), VCOL2DCOL, VROW2DROW, X, X2VCOL, y, Y, and Y2VROW.

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::QueryMap().

void GS_get_viewdir ( float *  dir)

Get viewdir.

[out]dirviewdir value

Definition at line 2807 of file GS2.c.

References FROM, and GS_v3dir().

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::GetViewdir(), GK_add_key(), gk_follow_frames(), and Nviz_flythrough().

int GS_get_wire_color ( int  id,
int colr 

Get wire color.

idsurface id
[out]colrcolor value
1 on success
-1 on error

Definition at line 2035 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf().

int GS_get_zextents ( int  id,
float *  min,
float *  max,
float *  mid 

Get z-extent for a single surface.

idsurface id
[out]minmin z-value
[out]maxmax z-value
[out]midmiddle z-value
-1 on error (invalid surface id)

Definition at line 2664 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_surf(), gs_get_zextents(), and NULL.

int GS_get_zrange ( float *  min,
float *  max,
int  doexag 

Get z-extent for all loaded surfaces.

[out]minmin z-value
[out]maxmax z-value
doexaguse z-exaggeration
1 on success
-1 on error

Definition at line 2687 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_zrange(), and gvl_get_zrange().

Referenced by gs_get_databounds_planes(), Gs_save_3dview(), gsd_check_focus(), gsd_def_cplane(), gsd_do_scale(), gsd_model2real(), gsd_model2surf(), gsd_real2model(), and gsd_surf2model().

void GS_get_zrange_nz ( float *  min,
float *  max 

Get Z extents for all loaded surfaces.

Treating zeros as "no data"

[out]minmin value
[out]maxmax value

Definition at line 2354 of file GS2.c.

References first, G_debug(), and gs_get_surf().

Referenced by Nviz_get_exag_height(), Nviz_get_zrange(), and Nviz_update_ranges().

void GS_getlight_ambient ( int  num,
float *  red,
float *  green,
float *  blue 

Get light ambient.

numlight id (starts at 1)
[out]red,green,bluecolor values

Definition at line 424 of file GS2.c.

References num.

void GS_getlight_color ( int  num,
float *  red,
float *  green,
float *  blue 

Get light color.

numlight id (starts at 1)
[out]red,green,bluecolor values

Definition at line 380 of file GS2.c.

References num.

void GS_getlight_position ( int  num,
float *  xpos,
float *  ypos,
float *  zpos,
int local 

Get light position.

numlight id (starts at 1)

Definition at line 335 of file GS2.c.

References int, num, X, and Y.

Referenced by gk_follow_frames().

float GS_global_exag ( void  )
int GS_has_transparency ( void  )

Check for transparency.



Definition at line 3478 of file GS2.c.

void GS_init_rotation ( void  )

Reset scene rotation.

Definition at line 2907 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by GS_init_view(), and Nviz_init_rotation().

void GS_init_view ( void  )

Init viewpoint.

allow to set center?

Definition at line 3345 of file GS2.c.

References first, FROM, G_debug(), GS_get_aspect(), GS_init_rotation(), GS_set_focus(), GS_v3eq(), GS_v3normalize(), X, and Y.

Referenced by Nviz_init_view().

int GS_is_masked ( int  id,
float *  pt 

Check if point is masked ?

idsurface id
1 masked
0 not masked
-1 on error, invalid surface id

Definition at line 1012 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), gs_point_is_masked(), X, and Y.

void GS_libinit ( void  )

Initialize OGSF library.

Get region settings - wind

Set Region (NSWE array) and compute scale

Definition at line 96 of file GS2.c.

References Cxl_func, first, G_debug(), G_get_set_window(), gs_init(), Swap_func, and void_func().

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::Init().

void GS_lights_off ( void  )

Switch off all lights.

Definition at line 442 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_switchlight().

void GS_lights_on ( void  )

Switch on all lights.

Definition at line 456 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_switchlight().

int GS_load_3dview ( const char *  vname,
int  surfid 

Load 3d view.

vnameview file name
surfidsurface id

Definition at line 3327 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), and Gs_load_3dview().

int GS_look_here ( int  sx,
int  sy 

Send screen coords sx and sy, lib traces through surfaces; sets new center to point of nearest intersection.

If no intersection, uses line of sight with length of current view ray (eye to center) to set new center.

Reset center of view to screen coordinates sx, sy.

sx,syscreen coordinates
1 on success
0 on error (invalid surface id)

Definition at line 3003 of file GS2.c.

References FROM, GS_distance(), GS_get_selected_point_on_surface(), gs_get_surf(), GS_set_focus(), GS_v3dir(), GS_v3mult(), gsd_get_los(), tools::id, X, y, and Y.

Referenced by Nviz_look_here().

void GS_moveto ( float *  pt)

Move viewpoint.

pt'from' model coordinates

Definition at line 2615 of file GS2.c.

References FROM, G_debug(), GS_v3add(), GS_v3eq(), GS_v3normalize(), and GS_v3sub().

Referenced by gk_follow_frames(), GS_moveto_real(), Nviz_flythrough(), and Nviz_set_viewpoint_position().

void GS_moveto_real ( float *  pt)

Move position to (real)

ptpoint real coordinates

Definition at line 2645 of file GS2.c.

References GS_moveto(), and gsd_real2model().

Referenced by Gs_load_3dview(), and Nviz_set_viewpoint_height().

int GS_new_light ( void  )

Add new model light.

light model id
-1 on error (MAX_LIGHTS exceded)

Definition at line 268 of file GS2.c.

References GS_get_light_reset(), GS_set_light_reset(), gsd_deflight(), gsd_init_lightmodel(), gsd_switchlight(), X, and Y.

Referenced by Nviz_new_light().

int GS_new_surface ( void  )

Add new surface.

Note that origin has 1/2 cell added to represent center of cells because library assumes that east - west = (cols - 1) * ew_res, since left and right columns are on the edges.

surface id
-1 on error (MAX_SURFS exceded)

Definition at line 224 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_new_surface(), gs_init_surf(), gs_set_att_src(), and gs_set_defaults().

Referenced by Nviz_new_map_obj().

int GS_num_surfs ( void  )

Get number of surfaces.

number of surfaces

Definition at line 1521 of file GS2.c.

References gs_num_surfaces().

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::LoadVector(), Nviz_new_map_obj(), Nviz_set_arrow(), Nviz_set_focus_map(), and Nviz_set_scalebar().

int GS_save_3dview ( const char *  vname,
int  surfid 

Save 3d view.

vnameview file name
surfidsurface id

Definition at line 3314 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), and Gs_save_3dview().

int GS_set_att_const ( int  id,
int  att,
float  constant 

Set attribute constant.

idsurface id
attattribute id

Definition at line 1409 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), gs_set_att_const(), and Gs_update_attrange().

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::LoadVector(), and Nviz_set_attr().

void GS_set_att_defaults ( float *  defs,
float *  null_defs 

Set default attributes for map objects.

defsattributes array (dim MAX_ATTS)
null_defsnull attributes array (dim MAX_ATTS)

Definition at line 172 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug().

Referenced by Nviz_set_surface_attr_default().

int GS_Set_ClientData ( int  id,
void *  clientd 

Set client data.

idsurface id
clientdpointer to client data struct
1 on success
-1 on error (invalid surface id)

Definition at line 1482 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf().

void GS_set_cplane ( int  num)

Set cplace.

numcplane id

Definition at line 3213 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_cplane_on().

Referenced by Nviz_on_cplane().

void GS_set_cplane_rot ( int  num,
float  dx,
float  dy,
float  dz 

Set cplace rotation.

numcplace id
dx,dy,dzrotation values

Definition at line 3120 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_cplane_setrot().

Referenced by Nviz_set_cplane_rotation().

void GS_set_cplane_trans ( int  num,
float  dx,
float  dy,
float  dz 

Set cplace trans.

numcplace id
dx,dy,dzrotation values

Definition at line 3133 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_cplane_settrans().

Referenced by Nviz_set_cplane_translation().

int GS_set_drawmode ( int  id,
int  mode 

Set draw mode.

idsurface id
modemode type(s)
0 on success
-1 on error (invalid surface id)

Definition at line 2080 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_surf(), and tools::mode.

Referenced by GS_setall_drawmode(), Nviz_set_attr(), and wxnviz.Nviz::SetSurfaceStyle().

int GS_set_drawres ( int  id,
int  xres,
int  yres,
int  xwire,
int  ywire 

Set draw resolution for surface.

idsurface id
xres,yresx/y resolution value
xwire,ywirex/y wire value
-1 on error
0 on success

Definition at line 2218 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and gs_get_surf().

Referenced by GS_setall_drawres(), Nviz_set_attr(), and wxnviz.Nviz::SetSurfaceRes().

void GS_set_exag ( int  id,
float  exag 

Set Z exag for surface.

idsurface id
exagz-exag value

Definition at line 1950 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and gs_get_surf().

void GS_set_fencecolor ( int  mode)

Set fence color.

modemode id

Definition at line 3254 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_setfc().

Referenced by Nviz_set_fence_color().

void GS_set_focus ( float *  realto)

Set focus.

realtoreal coordinates to

Definition at line 2518 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), GS_v3eq(), and gsd_set_view().

Referenced by GS_init_view(), Gs_load_3dview(), GS_look_here(), GS_set_focus_center_map(), GVL_set_focus_center_map(), and Nviz_set_focus().

void GS_set_focus_center_map ( int  id)

Set focus to map center.

idsurface id

Definition at line 2580 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_surf(), GS_set_focus(), X, and Y.

Referenced by Nviz_set_focus_map().

void GS_set_focus_real ( float *  realto)

Set real focus.

realtoreal coordinates to

Definition at line 2536 of file GS2.c.

References G_get_set_window(), GS_v3eq(), gsd_set_view(), X, and Y.

void GS_set_fov ( int  fov)

Set field of view.

fovfov value

Definition at line 2841 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by gk_follow_frames(), Gs_load_3dview(), and Nviz_set_viewpoint_persp().

void GS_set_global_exag ( float  exag)

Set global z-exag value.

exagexag value to be set up

Definition at line 1974 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug().

Referenced by Gs_load_3dview(), and Nviz_change_exag().

void GS_set_infocus ( void  )

Set focus.

Make sure that the center of view is set

Definition at line 2965 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug().

Referenced by Nviz_set_focus_state().

void GS_set_light_reset ( int  i)

Definition at line 252 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by GS_new_light(), and Nviz_init_data().

int GS_set_maskmode ( int  id,
int  mode 

Set mask mode.

Mask attribute special: constant is set to indicate invert or no

idsurface id
mode id
-1 on error (invalid surface id)

Definition at line 1433 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), and tools::mode.

void GS_set_Narrow ( int pt,
int  id,
float *  pos2 

Set decoration, north arrow ??

scale used to calculate len of arrow still needs work needs go function that returns center / eye distance gsd_get_los function is not working correctly ??
ptpoint value in true world coordinates (?)
idsurface id
[out]pos2output coordinates

Definition at line 568 of file GS2.c.

References GS_get_selected_point_on_surface(), gs_get_surf(), gsd_do_scale(), gsd_pushmatrix(), X, y, and Y.

Referenced by Nviz_set_arrow(), and Nviz_set_scalebar().

void GS_set_nofocus ( void  )

Unset focus.

Definition at line 2951 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug().

Referenced by GS_set_viewdir(), Nviz_set_focus_map(), and Nviz_set_focus_state().

void GS_set_nozero ( int  id,
int  att,
int  mode 

Set no-zero ?

idsurface id
attattribute id
modemode id

Definition at line 2128 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), gs_get_surf(), and tools::mode.

void GS_set_rotation ( double  angle,
double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Set rotation params.

Definition at line 2885 of file GS2.c.

References y.

Referenced by Nviz_set_rotation().

void GS_set_rotation_matrix ( double *  matrix)

Set rotation matrix.

Definition at line 2939 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::SetRotationMatrix().

int GS_set_SDscale ( float  scale)

Set ?

scalescale value

Definition at line 1067 of file GS2.c.

References gsdiff_set_SDscale().

int GS_set_SDsurf ( int  id)

Set surface as Scaled Difference surface.

idsurface id
1 on success
0 on error, invalid surface id

Definition at line 1046 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), gsdiff_set_SDref(), and tools::id.

void GS_set_trans ( int  id,
float  xtrans,
float  ytrans,
float  ztrans 

Set trans ?

idsurface id
xtrans,ytrans,ztransreal trans coordinates

Definition at line 2388 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and gs_get_surf().

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::SetSurfacePosition().

void GS_set_twist ( int  t)

Set viewpoint twist value.

10ths of degrees off twelve o'clock

t tenths of degrees clockwise from 12:00.

Definition at line 2875 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by gk_follow_frames(), Gs_load_3dview(), and Nviz_set_viewpoint_twist().

void GS_set_viewdir ( float *  dir)

Set viewdir.

Automatically turns off focus

dirviewdir value

Definition at line 2821 of file GS2.c.

References FROM, GS_set_nofocus(), GS_v3add(), GS_v3eq(), GS_v3norm(), and gsd_set_view().

Referenced by gk_follow_frames(), Nviz_flythrough(), and wxnviz.Nviz::SetViewdir().

void GS_set_viewport ( int  left,
int  right,
int  bottom,
int  top 

Set viewport.

left,right,bottom,topviewport extent values

Definition at line 2979 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and gsd_viewport().

Referenced by Nviz_resize_window().

void GS_set_wire_color ( int  id,
int  colr 

Set wire color.

idsurface id
colrcolor value

Definition at line 2011 of file GS2.c.

References G_debug(), and gs_get_surf().

Referenced by wxnviz.Nviz::SetWireColor().

int GS_setall_drawmode ( int  mode)

Set all draw-modes.

modemode id
0 on success
-1 on error

Definition at line 2058 of file GS2.c.

References GS_set_drawmode().

Referenced by Gs_load_3dview(), and wxnviz.Nviz::SetSurfaceStyle().

int GS_setall_drawres ( int  xres,
int  yres,
int  xwire,
int  ywire 

Set all draw resolutions.

xres,yresx/y resolution value
xwire,ywirex/y wire value
0 on success
-1 on error

Definition at line 2195 of file GS2.c.

References GS_set_drawres().

Referenced by Gs_load_3dview(), and wxnviz.Nviz::SetSurfaceRes().

void GS_setlight_ambient ( int  num,
float  red,
float  green,
float  blue 

Set light ambient.

Red, green, blue from 0.0 to 1.0

numlight id (starts at 1)
red,green,bluecolor values

Definition at line 402 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_deflight(), and num.

Referenced by Nviz_set_light_ambient().

void GS_setlight_color ( int  num,
float  red,
float  green,
float  blue 

Set light color.

numlight id (starts at 1)
red,green,bluecolor values (from 0.0 to 1.0)

Definition at line 358 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_deflight(), and num.

Referenced by Nviz_set_light_bright(), and Nviz_set_light_color().

void GS_setlight_position ( int  num,
float  xpos,
float  ypos,
float  zpos,
int  local 

Set light position.

I think lights array doesnt match sgi_light array
numlight id (starts with 1)
xpos,ypos,zposcoordinates (model)
locallocal coordinate (for viewport)

Definition at line 309 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_deflight(), num, X, and Y.

Referenced by gk_follow_frames(), Nviz_draw_all_surf(), and Nviz_set_light_position().

void GS_switchlight ( int  num,
int  on 

Switch on/off light.

numlight id (starts at 1)
onnon-zero for 'on' otherwise 'off'

Definition at line 473 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_switchlight().

int GS_transp_is_set ( void  )

Check if transparency is set.

0 transparency not set
1 transparency is set

Definition at line 492 of file GS2.c.

References gs_att_is_set(), gsd_getfc(), and NULL.

int GS_unset_att ( int  id,
int  att 

Unset attribute.

idsurface id
attattribute id

Definition at line 1390 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), and gs_set_att_src().

Referenced by Nviz_unset_attr().

void GS_unset_cplane ( int  num)

Unset clip place (turn off)

numcplane id

Definition at line 3225 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_cplane_off().

Referenced by Nviz_off_cplane().

void GS_unset_rotation ( void  )

Stop scene rotation.

Definition at line 2899 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by Nviz_unset_rotation().

void GS_unset_SDsurf ( void  )

Unset Scaled Difference surface.

Definition at line 1030 of file GS2.c.

References gsdiff_set_SDref(), and NULL.

int GS_update_curmask ( int  id)

Update current mask.

May be called to update total mask for a surface at convenient times instead of waiting until ready to redraw surface

idsurface id

Definition at line 994 of file GS2.c.

References gs_get_surf(), and gs_update_curmask().

int GS_update_normals ( int  id)

Update normals.

idsurface id

Definition at line 1116 of file GS2.c.

References gs_calc_normals(), and gs_get_surf().

void GS_zoom_setup ( int a,
int b,
int c,
int d,
int maxx,
int maxy 

Get zoom setup.

[out]a,b,c,dcurrent viewport settings
[out]maxx,maxymax viewport size

Definition at line 2770 of file GS2.c.

References gsd_getViewport(), and num.

int gsd_getViewport ( GLint *  ,
GLint *   

Referenced by GS_zoom_setup().

void void_func ( void  )

Definition at line 84 of file GS2.c.

Referenced by GS_libinit().