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GRASS GIS 5.0.0pre3 released 16 January 2002

The GRASS Development Team announces:  GRASS GIS 5.0.0pre3 released 16 January 2002

The Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS GIS, is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for data management, image processing, graphics production, spatial modeling, and visualization of many types of data. It is free software released unter GNU General Public GPL (GNU General Public License).

[Platforms supported by GRASS: Linux, Sun Solaris, Sun Solaris/Intel, Silicon Graphics Irix, HP-UX, DEC-Alpha, PowerPC, MacOS X, AIX, BSD, CRAY and other UNIX compliant platforms (32/64bit), experimentally Windows NT/2000/XP running Cygnus.

[Where to get the new release: http://grass.itc.it http://www.baylor.edu/grass/ and on the mirrors (Australia (local only) | Belgium | Croatia | France | Germany | Italy | Japan | Namibia | Poland | Slovakia | South Korea | South Korea (KSIC Ltd.) | Taiwan | Thailand (NECTEC) | Turkey)

The new source code is available, selected binaries will be built the next days.

The general focus of this release is stability and reliability. Proposed major changes in vector and attribute management are scheduled for GRASS 5.1 which has been started in December 2001. For details on GRASS software capabilities please refer to: http://grass.itc.it/general.html. The full ChangeLog is also available.

[What’s new in GRASS 5.0.0pre3:

  • Details: please read NEWS
  • Improvements (excerpt only, for details see NEWS above):
  • 36 GIS modules fixed or updated/added,
  • improved configuration (autoconf)
  • NVIZ: added help system
  • XDRIVER improved, PNG-driver with optional 24bit
  • portability improved
  • new generic Windows display driver
  • improved module documentation (HTML and PDF)

GRASS 5 Upgrade NOTE: Only, in case you upgrade from GRASSbeta1..beta11, you have to convert the floating point raster data. Find more here.

[Why still no stable version? … because is is not stable yet. We first want to sort out the remaining critical bugs which are listed at  GRASS bugtracker] Don’t hesitate to report a bug which you find in the new release.

In case you are interested to join the developers team, and/or share algorithm or ideas with the GRASS community, contact us! http://grass.itc.it/grassdevel.html http://www.baylor.edu/grass/grassdevel.html

We hope you enjoy the ongoing development! On behalf of the GRASS Development Team

Markus Neteler*

Date: 17 Jan. 2002