_dglGraph | |
_dglHeap | |
_dglHeapData | |
_dglHeapNode | |
_dglSpanClipInput | |
_dglSpanClipOutput | |
_dglSPArc | |
_dglSPClipInput | |
_dglSPClipOutput | |
_dglSPReport | |
_dglTreeEdge | |
_dglTreeEdgePri32 | |
_dglTreeNode | |
_dglTreeNode2 | |
_dglTreeNodePri32 | |
_dglTreePredist | |
_dglTreeTouchI32 | |
_item_ | |
_list | |
_pad_ | |
animation.Animation | Class represents animation as a sequence of states (views) |
App | |
forms.GrassGUIApp | Stand-alone GRASS command GUI |
gis_set.StartUp | Start-up application |
main.MapApp | |
wxgui.GMApp | |
avl_node | |
avl_table | |
avl_traverser | |
units.BaseUnits | |
binding | |
BitmapTextButton | |
widgets.SymbolButton | Button with symbol and label |
Branch | |
brent_state_t | |
cache_test_data_type | |
CheckListCtrlMixin | |
dialogs.CheckListFeature | |
dialogs.ItemCheckListCtrl | |
dialogs.LayersList | List of layers to be imported (dxf, shp...) |
extensions.CheckListExtension | List of mapset/owner/group |
preferences.CheckListMapset | List of mapset/owner/group |
Choice | |
gselect.ElementSelect | |
gselect.FormatSelect | |
cmndln_info | |
ColumnSorterMixin | |
dialogs.ModelListCtrl | |
dialogs.ItemListCtrl | |
dialogs.ItemCheckListCtrl | |
dialogs.VariableListCtrl | |
dialogs.VDigitCategoryDialog | |
manager.VirtualAttributeList | |
prompt.TextCtrlAutoComplete | Auto complete text area used by GPromptPopUp |
prompt.GPromptPopUp | Interactive wxGUI prompt - popup version |
wizard.ItemList | Generic list (for projections, ellipsoids, etc.) |
ComboBox | |
gselect.ColumnSelect | Creates combo box for selecting columns in the attribute table for a vector map |
gselect.DriverSelect | Creates combo box for selecting database driver |
gselect.LayerSelect | Creates combo box for selecting data layers defined for vector |
gselect.LocationSelect | Widget for selecting GRASS location |
gselect.MapsetSelect | Widget for selecting GRASS mapset |
gselect.ProjSelect | Widget for selecting input raster/vector map used by r.proj/v.proj modules |
gselect.SubGroupSelect | Widget for selecting subgroups |
gselect.TableSelect | Creates combo box for selecting attribute tables from the database |
prompt.TextCtrlAutoComplete | Auto complete text area used by GPromptPopUp |
ComboCtrl | |
gselect.Select | |
gselect.VectorSelect | |
ComboPopup | |
gselect.TreeCtrlComboPopup | Create a tree ComboBox for selecting maps and other GIS elements in accessible mapsets within the current location |
gcmd.Command | Run command in separate thread |
complex | |
Cube_data | |
cube_info | |
CustomTreeCtrl | |
layertree.LayerTree | Creates layer tree structure |
widgets.ItemTree | |
DATA | |
data_buffer | |
datum_list | |
debug.DebugMsg | WxGUI debugging |
dglEdgePrioritizer_s | |
dglEdgesetTraverser_s | |
dglEdgeTraverser_s | |
dglIOContext_s | |
dglNodePrioritizer_s | |
dglNodeTraverser_s | |
dglSPCache_s | |
Dialog | |
dialogs.DecorationDialog | |
dialogs.DisplayAttributesDialog | |
dialogs.ElementDialog | |
dialogs.LocationDialog | Dialog used to select location |
dialogs.MapsetDialog | Dialog used to select mapset |
dialogs.ModelDataDialog | Data item properties dialog |
dialogs.NewVectorDialog | |
dialogs.GroupDialog | Dialog for creating/editing groups |
dialogs.HyperlinkDialog | Dialog for displaying message with hyperlink |
dialogs.ImageSizeDialog | Set size for saved graphic file |
dialogs.ImportDialog | Dialog for bulk import of various data (base class) |
dialogs.DxfImportDialog | Dialog for bulk import of DXF layers |
dialogs.GdalImportDialog | |
dialogs.MapLayersDialog | |
dialogs.ModelItemDialog | Abstract item properties dialog |
dialogs.ModelConditionDialog | Condition properties dialog |
dialogs.ModelLoopDialog | Loop properties dialog |
dialogs.ModelRelationDialog | Relation properties dialog |
dialogs.ModelSearchDialog | |
dialogs.ModifyTableRecord | |
dialogs.OptDialog | |
dialogs.ProfileRasterDialog | |
dialogs.PsmapDialog | |
dialogs.ImageDialog | Dialog for setting image properties |
dialogs.NorthArrowDialog | |
dialogs.LegendDialog | |
dialogs.MainVectorDialog | If 'map' in self.parent.openDialogs: if self.parent.openDialogs['map'].mPanel.rasterTypeRadio.GetValue()\ and self.parent.openDialogs['map'].mPanel.select.GetValue(): if self.parent.openDialogs['map'].mPanel.drawMap.IsChecked(): self.rPanel.rasterSelect.SetValue(self.parent.openDialogs['map'].mPanel.select.GetValue()) |
dialogs.MapDialog | Dialog for map frame settings and optionally raster and vector map selection |
dialogs.MapinfoDialog | |
dialogs.PageSetupDialog | |
dialogs.PointDialog | Dialog for setting point properties |
dialogs.RasterDialog | |
dialogs.RectangleDialog | |
dialogs.ScalebarDialog | Dialog for scale bar |
dialogs.TextDialog | |
dialogs.VPropertiesDialog | |
dialogs.RegionDef | Page for setting default region extents and resolution |
dialogs.SavedRegion | |
dialogs.SelectTransformDialog | Dialog for selecting datum transformations |
dialogs.SetOpacityDialog | Set opacity of map layers |
dialogs.SymbolDialog | Dialog for GRASS symbols selection |
dialogs.TextDialog | |
dialogs.TextEntryDialog | Simple dialog with text field |
dialogs.TextLayerDialog | |
dialogs.VDigitCategoryDialog | |
dialogs.VDigitDuplicatesDialog | |
dialogs.VDigitZBulkDialog | |
ghelp.HelpFrame | GRASS Quickstart help window |
manager.EditGCP | |
manager.GrSettingsDialog | |
manager.VectGroup | |
model.ModelParamDialog | |
ogc_services.WMSDialog | |
preferences.DefaultFontDialog | |
preferences.MapsetAccess | Controls setting options and displaying/hiding map overlay decorations |
preferences.PreferencesBaseDialog | Base preferences dialog |
preferences.NvizPreferencesDialog | Nviz preferences dialog |
preferences.PreferencesDialog | User preferences dialog |
preferences.PreferencesDialog | User preferences dialog |
preferences.PropertiesDialog | Model properties dialog |
preferences.VDigitSettingsDialog | |
dict | |
python.core.KeyValue | |
DirBrowseButton | |
gselect.DbaseSelect | Widget for selecting GRASS Database |
wxdisplay.DisplayDriver | |
DragAndDrop | |
layertree.LayerTree | Creates layer tree structure |
driver | |
edge_cost_pair | |
EllipseShape | |
model.ModelData | |
ellps_list | |
Exception | |
gcmd.GException | |
python.core.ScriptError | |
wxgui.Usage | |
fcell_triple | |
file_info | |
fileinfo | |
FlatNotebook | |
tools.NvizToolWindow | Nviz (3D view) tools panel |
widgets.GNotebook | Generic notebook widget |
Frame | |
base.BasePlotFrame | Abstract PyPlot display frame class |
colorrules.ColorTable | |
colorrules.RasterColorTable | |
colorrules.VectorColorTable | |
dialogs.PlotStatsFrame | |
extensions.InstallExtensionWindow | |
extensions.UninstallExtensionWindow | |
forms.TaskFrame | This is the Frame containing the dialog for options input |
frame.GMFrame | Layer Manager frame with notebook widget for controlling GRASS GIS |
frame.ModelFrame | |
frame.PsMapFrame | |
ghelp.AboutWindow | Create custom About Window |
gis_set.GRASSStartup | GRASS start-up screen |
histogram.HistogramFrame | Main frame for hisgram display window |
manager.AttributeManager | |
mapdisp.MapFrameBase | Base class for map display window |
mcalc_builder.MapCalcFrame | Mapcalc Frame class |
sqlbuilder.SQLFrame | SQL Frame class |
vclean.VectorCleaningFrame | |
G3d_cache_hash | |
G3d_paramType | |
G__ | |
GDAL_link | |
gcmd.GError | |
GLCanvas | |
mapwindow.GLWindow | OpenGL canvas for Map Display Window |
glyph | |
gcmd.GMessage | |
goutput.GMStderr | GMConsole standard error output |
goutput.GMStdout | GMConsole standard output |
python.task.grassTask | This class holds the structures needed for filling by the parser |
forms.GUI | |
gcmd.GWarning | |
HtmlWindow | |
ghelp.HelpWindow | This panel holds the text from GRASS docs |
instructions.Instruction | Class which represents instruction file |
instructions.InstructionObject | Abtract class representing single instruction |
instructions.Image | Class representing eps instruction - image |
instructions.NorthArrow | Class representing eps instruction – North Arrow |
instructions.InitMap | Class representing virtual map |
instructions.Line | Class representing line instruction |
instructions.MapFrame | Class representing map (instructions maploc, scale, border) |
instructions.Mapinfo | Class representing mapinfo instruction |
instructions.PageSetup | Class representing page instruction |
instructions.Point | Class representing point instruction |
instructions.Raster | Class representing raster instruction |
instructions.RasterLegend | Class representing colortable instruction |
instructions.Rectangle | Class representing rectangle instruction |
instructions.Scalebar | Class representing scalebar instruction |
instructions.Text | Class representing text instruction |
instructions.Vector | Class keeps vector layers |
instructions.VectorLegend | Class representing colortable instruction |
instructions.VProperties | Class represents instructions vareas, vlines, vpoints |
interp_params | |
intersection_point | |
Item | |
main.IVDigit | |
main.VDigit | |
wxdigit.IVDigit | |
libavl_allocator | |
LineShape | |
model.ModelRelation | Data - action relation |
link | |
ListCtrl | |
dialogs.CategoryListCtrl | |
dialogs.CheckListCtrl | List control for managing order and labels of vector maps in legend |
dialogs.CheckListFeature | |
dialogs.LayersList | List of layers to be imported (dxf, shp...) |
dialogs.ModelListCtrl | |
extensions.CheckListExtension | List of mapset/owner/group |
gis_set.GListBox | Use wx.ListCtrl instead of wx.ListBox, different style for non-selectable items (e.g |
manager.GCPList | |
manager.LayerListCtrl | Layer description list |
manager.TableListCtrl | Table description list |
manager.VirtualAttributeList | |
preferences.CheckListMapset | List of mapset/owner/group |
prompt.PromptListCtrl | PopUp window used by GPromptPopUp |
wizard.ItemList | Generic list (for projections, ellipsoids, etc.) |
ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin | |
dialogs.CategoryListCtrl | |
dialogs.CheckListFeature | |
dialogs.LayersList | List of layers to be imported (dxf, shp...) |
dialogs.ModelListCtrl | |
extensions.CheckListExtension | List of mapset/owner/group |
gis_set.GListBox | Use wx.ListCtrl instead of wx.ListBox, different style for non-selectable items (e.g |
manager.LayerListCtrl | Layer description list |
manager.TableListCtrl | Table description list |
manager.VirtualAttributeList | |
ogc_services.LayersList | |
preferences.CheckListMapset | List of mapset/owner/group |
prompt.PromptListCtrl | PopUp window used by GPromptPopUp |
wizard.ItemList | Generic list (for projections, ellipsoids, etc.) |
ListNode | |
manager.Log | |
memmap | |
python.array.array | |
MenuBar | |
menu.Menu | |
menudata.MenuData | Abstract menu data class |
menudata.ManagerData | |
menudata.ModelerData | |
menudata.PsMapData | |
multfunc | |
multtree | |
N_array_2d | |
N_array_3d | |
N_data_star | Matrix entries for a mass balance 5/7/9 star system |
N_geom_data | Geometric information about the structured grid |
N_gradient_2d | Gradient between the cells in X and Y direction |
N_gradient_3d | Gradient between the cells in X, Y and Z direction |
N_gradient_field_2d | |
N_gradient_field_3d | |
N_gradient_neighbours_2d | Gradient between the cell neighbours in X and Y direction |
N_gradient_neighbours_3d | Gradient between the cell neighbours in X, Y and Z direction |
N_gradient_neighbours_x | Gradient between the cell neighbours in X direction |
N_gradient_neighbours_y | Gradient between the cell neighbours in Y direction |
N_gradient_neighbours_z | Gradient between the cell neighbours in Z direction |
N_gwflow_data2d | This data structure contains all data needed to compute the groundwater mass balance in two dimension |
N_gwflow_data3d | This data structure contains all data needed to compute the groundwater mass balance in three dimension |
N_heatflow_data2d | |
N_heatflow_data3d | |
N_les | The linear equation system (les) structure |
N_les_callback_2d | Callback structure for 2d matrix assembling |
N_les_callback_3d | Callback structure for 3d matrix assembling |
N_solute_transport_data2d | |
N_solute_transport_data3d | |
neta_heap_data | |
NEW | |
NEW2 | |
Node | |
Notebook | |
manager.LayerBook | Manage layers (add, delete, modify) |
object | |
manager.GCPWizard | |
mapwindow.MapWindow | Abstract map display window class |
mapwindow.BufferedWindow | A Buffered window class (2D view mode) |
mapwindow.VDigitWindow | A Buffered window extended for vector digitizer |
mapwindow.GLWindow | OpenGL canvas for Map Display Window |
model.Model | Class representing the model |
model.ModelObject | |
model.ModelAction | Action class (GRASS module) |
model.ModelData | |
model.ModelItem | |
model.ModelCondition | |
model.ModelLoop | |
prompt.GPrompt | Abstract class for interactive wxGUI prompt |
prompt.GPromptPopUp | Interactive wxGUI prompt - popup version |
prompt.GPromptSTC | Styled wxGUI prompt with autocomplete and calltips |
render.Layer | Virtual class which stores information about layers (map layers and overlays) of the map composition |
render.MapLayer | |
render.Overlay | |
render.Map | Map composition (stack of map layers and overlays) |
workspace.NvizSettings | |
workspace.ProcessGrcFile | |
workspace.WriteWorkspaceFile | Generic class for writing workspace file |
wxnviz.Nviz | |
wxnviz.Texture | Class representing OpenGL texture |
wxnviz.ImageTexture | Class representing OpenGL texture as an overlay image |
wxnviz.TextTexture | Class representing OpenGL texture as a text label |
Object | |
base.BaseClass | Base class providing basic methods |
gprint.PrintOptions | |
wizard.LocationWizard | Start wizard here and finish wizard here |
OwnerDrawnComboBox | |
dialogs.PenStyleComboBox | If self.flag == 'SCALE' and chr(key) in string.digits + ':': event.Skip() return |
Panel | |
dialogs.MapFramePanel | Wx.Panel with map (scale, region, border) settings |
dialogs.RasterPanel | Panel for raster map settings |
dialogs.VectorPanel | Panel for vector maps settings |
forms.CmdPanel | A panel containing a notebook dividing in tabs the different guisections of the GRASS cmd |
frame.ItemPanel | |
frame.PythonPanel | |
frame.VariablePanel | |
ghelp.HelpPanel | |
ghelp.SearchModuleWindow | Search module window (used in MenuTreeWindow) |
gselect.GdalSelect | |
menu.MenuTreeWindow | Show menu tree |
pyshell.PyShellWindow | Python Shell Window |
widgets.SingleSymbolPanel | Panel for displaying one symbol |
paper | |
PartitionVars | |
pg_edge | |
pg_vertex | |
planar_graph | |
plane | |
point | |
poly_info | |
PolygonShape | |
model.ModelCondition | |
Popen | |
gcmd.Popen | Subclass subprocess.Popen |
python.core.Popen | |
Printout | |
gprint.MapPrint | |
gprint.MapPrint | |
model.ProcessModelFile | Process GRASS model file (gxm) |
python.task.processTask | A ElementTree handler for the –interface-description output, as defined in grass-interface.dtd |
workspace.ProcessWorkspaceFile | |
PyValidator | |
dialogs.TCValidator | Validates input in textctrls, combobox, taken from wxpython demo |
widgets.BaseValidator | |
widgets.FloatValidator | Validator for floating-point input |
widgets.IntegerValidator | Validator for floating-point input |
widgets.GenericValidator | |
widgets.NTCValidator | Validates input in textctrls, taken from wxpython demo |
quaddata | |
Rect | |
Rect2D | |
utils.Rect2D | Class representing rectangle with floating point values |
utils.Rect2DPP | Rectangle specified by 2 points (with floating point values) |
utils.Rect2DPS | Rectangle specified by point and size (with floating point values) |
rectangle | |
RectangleShape | |
model.ModelAction | Action class (GRASS module) |
model.ModelLoop | |
redirect | Spawns a new process |
rule | |
colorrules.RulesPanel | |
SAHooks | |
statusbar.SbException | Exception class used in SbManager and SbItems |
statusbar.SbItem | Base class for statusbar items |
statusbar.SbAlignExtent | Checkbox to select zoom behavior |
statusbar.SbGoTo | Textctrl to set coordinates which to focus on |
statusbar.SbGoToGCP | SpinCtrl to select GCP to focus on |
statusbar.SbMapScale | Editable combobox to get/set current map scale |
statusbar.SbMask | StaticText to show whether mask is activated |
statusbar.SbProgress | General progress bar to show progress |
statusbar.SbProjection | Checkbox to enable user defined projection (can be set in settings) |
statusbar.SbRender | Checkbox to enable and disable auto-rendering |
statusbar.SbResolution | Checkbox to select used display resolution |
statusbar.SbShowRegion | Checkbox to enable and disable showing of computational region |
statusbar.SbTextItem | Base class for items without widgets |
statusbar.SbCoordinates | Show map coordinates when mouse moves |
statusbar.SbDisplayGeometry | Show current display resolution |
statusbar.SbRegionExtent | Shows current display region |
statusbar.SbCompRegionExtent | Shows computational region |
statusbar.SbRMSError | Shows RMS error |
statusbar.SbManager | Statusbar manager for wx.Statusbar and SbItems |
ScrolledPanel | |
widgets.ScrolledPanel | Custom ScrolledPanel to avoid strange behaviour concerning focus |
seg_intersection | |
seg_intersection_list | |
seg_intersections | |
settings.Settings | Generic class where to store settings |
shape_tree_node | |
ShapeCanvas | |
frame.ModelCanvas | Canvas where model is drawn |
ShapeEvtHandler | |
frame.ModelEvtHandler | Model event handler class |
SHPInfo | |
SHPObject | |
SHPTree | |
signal | |
slice_data | Structure for slice mode reading from volume file |
Slider | |
widgets.FloatSlider | Class derived from wx.Slider for floats |
Slink | |
spawn | |
SplitterWindow | |
goutput.GMConsole | Create and manage output console for commands run by GUI |
StaticText | |
widgets.StaticWrapText | A Static Text field that wraps its text to fit its width, enlarging its height if necessary |
StyledTextCtrl | |
prompt.GPromptSTC | Styled wxGUI prompt with autocomplete and calltips |
StyledTextCtrl | |
goutput.GMStc | Styled GMConsole |
goutput.PyStc | Styled Python output (see gmodeler::frame::PythonPanel for usage) |
tavl_node | |
tavl_table | |
tavl_traverser | |
TextCtrl | |
gselect.DatabaseSelect | Creates combo box for selecting database driver |
widgets.NumTextCtrl | Class derived from wx.TextCtrl for numerical values only |
TextEditMixin | |
dialogs.CategoryListCtrl | |
dialogs.LayersList | List of layers to be imported (dxf, shp...) |
dialogs.ModelListCtrl | |
Thread | |
goutput.CmdThread | Thread for GRASS commands |
ToolBar | |
toolbars.BaseToolbar | Abstract toolbar class |
toolbars.GCPDisplayToolbar | |
toolbars.GCPManToolbar | Toolbar for managing ground control points |
toolbars.LMDataToolbar | Layer Manager data toolbar |
toolbars.LMMiscToolbar | Layer Manager misc toolbar |
toolbars.LMNvizToolbar | Nviz toolbar |
toolbars.LMToolsToolbar | Layer Manager tools toolbar |
toolbars.LMVectorToolbar | Layer Manager vector toolbar |
toolbars.LMWorkspaceToolbar | Layer Manager workspace toolbar |
toolbars.MapToolbar | Map Display toolbar |
toolbars.ModelerToolbar | Graphical modeler toolbaro (see gmodeler.py) |
toolbars.PsMapToolbar | |
toolbars.VDigitToolbar | Toolbar for digitization |
transport | |
tree_info | |
triple | |
type_conv | |
union_find | |
utils.UnitConversion | Class for converting units |
wxdigit.VDigitError | |
vector | |
gselect.VectorDBInfo | Class providing information about attribute tables linked to a vector map |
VectorDBInfoBase | |
vinfo.VectorDBInfo | Class providing information about attribute tables linked to the vector map |
VListBox | |
dialogs.TransList | Creates a multiline listbox for selecting datum transforms |
Window | |
colorrules.BufferedWindow | A Buffered window class |
frame.PsMapBufferedWindow | A buffered window class |
histogram.BufferedWindow | A Buffered window class |
mapwindow.BufferedWindow | A Buffered window class (2D view mode) |
tools.PositionWindow | Abstract position control window, see subclasses ViewPostionWindow and LightPositionWindow |
tools.LightPositionWindow | Light position control widget |
tools.ViewPositionWindow | View position control widget |
Wizard | |
wizard.WizardWithHelpButton | |
WizardPageSimple | |
wizard.TitledPage | Class to make wizard pages |
wizard.CoordinateSystemPage | Wizard page for choosing method for location creation |
wizard.CustomPage | Wizard page for entering custom PROJ.4 string for setting coordinate system parameters |
wizard.DatabasePage | Wizard page for setting GIS data directory and location name |
wizard.DatumPage | Wizard page for selecting datum (with associated ellipsoid) and datum transformation parameters (select coordinate system option) |
wizard.EllipsePage | Wizard page for selecting ellipsoid (select coordinate system option) |
wizard.EPSGPage | Wizard page for selecting EPSG code for setting coordinate system parameters |
wizard.GeoreferencedFilePage | Wizard page for selecting georeferenced file to use for setting coordinate system parameters |
wizard.ProjectionsPage | Wizard page for selecting projection (select coordinate system option) |
wizard.ProjParamsPage | Wizard page for selecting method of setting coordinate system parameters (select coordinate system option) |
wizard.SummaryPage | Shows summary result of choosing coordinate system parameters prior to creating location |
wizard.WKTPage | Wizard page for selecting WKT file to use for setting coordinate system parameters |
model.WriteModelFile | Generic class for writing model file |
model.WritePythonFile | |
XPNT | |
XSEG | |
yy_buffer_state | |
yy_trans_info | |
yyalloc | |
BaseClass | |
dialogs.RegionDef | Page for setting default region extents and resolution |
wizard.TitledPage | Class to make wizard pages |
BasePlotFrame | |
profile.ProfileFrame | Mainframe for displaying profile of one or more raster maps |
BaseToolbar | |
histogram.HistogramToolbar | Histogram toolbar (see histogram.py) |
profile.ProfileToolbar | Toolbar for profiling raster map |
CheckListCtrlMixin | |
dialogs.CheckListCtrl | List control for managing order and labels of vector maps in legend |
manager.GCPList | |
ColumnSorterMixin | |
manager.GCP | Manages ground control points for georectifying |
ItemTree | |
extensions.ExtensionTree | List of available extensions |
menu.MenuTree | Menu tree class |
ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin | |
dialogs.CheckListCtrl | List control for managing order and labels of vector maps in legend |
manager.GCPList | |
MapFrame | |
manager.GCP | Manages ground control points for georectifying |
MapFrameBase | |
frame.MapFrame | Main frame for map display window |
mapdisplay.MapFrame | Main frame for map display window |
Thread | |
forms.UpdateQThread | Update dialog widgets in the thread |
forms.UpdateThread | Update dialog widgets in the thread |
gcmd.CommandThread | Create separate thread for command |
mapwindow.NvizThread | |
TitledPage | |
manager.DispMapPage | |
manager.GroupPage | |
manager.LocationPage | |
TreeListCtrl | |
ogc_services.LayersList | |